23 Sep2020
- 累計確診病例:17,971
- 當日新增病例:129
- 住院患者:34
- 累計死亡:1,178
- 累計康復:15,526
- 多倫多公共衛生局推出COVID-19數據板增強功能。查看詳情,請點擊此處。
- 市府將繼續取消由市府主辦或審批的大型戶外活動,直至12月31日。
o 這包括在市府管理的戶外地點或其他公共場所(例如道路、公園和市政廣場)舉行的節日慶祝活動和其他大型現場聚會。更多資訊
- 省府在本省藥房向民眾免費提供COVID-19樣本檢測。由本週五開始,全省將有多達60家藥房提供預約病毒檢測。省府會在未來幾周公佈更多投入服務的藥房。更多資訊
- 省府正在實施本省歷史上規模最大的流感疫苗接種計劃。該計劃是本省總體計劃的一部分,以助醫療系統做好應對第二波疫情的準備。更多資訊
- 聯邦政府承諾投資超過10億加元,用於從五家不同的疫苗開發商購買COVID-19疫苗。如果疫苗未得到批准,大部分資金可以退還。目前尚未有任何一家公司完成所有必需的臨床試驗,也未有公司獲得批准在加拿大使用疫苗。
- 譚詠詩醫生(Dr. Teresa Tam)說,加拿大正處在抗疫的十字路口。自6月份以來,確診患者的年齡分佈發生很大變化。第一波疫情老年人感染率奇高,而現在大部分患者的年齡介於20歲到39歲之間。
September 23 2020 – COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
- 17,971 total cases
- 129 new confirmed cases
- 34 people hospitalized
- 1,178 deaths
- 15,526 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
- Toronto Public Health is pleased to launch enhancements to the COVID-19 data dashboard. To view, please click here.
The City of Toronto is extending the cancellation of City-led and City-permitted outdoor major events to December 31.
- This includes festivals and other large in-person gatherings held at outdoor sites managed by the City or other public locations, such as roads, parks and Civic Squares. Read more…
Government of Ontario
- The Provincial Government is providing people access to free COVID-19 testing at pharmacies in Ontario. As of Friday, up to 60 pharmacies in Ontario will begin offering testing by appointment only, with further locations coming online in the coming weeks. Read more…
- The Provincial Government is implementing the largest flu immunization campaign in Ontario's history. The campaign is part of the province's comprehensive plan to prepare the health system for a second wave of COVID-19. Read more…
Government of Canada
- Canada has now committed more than $1 billion to buy doses of COVID-19 vaccines from five different companies. Most of the money will get refunded if the vaccines do not get approved. None of the companies involved have completed all of the required clinical trials yet or been approved for use in Canada yet.
- Dr. Teresa Tam states Canada is at a crossroads in the fight against COVID-19. There has been a significant demographic shift since June, instead of the virus disproportionately affecting elderly Canadians, most infections are now being reported in those 20 – 39.
Office of Hon. Jim Karygiannis
Councillor Ward 22
Phone: 416-392-1374
Fax.: (647) 723 0278
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