Key Message about Novel Coronavirus
Here is the Key Messageabout Novel Coronavirusfrom Amanda Yeung Collucci, Ward 6 Councillor of City of Markham
1.Rumours: Public Health agencies from the local to federal levels are monitoring the situation and providing updates as information is becoming available. It is important that we do not feed into the misinformation and rumours that we are seeing on social media sites. Our public health partners are in constant contact with our Emergency Preparedness team in Markham Community and Fire Services Staff assigned to monitor this evolving situation. Please only refer to information provided from verified and vetted public health sites. Here are some sites that we recommend for updates on the novel coronavirus:
2.Masks not recommended: Based on the recent messaging from the Canadian Chief Public Health Officer and reiterated by York Region Public Health, persons are cautioned if wearing masks when you’re well as it is not an effective measure. The Chief Public Health Officer of Canada stated that “Sometimes it can actually present some risks, as you’re putting your fingers up and down on your face, removing your mask, putting them next to your eyes,”.
Wearing masks when it isn’t advised could lead to unnecessary panic in communities and may cause an increased risk of infection to the user and others. In addition, persons wearing masks may unknowingly contaminate surfaces and touch their faces if not properly trained to put on and take off masks. Further every time a mask is removed --it needs to be disposed of appropriately and a new mask applied per health protocols.
3.Best form of infection prevention is hand washing: We all have a responsibility to contribute to a healthy community. Colds and the flu (influenza) are contagious viruses that anyone can get. But there are several things you can do to avoid catching a cold or flu, or spreading it to others.
Here is some advice from our health partners to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, such as the cold, flu and the novel coronavirus:
a.Washing hands with soap and water for at least 15 seconds helps to keep viruses from spreading. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer (gel or wipes) with at least 60% alcohol.
b.Cover your mouth with your upper sleeve, when you cough or sneeze
c.Use a tissue and throw it out rather than putting it in your pocket, on a desk or table. If you don't have a tissue, cough into your upper sleeve.
d.Viruses can spread when people cough, sneeze or talk and droplets enter your body so avoid touching your face, eyes, nose or mouth.
e.Viruses can live for 24 to 48 hours on hard surfaces such as countertops, door handles, computer keyboards and phones so clean (and disinfect) surfaces and shared items.
f.Again we reiterate, Public Health experts are cautioning against wearing masks if you are well as masks are often used incorrectly.
g.If you are feeling unwell the best course of action is to seek medical attention as appropriate.
At this time there is no evidence of community spread in Canada. This means that all confirmed cases here in Canada have travelled to Wuhan. Any person who is suspected or tested for the virus is immediately isolated and their close contacts are very closely followed and isolated if they develop any symptoms. At this time, what we know about the virus indicates that even if you were in a public place with someone who has novel coronavirus, you’re not at risk of getting it unless you were in very close contact with them (i.e. you live with them or have provided direct physical care like bathing or feeding them or providing health care without proper precautions).
Organizations should do what they usually do to protect against seasonal cold and flu; York Region Public Health is actively monitoring the situation and will provide regular updates through its website. Information is available on If residents require additional information, please call Health Connection at 1-800-361-5653 and follow the prompts.