Willowdale 自由黨候選人 Ali Ehsassi 與志願者和支持者集會
Willowdale - Willowdale 的自由黨候選人Ali Ehsassi 很高興在周六下午邀請到近百名競選志願者和支持者參加他的中期競選集會。
就在活動開始前,加拿大副總理兼財政部長方慧蘭(Chrystia Freeland)和安大略自由黨領袖鄧德華(Stephen Del Duca )與Ali一起出席了本次活動。
Ali 2015年獲選Willowdale選區的國會議員,一直在不懈努力為選區居民發聲,以確保居民的價值觀和利益在渥太華得到體現。Ali連任競選的重點也是繼續加強對多倫多和Willowdale地區的投資力度,使這裡的居民生活輕鬆、工作穩定、家庭幸福。
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Willowdale - Ali Ehsassi, Liberal candidate for Willowdale, was pleased to welcome dozens of campaign volunteers and supporters to his mid-campaign ‘Rally for Ali’ on Saturday afternoon.
Ali was joined by the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and Stephen Del Duca, leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, just prior to the event.
Ali met with supporters and residents of Willowdale to discuss the Liberal Party plan to combat COVID-19, ensure a strong, sustainable, and just economic recovery, and combat climate change. Ali also discussed Willowdale’s tremendous diversity and denounced the Conservative Party for failing to adequately address the issue of anti-Asian racism.
Ali was elected as the Member of Parliament for Willowdale in 2015. Since then, Ali has worked tirelessly to ensure that your values and interests are reflected in Ottawa. Ali’s re-election campaign is centred around promoting continued strong investments in Toronto and Willowdale so that it remains the best place to live, work, and raise a family.
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