詹嘉禮市議員 - 感謝我們的英雄 四月七日更新
我們感謝您們在這場疫症中每天所作出的犧牲。您們的奉獻,承諾和勇氣值得我們最深切的感謝和欽佩。 您們為患者提供的服務輓救了無數生命。
我想感謝居民Alice在我們區里一個公寓(40 Bay Mills Boulevard) 掛起支持前線工作人員的橫幅。
請與您的家人和朋友分享此電郵。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請將電子郵件地址發送給我:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。
• 據市政府收到的報告,有人將口罩和手套隨意拋棄在地上。這是非常不負責任的行為,亦可能會令撿起垃圾的人受到感染。 亂拋垃圾的罰款為500加元。
• 市政府敦促市民不要將捐贈衣物和垃圾放至於捐贈箱中。由於現時COVID-19的情況,許多捐款箱目前並沒有人手處理。亂扔垃圾的人將被處以罰款。
• 安大略省政府正在積極招聘專業醫護人員,以增加醫院,診所和評估中心的前線應對能力。本省將啓動一個線上平台讓專業前線工人與潛在顧主聯繫。https://healthcloudtrialmaster-15a4d-17117fe91a8.force.com/matchingportal/s/
O 這個新的「專業醫護人員匹配平台」讓具有豐富經驗的醫護人員加入安省應對COVID-19的行動。理想的專業人士包括退休或非就職的專業醫療人士、具備國際教育資格的醫護人員、以及具有衛生保健經驗的學生和自願工作者。
O 顧主和感興趣的醫療保健專業人員可以瀏覽上述網站並建立個人帳戶,並在平台上註冊以及填上您可參與工作的時間。在找到您合適的相應雇主後,您會將會收到電子郵件通知。
• 大概5,000家加拿大公司現已在加緊生產醫療用品以應付COVID-19。多達30,000台呼吸機即將完成生產。
• 從3M公司訂購的50萬個口罩將會於明天(4月8日)抵達本國,而從中國運來的800萬個口罩經已運抵加拿大。
• 亞馬遜加拿大公司(Amazon Canada) 與加拿大郵政和Purolator公司已達成管理加拿大政府購買的醫療用品的派遞協議。
Thank you to the thousands of grocery store workers, nurses, doctors, healthcare workers, pharmacists, aged care workers, farmers, truck drivers, warehouse workers, food processing workers and many more, all of whom are on the front lines every day to make sure our communities have the food, supplies and medical care that we need to get through the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Right now, our healthcare workers are on the frontlines of battling COVID-19. These brave souls cannot shelter-in-place with their loved ones or stay 6 feet away from sick patients. They are putting themselves in the path of this virus — in Toronto and around the world — in this crisis.
Thank you for the sacrifices you make every day and, especially, during this pandemic. Your dedication, commitment and courage deserve our deepest gratitude and admiration. Your service to patients is saving countless lives and.
These workers are holding our communities and our economy together right now. THANK YOU – from all of us to all of you.
Be safe. Be healthy.
I want to thank constituent Alice for sending us the picture above of the banner across one of our condominium buildings (40 Bay Mills Boulevard) thanking our front line workers.
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
City of Toronto
• There are reports of masks and gloves being left or thrown on the ground. This is highly irresponsible behaviour and could lead to people being infected from picking up such litter. The fine for littering is $500.
• Residents are urged not to leave donations and garbage at donation boxes. Many donation boxes are currently unstaffed due to COVID-19. People leaving garbage at donation boxes will be fined under the appropriate provisions.
Government of Ontario
• The Government of Ontario is actively recruiting health care workers to increase the frontline capacity of hospitals, clinics and assessment centres. The Province is launching an online tool that will help match skilled frontline workers with employers – https://healthcloudtrialmaster-15a4d-17117fe91a8.force.com/matchingportal/s/
O The new Health Workforce Matching Portal will enable health care providers, with a range of experience, to join the Province’s response to COVID-19. Providers include retired or non-active health care professionals, internationally educated health care professionals, students and volunteers with health care experience
O Employers and interested health care professionals can visit the portal and create a profile where you can register and add your availability – once matched you will receive an e-mail.
Government of Canada
• Almost 5,000 Canadian companies have stepped up to start producing medical supplies to fight COVID19. Up to 30,000 ventilators will be produced in Canada.
• Canada is expecting 500,000 face masks from 3M tomorrow (April 8th). A shipment from China for 8 million surgical masks has arrived in the country.
• A distribution agreement with Amazon Canada, including Canada Post and Purolator, has been made to manage the distribution of the medical supplies purchased by the Canadian government.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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