詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月27日
電話: +1-416-915-6530
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我將在5月30日(星期六)上午9:00至下午1:30 和6月6日(星期六)從上午10:00至下午2:00向居民派发口罩和洗手液。请在此网页注册申请領取口罩和洗手液並填上你選擇領取口罩的日期。我們將會把有關領取當日的詳情通過電郵發送給您。如果您取消訂閱我們的電子郵件,我們將無法向您提供有關資訊。
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 10,525宗累計確診病例
• 153宗新病例(較日前少8宗)
• 356名患者需要入院,其中84人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計780人死亡
• 累計7,841人康復
• 311將開始更換垃圾箱
O 由現在開始,你可以致電311申請要求更換較大或較小的回收箱或垃圾桶。您也可以致電311申請維修或要求新的垃圾桶,回收箱或廚余箱。更多詳情,请点击这里。
• 由6月1日星期一起,所有的垃圾收集站將重新向公眾開放。除Bermondsey和Ingram收集站只在工作日和星期六早上才對公眾開放外,其餘收集站將在正常時間開發。
• 因市政府實施ActiveTO 計劃,以下道路將在5月30日(星期六)上午6:00至5月31日星期日下午11:00局部封閉,以釋出空間於市民步行,跑步和騎自行車:
O Lake Shore Boulevard East (東行方向)由Coxwell Avenue 至Kew Beach Avenue (Woodbine Avenue 以南)
O Bayview Avenue 由Mill Street 至Rosedale Valley Road
O River Street 由Gerrard Street East 至Bayview Avenue
• 因年度維護工程,Gardiner Expressway 由Highway 427 至Don Valley Parkway 將任線封閉。與Richmond Street East 和Church Street的交叉路口也將因應施工而完全封閉。更多詳情,請點擊這裡。
• 多倫多市已為重要行業工人開設了另一所24小時托兒所。另外,Blake Street Childcare Centre 在今天已投入服務。
• 省政府已將緊急法令延長至2020年6月9日。
• 當前的緊急法令包括關閉室外遊樂場、遊樂設施和設備、公共游泳池和室外水上設施,以及酒吧和餐館(外賣和送餐除外)。
• 另外,限制五人以上的社交聚會以及限制長期護理院及其他院捨(如護老院和婦女庇護所)員工工作安排的法令仍然生效。
• 加拿大軍方在部署在本省長期護理院的支援已延長至2020年6月12日。
• 超過44,000個職位的特聘已於通過jobbank.ca發佈。
• 總理談及到軍方對長期護理院捨提出的問題。另外,魁北克省今天公佈了有關25個長期護理院的報告,內容指出我們的護老服務有待改善。
• 隨著越來越多的行業重新運作,需要領取CERB的國民將逐漸減少。這項工資補貼將被保留以繼續支援有需要的加拿大人。
• 總理再次呼籲雇主重新聘請因疫情被解雇的員工。他也向企業傳達了政府會為他們提供合適協助的信息
• 總理也承諾聯邦政府將協助各省解決包括長期護理院等有關COVID-19的緊急需求。長遠而言,我們必須通力合作和為我們的長者提供更多的協助。
COVID-19 Updates – May 2y, 2020
Thank You For Physical Distancing. Please Keep It Up!
Today, Toronto Public Health released a map showing COVID-19 case counts by neighbourhoods. I want to remind everyone that we must remain vigilant and maintain good public health and hygiene practices. We cannot let all our hard work go to waste.
To view the map, please click here.
Well-Being During COVID-19 Teleconference
I will be hosting a teleconference on how to stay mentally healthy during COVID-19 this Friday, May 29, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Joining in this teleconference will be psychologists and psychiatrists.
Phone: +1-416-915-6530
Follow the prompts and then enter the access code: 288 491 712
To send in questions for the teleconference, please send my assistant an e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Face Mask and Hand Sanitizer Giveaway
I am giving away face masks and hand sanitizers on Saturday, May 30th from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM and Saturday, June 6th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
In order to be able to pick up face masks and hand sanitizers, please click on this link to register and we will notify you which day you can come to pick up masks and sanitizers. Details regarding pick-up will be sent to you by e-mail. If you have unsubscribed from our e-mail list, we will not be able to communicate with you.
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·10,525 total cases
·153 new cases (8 fewer new cases from the day before)
·356 hospitalized with 84 in ICU
·780 deaths
·7,841 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health,
City of Toronto
·311 will begin taking waste bin exchanges.
o Requests to upsize or downsize a recycling or garbage bin can now be made by calling 311. Requests for a new garbage, recycling or green bin, additional bin or bin repair can also be made by calling 311. Read more..
·Beginning Monday, June 1, all Drop-Off Depots will reopen to the general public. They will operate on regular hours, with the exception of Bermondsey and Ingram Transfer Stations, which will only be open to the public on weeknights and Saturday mornings.
·As part of the ActiveTO initiative, vehicle access on parts of some major roads will be closed for walking, running and biking again this Saturday, May 30 at 6:00 AM until Sunday, May 31 at 11:00 PM:
o Lake Shore Boulevard East (eastbound lanes only) from Coxwell Avenue to just south of Woodbine Avenue (Kew Beach Avenue);
o Bayview Avenue from Mill Street to Rosedale Valley Road; and,
o River Street from Gerrard Street East to Bayview Avenue.
·This weekend, the Gardiner Expressway will be fully closed from Highway 427 to the Don Valley Parkway for annual maintenance. The intersection of Richmond Street East and Church Street will also be fully closed for construction. Read more..
·The City of Toronto has opened one more 24-hour child-care facility for essential workers. The Blake Street Childcare Centre welcomed its first clients today.
Government of Ontario
·The Government of Ontario has extended emergency orders until June 9, 2020.
·Current emergency orders include the closure of outdoor playgrounds, play structures and equipment, public swimming pools and outdoor water facilities, as well as bars and restaurants except for takeout and delivery.
·Additionally, there continues to be restrictions on social gatherings of more than five people and staff redeployment rules remain in place for long-term care homes and congregate settings, such as retirement homes and women's shelters.
·The deployment of the Canadian Armed Forces to long-term care homes in Ontario has been extended until June 12, 2020.
Government of Canada
·Over 44,000 jobs have been posted on jobbank.ca .
·The Prime Minister addressed the issues raised in military report on long-term care homes. Quebec release their report today on 25 long-term care homes. Said we need to do a better job of caring for seniors.
·The Prime Minister addressed the issues raised in military report on long-term care homes. Quebec release their report today on 25 long-term care homes. Said we need to do a better job of caring for seniors.
·As we're seeing more activity restarting across the country and more people head back to work, fewer people will need CERB. The wage subsidy will continue to be there to support Canadians.
·The Prime Minster again called on employers to rehire their workers. Message to businesses: the government can and will help you. Again called on employers to rehire their workers. Message to businesses: the government can and will help you
·Assured that the government will be there for provinces to help them address the most urgent needs related to COVID19 including in long-term care homes. Over the longer term, we have to move forward as a country to be more helpful to our seniors.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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