賈斯廷·杜魯多(Justin Trudeau)總理今天發表如下聲明慶祝農曆新年,亦稱春節, 春節是對新的一年充滿樂觀和希望的時候。傳統上,這個節日是親朋好友相聚之時,並啟動為期兩週的慶祝活動,包括節日宴會及遊行等。由於全球性的 COVID-19 疫情大流 行,今年的慶祝活動將有所不同,但我們從牛身上汲取的啟迪將幫助我們在當前逆境中前行——牛年象徵著勤奮、堅持和誠實。
華裔加拿大人世世代代為全國各地的社區做出了重要貢獻,而今年也不例外。許多人 一直工作在抗擊全球性 COVID-19 疫情大流行的一線,守護著我們所有人的安全和健康。從捐獻個人防護設備到支持老年人,華裔加拿大人的社區組織也為抗擊這種病毒和支持其 他加拿大同胞做出了貢獻。今天就是表彰華裔加拿大人的好日子,表彰他們的這些貢獻以 及其他所有的努力,這些貢獻和努力繼續使我們的國家更美好,造福所有人。
2 月12 日,聯邦公共服務和採購部長安妮塔·阿南德(Anita Anand)閣下宣布,加拿大政府已談判達成協議,輝瑞-BioNTech 的COVID-19 疫苗將實行加速的交付時間表,加拿大將在9月底前從輝瑞-BioNTech 收到已保障供應的全部4,000 萬劑疫苗。
此舉意味著加拿大將在 4 月至 6 月之間比原計劃接收 280 萬劑更多的輝瑞疫苗,而在 7 月至 9 月之間再收到 620 萬劑更多疫苗。
此外,在2月10日,賈斯廷·杜魯多(Justin Trudeau)總理宣布,未來八年內將向公共交通項目投入149 億加元,其中包括從2026 年至27 年開始每年為加拿大社區提供的30 億加元永久性資金。此次宣布的投資為全國各地的城市和社區提供了可預見的公共交通資金,城市 及社區需要這些可預見資金來規劃它們的未來。這些投資也是我們聯邦政府創造 100 萬 就業機會、抗擊氣候變化、並重建更具可持續性和韌性國民經濟之計劃的一部分。
Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued the following statement on Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival.
The Spring Festival is a time to look to the year ahead with optimism and hope. This holiday is traditionally a time for friends and families to come together, and would mark the beginning of two weeks of celebrations, including feasts and parades. Festivities will look different this year due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, but the lessons we draw from the ox – an animal symbolizing hard work, perseverance, and honesty – will help us move forward during these difficult times.
For generations, Chinese Canadians have made important contributions to communities across the country and this year has been no different. Many have been working on the frontlines of the global COVID-19 pandemic to keep us all safe and healthy. From donating personal protective equipment to supporting seniors, Chinese Canadian community organizations have also contributed to fighting this virus and supporting their fellow Canadians. Today is an opportunity to honour these, and all other efforts by Chinese Canadians, to continuously make our country a better place for everyone.
In addition, on Feb 12, Minister Anita Anand announced that Canada has negotiated an accelerated delivery schedule for Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine, and will receive all 40 million of its secured doses from Pfizer-BioNTech by the end of September.
This means that Canada will receive 2.8 million additional doses of Pfizer between April and June and an additional 6.2 million doses between July and September than was originally scheduled.
Furthermore, on Feb 10, the Prime Minister announced $14.9 billion for public transit projects over the next eight years, which includes permanent funding of $3 billion per year for Canadian communities beginning in 2026-27. This announcement provides cities and communities the predictable transit funding they need to plan for the future, and is part of our plan to create one million jobs, fight climate change, and rebuild a more sustainable and resilient economy.