詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月25日
加拿大環境與氣候變化局(ECCC)今天向多倫多市發出了酷熱警告。該警告從今天開始生效並預計在5月27日星期三結束。更多詳情請閱: 点击这里
畫像由Ashvinkumar Patel (美術設計師) and Devashree Tawde繪成,並位於Glen Spring Drive 和 Warden Avenue (McNicoll Avenue以南的西側)。
我將會主持一場有關如何在疫情期間保持身心健康的電話會議。與會的講者包括專業的心理學家和精神科醫生。更多有關如何參加電話會議的詳情將於本週稍後提供。如果你希望在電話會議中發問,請先將問題電郵給我的助理。電郵地址為:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 10,212宗累計確診病例
• 177宗新病例 (較日前少23宗)
• 377名患者需要入院,其中91人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計761人死亡
• 累計7,509人康復
·多倫多電力公司將在2020年6月開始在本區進行工程。工程地點包括Cardwell Avenue北面、Kenndy Road東面、Sheppard Avenue East 南面和Dowry Street 西面。更多詳情請閱: 点击这里
·Steeles Avenue 將於5月29日(週五晚上8:00)至6月1日(週一上午6:00)封閉。Metrolinx正在對Agincourt和Milliken GO火車站進行重要的基建升級工程。工程將包括在Steele Avenue East由Kennedy Road至Midland Avenue之間現有的行人過路處興建新的人車分層路軌和行人天橋。工程亦包括在Steeles Avenue East鐵路走廊一帶加建地下行車通道。更多詳情請閱: 點擊這裡
·Huntingwood Drive單車徑: 在Huntingwood Drive新設單車徑是我與本區居民已計劃了一年的議題。單車徑將為居民提供一條由東至西、總長達5公里的安全單車通道。居民向我表達了他們對單車徑的信心和是能夠在本夏更多出外活動的期待。更多詳情請閱: 点击这里
·省政府在本年4月9日宣佈了和 SPARK Ontario 涉及$100,000加元的合作關係。該計劃協助省內的第一個雙語義工中心加強義工和社區組織的溝通,以支援省內的弱勢社群。省政府指出該計劃在實施後大受歡迎。
·省政府正與安大略省長者中心協會合作實施「長者無障中心」的活動計劃 。獨居或正接受隔離的長者可透過電話參加小組活動。
·加拿大緊急商業租金援助計劃由即日起開放申請。Atlantic, British Columbia 和 Quebec 三省的業主可在今日起開始申請。Manitoba, Saskatchewan 和 Ontario省以及屬地內的業主可在明日起開始申請。而擁有超過10個合格租戶的業主可在本週稍後時間申請。
COVID-19 Updates – May 25, 2020
Heat Warning
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) today issued a Heat Warning for Toronto, which starts today and is forecast to end Wednesday, May 27. Read more…
Paramedic Services Week
The week between May 24 and May 30 is Paramedic Services Week. It is a time for all Canadians to honour and thank the women and men who answer our calls for medical help. Whether it is a call to our homes for a medical emergency or a call to a vehicle accident or a fire, Paramedics, often putting themselves in danger, always answer and provide the necessary assistance.
As we deal with COVID-19, paramedics have shown up for Canadians, showing us the very best of courage, compassion and dedication.
On behalf of all the residents of Ward 22, Scarborough-Agincourt, I thank all Paramedics for their service and for the incredible work they do for us every day.
Portrait appreciation for our Health Care workers,.
Painted by Ashvinkumar Patel (Graphic Designer) and Devashree Tawde.
Corner of Glen Springs Dr and Warden (just south of McNicoll on the west side)
Well-Being During COVID-19 Teleconeference
I will be hosting a teleconference on how to stay mentally healthy during COVID-19. Joining in this teleconference will be psychologists and psychiatrists specializing in mental health. Details regarding how to sign onto the teleconference will be provided later this week. If you would like to send in questions for the teleconference, please send my assistant an e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·10,212 total cases
·177 new cases (23 fewer new cases from day before)
·377 hospitalized with 91 in ICU
·761 deaths
·7,509 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
·Toronto Hydro will be doing a project in the area includes Cardwell Avenue (North), Kennedy Road (East), Sheppard Avenue East (South) and Dowry Street (West). We expect the work to begin June 2020. Read more…
·Steeles Ave Closure Friday, May 29th (8:00 PM) until Monday, June 1st (6:00 AM) Metrolinx is making major infrastructure improvements to the Agincourt and Milliken GO stations. This work includes the construction of new grade-separated rail and pedestrian bridges at the existing Steeles Avenue East at-grade rail crossing between Kennedy Road and Midland Avenue. It also includes a new road underpass on Steeles Avenue East below the railway corridor. Read more...
·Bicycles lanes on Huntingwood Dr. Bike lanes on Huntingwood Drive have been something that I have been working on with my residents for over a year. This gives people about five kilometres of safe east-west cycling through Scarborough. Residents have expressed their confidence and will enjoy using it, especially to get outside more often this summer.Read more...
Government of Ontario
·On April 9, the Government of Ontario announced it was investing $100,000 in its partnership with SPARK Ontario to support the province's first bilingual volunteer hub connecting volunteers with community organizations to support vulnerable Ontarians. Since then, the Government of Ontario reports that the response has been overwhelming.
·The government has partnered with the Older Adults Centres Association of Ontario to help implement the Seniors Centres Without Walls model of programming, where isolated seniors can participate in group programs over the phone.
·The Ministry of Long-Term Care has issued Mandatory Management Orders appointing local hospitals to temporarily manage two long-term care homes for 90 days.
Government of Canada
·52% of COVID-19 cases in Canada have been resolved.
·The Prime Minister reminds Canadians that we must follow local public health recommendations. He says everyone has a responsibility to themselves and the people around them and social distancing is the best way to protect everyone.
·The Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program applications go live today. Landlords in the Atlantic, British Columbia or Quebec are able to apply today. Landlords in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario and the territories will be able to apply tomorrow. Landlords with more than 10 eligible tenants can apply later on this week.
·Prime Minister Trudeau will work with provinces to ensure workers get 10 days of paid sick leave a year.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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