詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月8日
我今天與北美穆斯林基金會一起向居民分發了口罩和洗手液感到驕傲。許多人在領取口罩和消毒液後均向北美穆斯林基金會捐款,以協助區內居民的需要。詳情請閱: 点击这里
我將在5月9日(星期六)上午10:00至下午2:00 和5月10日(星期日)上午9:00至下午1:00 向居民免費派發口罩和洗手液。
多倫多天主教區學校委員會(TCDSB)在疫情期間仍致力於支援學生的學習和健康。你可以從以下的TCDSB COVID-19網頁瀏覽最新的家長資訊。www.tcdsb.org/covid19
Birchmount Road 和 Allanford Road 的無障礙行人過路信號燈已由已由Guild Electric在2020年5月4日星期一啓用。APS是以按鈕操作的(必須按下按鈕至少三秒鐘),而期聲浪將依周邊環境調整。
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• 多倫多市政府對在在未來幾天內重新開放的零售商店發佈了一系列建議。詳情請閱: 點擊這裡
• 市長敦促所有商業用地業主與他們的小企業租戶達成租金協議。
• 市政府已建設了20多個 CurbTO 地點,其餘25個正在建設中。
• 多倫多市已為有需要人士開設了許多包括了淋浴,洗手間和飲用水的設施。有關位置,營業時間和相關設施的詳情請閱: 点击这里
• 第二個COVID-19療養站已開放給市內的露宿者。
• 多倫多市的執法人員繼續在公園中遇到不使用狗帶溜狗的人。無須使用狗帶的狗公園依據省級命令已經關閉。政府提醒狗主在無狗帶公園重開前緊記使用狗帶。
• 安省通過提供延稅和商業租金減免以及減免監管障礙以支持受COVID-19直接影響的企業。
• 花園中心和托兒所從今天起將能夠開放並允許在店內付款和購買商品。
• 從週六凌晨12:01起,省政府將允許五金店和安全用品店開放並允許店內付款和購買商品。
• 從星期一凌晨12:01起,有街道入口的非必重要零售行業的商店將可以開始提供路邊的取貨和送貨服務。
• 加拿大統計局在今天公佈了其每月工作人數,顯示安大略省的就業人數減少了689,200人。
• 省政府將在聯邦政府的財政協助下,向新的「安大略-加拿大緊急商業租金援助計劃」(OCECRA)提供總計9億加元中的其中2.41億加元,用以減輕小企業的負擔並確保他們在急措施取撤消時有充分的準備。
• 總理宣佈將加拿大緊急工資補貼計劃延長至6月以後,以幫助刺激經濟和就業。
• 創新,科學和工業部長 Navdeep Bains 將領導新的工業策略委員會。 該委員會將分析疫情如何影響某些行業以及提供最佳的支援。
• 到5月4日為止,已有96,000名雇主申請了加拿大緊急工資補貼,170萬名員工將會受惠。
• 文化部長 Steven Guilbeault 公佈政府將投放於藝術,文化和業餘運動的5億加元援助計劃細節。詳情請閱: 点击这里
COVID-19 Updates – May 8, 2020
Today, in conjunction with the North American Muslim Foundation, I distributed donated face masks and hand sanitizers to my constituents. In recognition of the need of many constituents in Ward 22, many people made donations to the North American Muslim Foundation after they had picked up their mask and sanitizer. Click here..
Face Mask and Hand Sanitizer Giveaway
I am giving away face masks and hand sanitizers on Sunday, May 10th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Portal open until Saturday May 9, 2020 9:00 am
In order to be able to pick up face masks and hand sanitizers, please click here to pre-register so you can come to pick up masks and sanitizers. Further details regarding pick-up will be sent to you by e-mail.
Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB)
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) remains committed to supporting student learning and well-being during these challenging times. You to visit the TCDSB COVID-19 webpage at www.tcdsb.org/covid19 where all the latest parent communications are posted,
Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS)
The accessible pedestrian signals (APS) at Birchmount Road & Allanford Road were activated by Guild Electric on Monday, May 4th, 2020. The APS are push-button actuated (push-buttons must be depressed for at least three seconds) and will adjust to ambient sound levels.
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
City of Toronto
·The City of Toronto has released a series of recommendations for retail stores that are re-opening in the coming days. For details, please click here.
·Mayor Tory urges all commercial landlords to work out rental agreements with their small business tenants.
·More than 20 CurbTO sites have been installed, with another 25 in the works.
·The City of Toronto has opened a number of facilities with showers, washrooms and drinking water for individuals in need of these services. For details regarding locations, hours of operation and corresponding amenities, please click here.
·A second COVID-19 recovery site has opened for those who are experiencing homelessness in Toronto.
·The City’s enforcement officers continue to encounter individuals with off-leash dogs in parks. Off-leash dog parks are a park amenity that are closed by Provincial order. Dog owners are reminded that dogs should be kept on-leash at all times until off-leash areas reopen.
Government of Ontario
·The Province has been supporting struggling business owners directly impacted by COVID-19 by providing tax deferrals and commercial rent relief and by removing regulatory roadblocks
·Today, garden centres and nurseries will be able to open for in-store payment and purchases.
·On Saturday at 12:01 AM, hardware stores and safety supply stores will be permitted to open for in-store payment and purchases.
·On Monday at 12:01 AM, non-essential retail stores with a street entrance can begin offering curbside pickup and delivery.
·Today, Statistics Canada released its monthly job numbers, which showed a 689,200 decrease in employment in Ontario.
·The Provincial Government is also providing $241 million of a total $900 million to the new Ontario-Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program (OCECRA), with contributions from the Federal Government, to deliver relief to small businesses and ensure they are ready to reopen their doors when the emergency measures are lifted.
Government of Canada
·The Prime Minister announced the extension of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy program beyond June to help stimulate the economy and boost jobs.
·Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry Navdeep Bains will be leading the new Industry Strategy Council. This council will analyze how the pandemic is affecting specific sectors and how to best support them going forward.
·As of May 4th, 96,000 employers have applied for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy to assist 1.7 million workers.
·Minister of Heritage Steven Guilbeault announced details on the government’s $500 million package to support art, culture and amateur sports. For more information, please click here
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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