詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月13日
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COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 市將開始建設一些重要的工程項目,目的為更新和改善老化的基建設施。
O 市民可通過Toronto.ca/roadrestrictions 瀏覽網絡的地圖,以閱讀封路資訊和更有效地計劃行。有關本市的基建工程計劃,請瀏覽Toronto.ca/inview。
• 土狼是多倫多市內常見動物,如有發現,請保持謹慎和避免餵飼牠們。為防土狼在社區內覓食,請確保您的綠色垃圾箱密封緊閉。更多詳情請閱:点击这里
• 省政府已頒布一項緊急法令,以允許政府對不能有效應付COVID-19疫情的長期護理院發佈強制性管理命令。
• 這項法令將有助實行快速,即時和有效地管理替代方案以保護院捨中的居民和員工。
• 省政府正在與教育界合作安排自願的員工在COVID-19疫情期間到團體院捨中服務。
O 從本週後期開始,合資格的教育界員工將根據本地協議的框架自願參加計劃,並在網上註冊和進行院捨匹配。
• 於2020年4月引入的一次性補助「COVID-19緊急福利」現已延長。受惠者在現時直到2020年7月的每一個月份均繼續受惠。
• Ontario Works (OW) 和Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) 的受助人在COVID-19疫情期間需花上與疫情有關的額外的使費,他們同時會受助於此補貼。
O 這項補助將協助受助人支付如衛生和個人防護用品、清潔用品、非醫療運輸或主要食材等的緊急額外費用。
O 補助金額為每人100加元或每個家庭200美加元。有關此補貼和TESS服務的最新消息,請瀏覽Toronto.ca/covid19。
• 由本週五起,大專生將可以申請加拿大緊急學生津貼。補貼款項將通過加拿大稅務局發放。
O 在夏季提供志願服務的學生可以根據工作時間獲得$ 1,000- $ 5,000的款項。
• 政府在今天亦宣佈了其他為學生實施的措施
O 2020-2021年度的加拿大學生貸款計劃的每周最高提取金額已從210加元提高至350加元。
O 將提供超過7500萬加元的額外財政支持於原住民學生。
O 另外,聯邦撥款委員會還提供了額外2.91億加元,以延長即將到期的聯邦研究生獎學金和研究金。
• 去年收入至少$ 5,000的學生可從Canada Emergency Response Benefit獲得補助,但他們在疫情必須一直在工作並因COVID-19而失去了收入來源。
• 加拿大衛生局已批准了首個針對COVID-19抗體的測試。這項測試將有助於研究人員瞭解如何建立對COVID-19的免疫力。
COVID-19 Updates – May 13, 2020
Seniors’ Teleconference
On May 15, 2020 at 7:00 PM, I will be holding a teleconference to offer suggestions to seniors as they navigate COVID-19.
While all of us are dealing with the challenges posed by COVID-19, seniors are also dealing with being in one of the vulnerable categories. This vulnerability means that seniors are taking stricter social distancing measures, which is leading to feelings of loneliness and depression.
Please submit questions that you would like answered during the teleconference to my assistant at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Call-in details will be provided later this week.
On Thursday May 14, 2020 we will communicate with you means of connecting to the teleconference via land or cell line.
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·7,944 total cases
·169 new cases since May 11
·414 hospitalized with 99 in ICU
·634 deaths
·5,655 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
·The City of Toronto will begin construction on a number of key projects to renew and improve aging infrastructure.
o Individuals are encouraged to use the City's web-based map, toronto.ca/roadrestrictions, to help plan travel and avoid road closures. Information about the City's planned capital construction work is available at toronto.ca/inview.
o Coyote sightings are common throughout the City of Toronto. If you spot one in your vicinity, please be cautious and do not feed them. Make sure your green bins are closed tightly to prevent coyotes from foraging for food. For more information, please click here
Government of Ontario
·The Government of Ontario has adopted an Emergency Order allowing the province to issue a mandatory management order for long-term care homes struggling to deal with COVID-19.
·This Order would support the use of rapid, immediate and effective management alternatives to protect residents and staff within a home.
·The Provincial Government is working together with the province's education sector to voluntarily place available employees in staffing roles needed at congregate care settings during the COVID-19 outbreak.
o Starting later this week, subject to a local agreement of the framework, eligible education sector staff who volunteer will be able to register through an online portal and to be matched with congregate settings that are facing staffing shortages.
o The COVID-19 Emergency Benefit, which was introduced as a one-time benefit in April 2020, has been extended and is now available in each month up to and including July 2020.
o This benefit is available to people receiving assistance from Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) who may have had additional costs related to COVID-19.
§ This benefit will help cover the additional costs of emergency needs such as hygiene and personal protective supplies, cleaning supplies, non-medical transportation, or additional costs for staple foods.
§ The amount is $100 for a single person and $200 for a family. Updated information on this benefit and TESS services is available at toronto.ca/covid19
Government of Canada
·Starting Friday, post-secondary students will be able to apply for the Canada Emergency Student Benefit. Payments will be made through the Canada Revenue Agency.
o Students who volunteer over the summer may be eligible for a $1,000-$5,000 grant depending on the hours they worked.
o Other measures for students were announced today:
§ The maximum weekly amount that can be provided through the Canada Student Loans Program in 2020-2021 has been raised to $350 from $210
§ Over $75 million is being provided in additional supports for Indigenous post-secondary students
§ Another $291 million in federal granting councils is provided to extend expiring federal graduate research scholarships and fellowships.
§ The Canada Emergency Response Benefit is available to students who earned at least $5,000 last year but only if they had been working and their source of income was lost due to COVID-19.
§ Health Canada has approved the first test for COVID-19 antibodies, which will help researchers with understanding the development of immunity against COVID-19.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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