【多倫多4月14日】加拿大中國專業人士協會(CPAC)於3月21日,消除種族歧視國際日,就近期關於與中國政府涉嫌干預加拿大選舉相關的某些政治定性和一些媒體對此的不當言論,致公開信與加拿大總理暨加拿大自由黨領袖Justin Trudeau,官方反對黨、加拿大保守黨領袖Pierre Poilievre、加拿大新民主黨領袖Jagmeet Singh和加拿大綠黨領袖Elizabeth May,呼籲他們關注華人擔憂,避免殃及池魚和引發新的種族歧視。 CPAC日前收到加拿大總理辦公室的回復,信中肯定了華裔對加拿大做出的傑出貢獻,嚴厲譴責反華裔種族主義,同時表示 開啟聯邦大選干預調查,對外國干預絕不容忍。
華裔加拿大人為加拿大做出了巨大的貢獻。 反亞裔種族主義與加拿大格格不入。 加拿大總理一直強烈譴責加拿大亞裔社區所面臨的種族主義、暴力和仇恨,並將繼續秉持這樣的立場,積極反對任何形式的種族主義。
維護加拿大民主非常重要且超越政黨之間的分歧,我們的政府高度重視此事。 為了確保選舉的公正性,我們實施了保護民主計劃,其中包括《重大選舉事件公共程式》。 根據該程式,我們成立了由高級公務員組成的獨立小組,根據國家安全機構提供的資訊,監測試圖干擾選舉的行為。 在大選公正性受到威脅的情況下,他們須要通知國民。 針對2019年和2021年的選舉,該小組得出的結論是:儘管存在外國干涉的企圖,但選舉是自由和公正的。
我們永遠不會容忍外國干涉,這就是為什麼Mendicino部長啟動了加拿大外國影響透明度登記的諮詢過程,以確保外國政府代理人的透明性和責任制,並保護那些外國政府企圖干涉的對象社區。 這些諮詢對公眾開放,鼓勵所有加拿大人在2023年5月9日之前通過諮詢網頁表明自己的看法。
正如總理在2023年3月6日所宣佈的,我們的兩個國家安全組織 — 國會國家安全與情報委員會(NSICOP)和國家安全與情報審查局(NSIRA)- 將對外國在第43屆和第44屆聯邦選舉中的干涉問題進行審查。
2017年,我們政府成立了NSICOP,該機構由具有最高機密安全級別的各黨派的國會議員和參議員組成,正適合審查外國干涉行為及其對加拿大制度 的潛在影響。 同樣,NSIRA將對加拿大國家安全機構在第43屆和44屆聯邦選舉期間如何應對外國干涉的威脅的操作過程進行審查。
我們政府正在採取進一步的行動,任命David Johnston閣下為外國干涉問題獨立特別報告員。 他將審查加拿大的國家安全監督結構設置,並建議任何其它必要的行動。 如果有必要,他還將建議其他的機制或過程來回答任何沒有回答的問題,包括進行正式的公開調查。 我們將實施他所有的建議。
通過這些舉措,加拿大政府和人民將更全面地了解過去兩屆聯邦選舉中的外國干涉的情況。 我們將繼續加強加拿大民主及其基礎設施,並保護加拿大公民免受外國干涉。
感謝您在百忙之中來信。 請接受我最誠摯的問候。
Jean-Luc Marion
Dear Mr. Wang:
I would like to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence.
Canadians of Chinese heritage have greatly contributed to Canada. Anti-Asian racism has no place in Canada. The Prime Minister has strongly condemned the racism, violence, and hate Asian communities in Canada are facing, and will continue to do so.
Safeguarding Canada's democracy is a vital and non-partisan issue, one that our government takes very seriously. To uphold the integrity of our elections, we established our Plan to Protect Democracy, which includes the Critical Election Incident Public Protocol (Protocol). Through the Protocol, an independent panel comprising of senior public servants, and informed by the work of our national security agencies, monitor attempted election interference. They are mandated to notify Canadians in the event of a threat to the integrity of a General Election. The panels in both the 2019 and 2021 elections concluded that while there were attempts at foreign interference, the elections were free and fair.
We will never tolerate foreign interference. That is why Minister Mendicino launched consultations on a Canadian Foreign Influence Transparency Registry, to ensure transparency and accountability from the people who advocate on behalf of a foreign government, while also protecting communities that are targeted by attempts at foreign interference. These consultations are open to the public, and all Canadians are encouraged to share their views through the consultation web page until May 9, 2023.
As the Prime Minister announced on March 6, 2023, two national security bodies will review foreign interference in the 43rd and 44th federal elections: the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) and the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency (NSIRA).
In 2017, our government established NSICOP, which is comprised of Members of Parliament from each party and Senators with top-secret security clearance. NSIOP is well-positioned to review foreign interference attempts and the potential effects on Canada's institutions. Likewise, NSIRA will undertake a review of how the threat of foreign interference was handled by Canada's national security agencies during the 43rd and 44th federal elections.
Our government is taking further action by naming the Right Honourable David Johnston as Independent Special Rapporteur on Foreign Interference. In this role, he will review Canada's national security oversight structure and provide recommendations on any further actions needed. He will also advise if there are any other mechanisms or processes necessary to answer any outstanding questions, which could include a formal public inquiry. We will abide by his recommendations.
Together, these actions will provide the government and Canadians with a better understanding of attempts of foreign interference in the last two federal elections. We will continue to strengthen Canadian infrastructure and democracy and protect Canadian citizens against foreign interference.
Thank you for taking the time to write. Please accept my warmest regards.
Jean-Luc Marion
Senior Manager, Prime Minister's Correspondence
Office of the Prime Minister