加拿大啓動“香港通道”,吸納近期畢業生及技 能移民快速獲得永久居留權
2021 年2 月4 日—渥太華—加拿大與香港的聯繫源遠流長。150 多年前,第一批香港居民來到這裡,為加拿大的經濟、社會和政治生活做出了巨大貢獻。加拿大繼續與香港人民並肩在一起,並對新的《國家安全法》以及那裏不斷惡化的人權狀況深表關切。在此背景下,2020 年11 月,移民、難民和公民部長馬守諾(Marco E. L. Mendicino)閣下宣佈了多項新舉措,以幫助更多香港居民前來加拿大。
2 月4 日,馬守諾部長宣布,香港居民可以從2021 年2 月8 日開始申請新的開放工作許可證。這些許可證有效期長達3 年,將使香港居民獲得寶貴的就業經驗,並爲加拿大做出顯著貢獻。香港居民必須在過去5 年中獲得加拿大大專文憑或學位,或者持有同等學力的外國證書。大專文憑必須至少有兩年課程。
更多信息將於此計劃啓動之日在IRCC 網站上公布。除了開放工作許可外,加拿大聯邦政府還將繼續實施另外兩種移民通道,供年輕的香港居民申請永久居留,這些通道將於今年晚些時候開放。第一個通道是針對在加拿大至少有1 年工作經驗、且符合語言和教育標準的香港居民。第二個通道是針對從加拿大的大專院校畢業的香港居民;他們可以在畢業後直接申請永久居留權。稍後將提供更多信息。
加拿大移民、難民及公民部長馬守諾(Marco E. L. Mendicino)閣下:
·2020 年11 月12 日,馬守諾部長宣布了新的移民措施,支持希望來加拿大學習、工作和定居的香港居民。
·我們還對香港居民的“遣返前風險評估”(PRRA)實行了12 個月的限制豁免—— 這意味著如果有些人士以前被裁定爲不符合資格條件,現在可獲得另一次、依據最新情況的評估,以決定他們是否能留在加拿大。
February 4, 2021—Ottawa — The ties that bind Canada and Hong Kong run deep. The first Hong Kong residents arrived here over 150 years ago, contributing immensely to Canada’s economic, social and political life.
Canada continues to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Hong Kong, and is deeply concerned about the new National Security Law and the deteriorating human rights situation there. Against this backdrop, in November 2020, the Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced several new initiatives to help more Hong Kong residents come to Canada.
Today, Minister Mendicino announced that Hong Kong residents will be able to apply for new open work permits beginning on February 8, 2021. Valid for up to 3 years, these permits will allow Hong Kong residents to gain valuable employment experience and make significant contributions to Canada.
Hong Kong residents must have graduated with a Canadian postsecondary diploma or degree in the last 5 years, or hold an equivalent foreign credential. A postsecondary diploma program must be a minimum of 2 years. Hong Kong residents currently in Canada temporarily, including visitors, students and workers, can apply online from within Canada.
Those applying from abroad remain subject to current travel restrictions and may not be able to come to Canada at this time, unless they have a job offer or meet a travel exemption and comply with all public health requirements. More details will be available on the IRCC website on the launch date. In addition to open work permits, the Government of Canada continues to implement 2 other pathways to permanent residence for young Hong Kong residents, which will be available later this year.
The first will be for Hong Kong residents with at least 1 year of work experience in Canada and who meet the language and education criteria. The second will be for Hong Kong residents who have graduated from a post-secondary institution in Canada; who can then apply directly for permanent residence. More information will be available in due course.
―The launch of the Hong Kong immigration pathway is a historic initiative that will attract young, talented and experienced graduates who will help to drive Canada’s economy forward. With flexible open work permits and a fast-track to permanent residency, skilled Hong Kong residents will have a unique opportunity to develop their careers and help accelerate Canada’s economic recovery. This is a landmark immigration initiative that will strengthen our economy and will deepen the ties between Canada and the people of Hong Kong.‖
– The Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, P.C., M.P., Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship