CHKL Library featured in TV Programme: Academia without Borders 升學無疆界 EP61: Canada
The Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library was covered on episode 61 of the Television Broadcast Limited (TVB) Finance & Information Channel program Academia without Borders aired on October 9, 2018. The 20-minutes long episode covered the two universities located in downtown Toronto: University of Toronto and Ryerson University.
The program dedicated a section in the beginning to talk about the Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library, its resources and how it touched the lives of the many Hongkongers in Canada. The Director of the Library, Dr. Jack Leong and student library assistant, Magi-Jury Leung was interviewed for the program. During his interview, Jack talks about the library’s research specialties (Hong Kong, Hong Kong Diaspora, and Chinese Canadian History) and the resources available such as the many books, documents and newspapers about Hong Kong and Chinese Canadians from various periods. Magi-Jury talks about how the Library affected him as a student from Hong Kong studying in Toronto. Notably, he says that the library not only promotes Hong Kong culture abroad but also make him feels at home. The episode highlights the importance of the library as an important link facilitating exchange between Hong Kong and Canada.
Please visit the following link to view the full program.