Councillor Castro Liu, Ward 3 - Vaccination Clinics Update
Beginning Monday, June 7 at 8 a.m., individuals who live, work or attend school in York Region and who received their first dose on or before April 18, 2021 will be eligible to reschedule an earlier second dose appointment. Previously booked second-dose appointments will be honoured and will not be cancelled unless a new and earlier appointment is confirmed. Second doses will continue to be administered to other eligible individuals, including eligible York Region residents born in 1951 and earlier.
First dose appointments continue to be available to individuals 12+ living, working or going to school in York Region.
Appointments are required. Visit for specific clinic details.
Gypsy Moth Management Update
With gypsy moth caterpillars now in their feeding stage, the following are key messages for your information:
·Gypsy moth caterpillars eat the leaves of a variety of tree species such as oak, birch and maple.
·The caterpillars tend to only feed and damage trees for a short period from June until mid-July.
·The risk of trees dying is extremely low. Most healthy trees will regrow their leaves as the season progresses.
·Gypsy moth outbreaks happen in cycles every 7 to 10 years and each outbreak can last a few years.
What the City is doing for trees on public property
In anticipation of the impact gypsy moth would have this year on our urban tree canopy, the City employed a number of different techniques to minimize damage to trees on City property and help reduce the spread in our community.
·This winter, City staff removed more than 65,000 egg masses on small to medium sized street and park trees using a portable vacuum and through manual scraping to reduce the number of hatched caterpillars in the spring.
·Watering will occur when heavy defoliation is seen on street trees until they have regrown their leaves in August, weather permitting.
The City will not be spraying pesticide
·Spraying pesticide is costly, time sensitive and not feasible for a large spread out area such as a city
·It is non-selective, which means it will kill all caterpillars, not just gypsy moth. This also has negative impacts on birds that feed on caterpillars.
·Caterpillars still need to ingest the leaves in order for the pesticide to work, so trees will still suffer defoliation and there will still be caterpillars around for some time as it is not 100 % effective.
What residents can do for trees on their property
·Residents can reduce the impacts of gypsy moth caterpillars on their property by applying burlap traps and/or sticky barrier bands to the trunks of infested trees. This gives the caterpillars a place to hide from the midday heat and makes them easier to remove. Once removed from the tree, place the caterpillars into a container of soapy water, let soak for 48 hours before bagging them and throwing them in the garbage.
·Trees should be watered regularly to promote leaf growth. Extensive watering should occur in the mornings and evenings during the hot summer months when natural precipitation is low.
For more information, visit
Gypsy Moth Webminar
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority is pleased to provide, in partnership with Credit Valley Conservation, a free information webinar on the European gypsy moth on June 8th from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Webinar participants will learn about the moth life cycle, how to identify them and what actions you can take to minimize their impact to trees. Participants can register at
Traffic calming in our neighbourhood
Many traffic complaints, which include speeding, dangerous driving, and failing to stop at a stop sign are reported on a daily basis. Residents have requested implementation of traffic calming measures such as speed bumps to slow down traffic. Although speed bumps are effective in keeping vehicle speeds down, their use is sometimes controversial as they can increase traffic noise, potentially damage cars, and slow emergency vehicles. I am in the process of asking staff to develop a speed management strategy to assess some measures that can be implemented to make the roads safer in our community.
You may have noticed a new lawn sign in our neighbourhood. Together with the help of our Neighbourhood Watch Captains, I launched this initiative with the aim at getting drivers to slow down and drive safely in our community. If you are interested in getting a free sign to support this initiative, register at
Calling all campers – Summer Camps are back!
This summer, the City of Richmond Hill is happy to provide a variety of recreation options to keep children active, engage their imaginations and unleash their creativity while at home or in a physically distant environment.
In-person camps
We are offering in-person camps for 6 to 12 year olds, focusing on outdoor activities, arts and crafts, and games. We are also offering a variety of specialty camps in theatre, dance, outdoor adventure, and heritage.
In-person camps will take place primarily outdoors (weather permitting). COVID-19 health and safety measures will be in place and capacity will be limited. In-person camps are expected to begin on July 5 if provincial COVID-19 regulations permit.
Virtual camps
We are also offering a great line-up of virtual programming for children this summer. From art camps, dance classes and engineering programs to film, animation and mad science camps, we have something to entice all creative minds.
P.A.R.K. Adventure Program
Our Park Adventure Recreation for Kids (P.A.R.K.) program is an opportunity for children to enjoy outdoor activities at different parks in Richmond Hill. The program includes a variety of activities such as arts, crafts, games, sports, and exploring nature during this 1.5-hour outdoor session. Parents or caregivers (18 years and older) must be on site for the duration of the program.
The P.A.R.K. Adventure program is expected to begin on July 6 if provincial regulations permit. Capacity will be limited.
How to Register
Resident registration opens at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, June 2. Non-resident registration opens at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, June 9. To register and for more information, visit
Richmond Hill Blooms is back
Richmond Hill Blooms is back and residents are invited to nominate attractive, colourful and well-maintained front gardens for recognition. Between Friday, May 28 and Friday, July 2 you can nominate friends, neighbours, relatives and even your own garden!
When nominations open, fill out the online form at Please be ready to provide the address(es) of the garden(s) you are nominating, along with your name, address, telephone number and email address.
Every nominated residential front garden will be acknowledged with a recognition sign for their garden as part of the Richmond Hill Blooms program two-step judging process. Following this recognition, a short list of best gardens will be identified by Richmond Hill staff horticulturalists. The Richmond Hill Garden and Horticultural Society will then select the top three gardens per ward.
For more information about Richmond Hill Blooms, including how-to gardening videos and photos of last year’s winners, visit
Know the rules of your community
1. Grass and Weeds bylaw
·Grass and weeds cannot exceed a length of 20cm year round;
·Residents are responsible for maintaining boulevards next to their property; (Richmond Hill will maintain boulevards at the rear of properties, and boulevards at the side of properties next to four (4) lane collector highways).
·Gardens containing wildflowers are exempt provided they are in an area which is clearly defined from the lawn;
The Grass and Weeds By-law allows Richmond Hill staff and contractors to access private property to remove grass and weeds, which do not comply with the By-law. The cost for any removal can be charge back to the property.
2. Lawn Watering Restrictions
Richmond Hill's Water Use Conservation By-law limits outdoor water use from June 15 to September 30.
The By-law includes the following restrictions during the summer months:
·Odd numbered houses may use water on odd numbered days between midnight and 6 a.m. and between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., for a maximum of four hours
·Even numbered houses may use water on even numbered days between midnight and 6 a.m. and between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., for a maximum of four hours
3. Parking Enforcement
All on-street parking regulations including school zone, 3 hour maximum and overnight parking restrictions are now being enforced. If you need to park on the street for longer than 3 hours or overnight, you can purchase a Temporary Parking Permit through the Parking and By-law Portal
4. Noise By-law
The Noise By-law has been updated. Noise By-law No. 43-20 outlines the times and limits that certain noises are allowed, such as:
·Lawn maintenance equipment such as lawnmowers and leaf blowers can be used any time from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and Statutory holidays
·Amplified sound such as music can be played from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. at a level that isn’t louder than a normal conversation (55 decibels) on a neighbouring property, and 50 decibels in another property in the same building
·Amplified sound can be played as long as it is not clearly audible at another property from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.
For after-hours noise complaints please contact our after-hours hotline at 905-771-5458. Please leave your name, phone number, address of concern and a brief description of the noise issue, and an officer will investigate your concern.
5. Garbage Collection guidelines
·Garbage must be placed at the curb no later than 7 a.m. on the day of collection and no earlier than 6 p.m. on the night preceding collection.
·If garbage has not been collected, it must be removed from the curb by 9 p.m on collection day.
·Richmond Hill's current waste limit is three bags or items per collection.
For more information:
To file a complaint about a by-law infraction, please contact By-law staff at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 905-771-0198. Our By-law and Licensing Enforcement office is open from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., year-round. Between April and October, a By-law Enforcement Officer can also be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. between 8:30 a.m. and 9 p.m.
More information about other City’s By-law:
Councillor Castro Liu, Ward 3
City of Richmond Hill
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4
T: 905 771 5497 | F: 905 771 2500 | e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.