Councillor Castro Liu - Community Update - Richmond Hill efforts in dealing with the significant snow fall
Dear Ward 3 Residents,
I would like to provide an update on our efforts in dealing with yesterday’s significant snowfall. Richmond Hill received 35cm of snow in total.
Our crews began winter control operations late Sunday night, worked throughout the day yesterday, and overnight. At this time operations are still in progress.
I understand many of you are frustrated but this is the biggest snow storm we have had in many years and we are trying our best to provide the best service we can, especially with windrow removal. I can assure you that I will ask for a full review of our winter maintenance plan when Council resumes. Once again, thank you for your patience.
The following is a status of our operations:
- Crews continue to plow/clean up roadways with a focus on pushing the snow back to the curbs. This operation will continue through the day and overnight
- Windrow crews will complete a second city wide round of snow clearing this evening
- Crews will continue clearing cul-de-sacs and wide bends this evening and are scheduled to work through the night
- We continue with a full operation of clearing on sidewalks and multi- use trails. Due to the heavy snow fall and road plowing operations, sections of sidewalk and multi-use trail are snow covered to the point that plows cannot move the snow. These sections have to be cleared using large snow blowers.
- Commencing tomorrow and continuing overnight, laneways will be receiving snow removal operations
- Staff are working on snow removal at the Richmond Green skate trail with the goal of having it operational by end of day tomorrow. We are also looking for opportunities to clear and maintain ice at both Mill Pond and Lake Wilcox.
Councillor Castro Liu, Ward 3
City of Richmond Hill
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4
T: 905 771 5497 | F: 905 771 2500 | e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.