York Region MPPs Helping Promote Community Safety Locally Province Funding Programs to Build Safer Communities
York Region MPPs Chris Ballard, Michael Chan, Steven Del Duca, Dr. Helena Jaczek and Reza Moridi are encouraging local organizations to apply to for the Safer and Vital Communities Grant and the Proceeds of Crime – Front Line Policing Grant to help fund community-led safety and corrections projects in York Region and across Ontario.
The MPPs hope that community-based organizations in York Region, as well as York Regional Police, are being encouraged to apply for these grants through which the province will invest up to $3.7 million in evidenced-based and local projects over the next two years. They will fund programs to promote opportunities for community partnerships, crime prevention programs, alternatives to incarceration and initiatives to help residents succeed.
The theme for this year’s grants is “Creating a Safer Ontario through Community Collaboration” — which builds on the province’s focus on creating safer communities through evidence-based programs and improving partnerships between police, communities, corrections, mental health agencies and other organizations. The province is seeking applications for collaborative and innovative projects that address local community safety priorities as well as projects that increase diversion opportunities, reduce the likelihood of re-offending, and facilitate better reintegration outcomes.
Projects that have previously been funded by these grant programs include internet safety initiatives for youth, seniors programs to combat elder abuse, and counselling and other supports to immigrant and refugee youth.
Supporting safe, healthy communities is part of the government’s plan to create a fair and inclusive society.
“Our government is focused on building safer, stronger communities in every corner of Ontario – and these grants are a key part of that. This year the theme of the grants emphasizes collaboration among community organizations and law enforcement partners to address local community safety and corrections priorities, which creates safer communities for all. Crime prevention, community well-being and corrections are all inter-connected. That is why it is so important to foster collaborative, evidencebased responses to these complex challenges. It is amazing to see what can be accomplished when police and the community work side-by-side to prevent crime, promote rehabilitation and build safer communities.” — Yasir Naqvi, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
“There are a number of excellent community groups across Richmond Hill that are dedicated to building safer communities in York Region. They represent the best of our province, and our government is proud to support them. It is great to see what can be accomplished when police and the community work side-by-side to create opportunities for residents, prevent crime and build safer communities.” — Reza Moridi, M.P.P., Richmond Hill
“Communities and the collective efforts of their members to keep them safe, vibrant and livable are critically important to the quality of life we enjoy in Ontario. I am proud to share this news that our government is making a significant investment in programs that will encourage collaboration and partnerships to create a safer Ontario for all residents.” — Michael Chan, M.P.P.,Markham-Unionville
“I am honoured to be part of a government that takes the safety of Ontario residents seriously. The Creating a Safer Ontario through Community Collaboration grant will help with community partnerships and crime prevention programs. I encourage local organizations to apply for this grant and start working towards a safer Ontario.” — Chris Ballard, M.P.P., Newmarket–Aurora
“I am pleased to see that the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services is now accepting applications for the 2016-17 Safer and Vital Communities Grant and the 2016-17 Proceeds of Crime Grant. This year’s theme, “Creating a Safer Ontario through Community Collaboration,” is a great challenge to create programs designed to improve partnerships between police, communities, corrections, mental health agencies and other organizations here in Oak RidgesMarkham, and across the province. I encourage our local organizations to apply.” — Dr. Helena Jaczek, M.P.P., Oak Ridges–Markham
“Our government recognizes that the safety and well-being of Vaughan, and all of Ontario, cannot be achieved by one agency or sector alone, but rather through meaningful collaboration. That is why the theme for this year’s grants is focused on supporting safe and healthy communities by improving partnerships between police, communities, mental health agencies, and other organizations that help to effectively and efficiently address the root causes of crime.” — Steven Del Duca, M.P.P., Vaughan