Councillor Castro Liu - Late night construction noise
Dear Ward 3 Residents,
In the past week, I received many complaints regarding late night construction noise in the Hwy 404 and 16th Ave area. I have reached out to several departments to express your concerns and below is the response I received from the Ministry of Transportation:
“The Ministry of Transportation is performing works at Hwy 404 and 16th Avenue to accommodate the construction of a future HOV lane on Hwy 404 and the widening of 16th Avenue. Pile driving operations are required for the construction of the final structure at 16th Avenue. This operation is scheduled to be completed by September 16, 2022.
MTO has been working with the Contractor to minimize the noise issues caused by the pile driving operation and shorten the duration, however the work zone is too small to accommodate multiple pieces of equipment. This work must be completed at night because the operation infringes on aircraft flight paths. MTO has also communicated to the region and municipalities the nature of the work and the potential disruptions that may occur, and all noise bylaw exemptions have been identified.”
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.
Councillor Castro Liu, Ward 3
City of Richmond Hill
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4
T: 905 771 5497 | F: 905 771 2500 | e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.