加港新里程獅子會謹訂於2018年12月9日星期日於萬錦市Crystal Fountain Ballroom主辦第11屆新里程慈善晚宴晚宴.主題為’ 新里程佳節慈善夜” 受惠機構為瑪嘉烈公主癌症中心, 目標希望籌得加元$25000. 資助頭與頸部癌症的研究. 藉慶賀普世歡騰的時刻, 體現出人類彼此合作, 和諧共融的精神; 並將持續秉承獅子精神,落實參舆,具體支持,有錢出錢、有力出力, 為善身體力行, 亦透過本地之文藝交流項目, 擴闊視野.
瑪嘉烈公主癌症中心(Princess Margaret Cancer Centre)是全球最頂尖的5大癌症研究中心之一。該中心是加拿大唯一專門致力於癌症科研及病人護理的綜合設施,服務涵蓋超過200種癌症。瑪嘉烈公主癌症基金會為癌症中心籌款的願景是戰勝癌症、指日可期。
晚宴邀請城中傑出之表演嘉賓亦包括各共同主席,榮譽共同主席及會長, 進行籌款義演
Club President本會會長
梁覺鴻( Paul Leung )
Co-chairs 共同主席
Tom Gordon ( International Representative from Canada, LCI ),
Margaret Law羅小雲 ( Founding Advisor of the club, Former Region Chair, A-16)
Castro Liu廖立暉議員( Councillor , Town of Richmond Hill )
Amanda Yeung Collucci楊綺清議員( Councillor, City of Markham )
Honorary Co-chairs榮譽共同主席
Mimi Chau , 關周美蘭 ( President of Wah Lung Labels)
Annie Chan
更有各歌手合力演出以合唱組合或流行樂曲獨唱匯串,籌得款項直接交給the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation亦獲受惠當局發出之退稅收據.在本會網站亦已接通瑪嘉烈公主癌症基金為本會設定的捐款連結
本會非常感謝Wah Lung Labels作為晚會主題贊助.
希望各界好友, 踴躍捐贈, 共襄善舉.晚宴當晚節目豐富, 榮幸邀得資深香港名歌手Don Choi為重量級表演嘉賓, 傾情演出; 加拿大舞蹈錦標賽冠軍得主表演助興. 還有靜態拍賣, 慈善抽獎及排舞,社交舞.來賓定必盡興而歸. 更榮幸邀得廖立暉及楊綺清两位議員為大會司儀; Albert Au Production為制作公司, 張永華為現塲音樂伴奏.
Talent Show stars慈善表演嘉賓包括:
- Billy Duong
- Grace Sun
- David and Maybo
Charity stars 慈善之星:
- Ambrose Cheng and Choir
- Rebecca Kock
- Margaret Tam
- Iris Lam
- Mei Leung
- Joseph Poon
- Nancy Maria & Sam Leung
- Joanna Chan
- Chi Tak Wong
- Becky Lui
- Hidy Chu
- Esther Wong
Canada HK New Horizon Lions Club is hosting their 11th annual Charity Gala and Charter Night on December 9th 2018 ( Sunday ) at Crystal Fountain Ballroom, Markham. This year our theme is “ Horizon Gala 2018-The Season of Festivities and Good Will “ Our beneficiary is the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. Our target is to raise CAD $25000 for their Head and Neck Cancer Research. We would like to share our spirit and passion in service with all mankind as laid down in the Lions motto” We serve”. Through active involvement in actual projects, performances and donations, we would like to achieve our mission and share with the community.
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre is one of the top 5 cancer research centres in the world. It is the only comprehensive facility in Canada that is devoted exclusively to cancer research and patient care. The Princess Margaret’s work covers more than 200 types of cancer. The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation raises funds for the Cancer Centre, with a vision to Conquer Cancer in Our Lifetime.
Statistics show that Canadians of Chinese origin are the only group in Canada in whom cancer is the leading cause of death for both men and women. Clinical experience shows that Chinese-Canadians suffer a greater incidence of four types of cancer -- nasopharyngeal, stomach and colon, liver and certain forms of lung cancer -- than their Caucasian counterparts. Horizon Gala 2018 is raising funds to support the Head and Neck Cancer Program at The Princess Margaret, which includes nasopharyngeal cancer.
Club President Paul Leung
Tom Gordon ( International Representative from Canada, LCI ),
Margaret Law Founding Advisor of the club, Former Region Chair, A-16),
Castro Liu Councillor , Town of Richmond Hill
Amanda Yeung Collucci, Councillor, City of Markham
Honorary Co-chairs
Mimi Chau , President of Wah Lung Labels)
Annie Chan.
We are honored to have invited many renowned performers to come join our Charity Cause. They are pledging for donations to support their performances. Our co-chairs , Honorary co-chairs , our club president are among the performers. All donations will be directed to the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. The donation link has been linked up to our club website as listed below. Any donations above $20 will be issued a tax receipt.
Our Club websitewww.newhorizonlions.org
Donation website for the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation http://thepmcf.ca/horizongala2018
We are grateful to have Wah Lung Labels as our Title Sponsor.
We are pledging for your support in this Cause. At the gala Night, we are honored to have a renowned singer Mr. Don Choi as our feature performer; also we have music groups and solo music performances, Canadian Dance Award winners performances, silent auction, raffle draw and lots of dance. We will have Mr. Castro Liu and Amanda Collucci as our MCs. Production by Albert Au Production and LIVE music by Cheung Wing Wah.
Talent Show stars慈善表演嘉賓包括:
- Billy Duong
- Grace Sun
- David and Maybo
Charity stars 慈善之星:
- Rebecca Kock
- Margaret Tam
- Iris Lam
- Mei Leung
- Joseph Poon
- Nancy Maria & Sam Leung
- Joanna Chan
- Chi Tak Wong
- Becky Lui
- Hidy Chu
- Esther Wong