Polycultural多元文化移民社區服務中心 助移民安居 慶五十週年 推免費APP
多元文化移民社區服務中心(Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services- P.I.C.S)即將舉行50週年慶祝活動,該機構已幫助成千上萬新移民和難民在加拿大安家落戶。
Polycultural執行總監Marwan Ismail表示:「對於任何剛到加拿大的移民或難民,Polycultural提供了寶貴的資源,幫助個人和社區,讓他們有公平的機會,成為加拿大社會中有生產力的成員,真正感受到社區的凝聚力!由於世界各地不斷湧入新來者,對我們的服務需求比以往任何時候都高,我們也堅守崗位,提供更優質的服務。」
Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services has helped thousands of newcomers, immigrants, and refugees make Canada their home.
Polycultural is a charitable, non-profit, community-based agency that assists youth, seniors, women, and families integrate into life in Canada.
Between 2021 and 2022, Polycultural’s Afghan Initiative program supported over 7,000 Government-Assisted Refugees that were brought to Canada under the emergency evacuation initiative. The team worked with Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada, and regional and local partners to address the needs of the Afghan refugees, including providing accommodation, orientation, and facilitating access to healthcare. They have also served newcomers from Ukraine, China, India and many other parts of the world.
“Polycultural is a valuable resource for any newcomer, refugee or immigrant settling in Canada,” said Marwan Ismail, Executive Director of Polycultural. “We are here to help individuals and communities have an equal opportunity at being productive members of Canadian society, and to really feel a sense of community. We have seen great success in what we do and demand for our services is higher than ever given the continued waves of newcomers coming from all parts of the world.”
The organization has seven convenient locations across the Greater Toronto area - Mississauga, Toronto, Etobicoke, two in Scarborough, and a newly opened branch in Orangeville. Each location offers a variety of programs including, settlement services, employment assistance, language classes, and youth and senior programs. It currently serves clients in over 20 languages including Cantonese, Mandarin, Dari, Farsi, Hindi, Punjabi, Ukrainian, Polish, and more.
Monthly events at the various branches range from My Pathways to Employment, Women in Food and Customer Service, Sewing and Knitting Club, and Multicultural Women’s Program. Other services such as one-on-one counseling, childcare, and overall support integrating into Western society is what makes Polycultural’s services personalized and impactful for its clients.
For convenience, Polycultural has launched their own app designed with program info accessible in one place. The free Polycultural App is available for download wherever apps are sold.
For more information on the services and programs provided, visit: polycultural.org