PREDICTIONS FOR 2024 (Year of Wooden Dragon) By Paul Ng Geomancer and Philosopher
PREDICTIONS FOR 2024 (Year of Wooden Dragon) By Paul Ng Geomancer and Philosopher
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DRAGON 2000 1988 1976 1964 1952 1940
As Dragon, you are into your own year. Hence you must not gamble or speculate. Your regular income should be safe. You should be careful of accidents and health issues. You would be spiritual and intuitive. You may even enjoy travelling.
WORK You favor creative work, such as writing, painting, architecture, arts, etc. You are also good as a problem solver. Hence advisory or consulting business is in your favor. You can do well in helping others do debt re-organization. Logistics and travel businesses are also good for you.
WEALTH You regular income be good. Stay away from gambling and speculation.
RELATIONS Be careful of extra-marital relations. You may have many romances. Beware of misunderstandings.
HEALTH You may be prone to accidents. Take your time and don’t rush on things. Drive with caution. Exercise more and rest well.
Highlights of Dragon of Individual Years
2000 You may easily run into conflicts with the opposite gender. When in conflict, step back and be more understanding.
1988 You would be creative. You would favor mobile work. Your income should improve.
1976 You may receive much help from your boss or senior. A job that involves travelling is good for you. Your intuition is strong, and you could be very creative.
1964 Pay more attention to your health situation. Learn to let go. Be more spiritual.
1952 Be careful of our waist and kidneys. Stay away from gaming and speculation.
1940 You may be prone to accidents such as falling. Pay more attention to the health of your legs.
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SNAKE 2001 1989 1977 1965 1953 1941
Snake is into a positive year. There would be money signs and happiness events. However, you may need to do things on your own. There may not be too much outside help.
WORK You favor business to do with entertainment and happy events, such event management. Analytical work is also in your favor.
WEALTH Your money sign is strong. Feel free to get investments such as real estate or stock market. Since you have a clear mind, you can trust your analysis.
RELATIONS There is not much romantic sign. Perhaps being flat in relations is a good thing. For the unmarried, be careful about misunderstanding in relationships.
HEALTH In general, you are healthy. Just be careful about accidents that may involve bleeding. Drive carefully and beware of sharp objects.
Highlights of Snake of Individual Years
2001 You may need to work harder. Most things you do may begin with hardship before they are done. Be humble and learn more.
1989 You have good people relations. You would be a good team player. You should do well financially.
1977 You would do well in work to do with fire, such as electronics, computers, cooking, education, etc.
1965 You work well with the opposite gender. Female would find more luck than the male.
1953 You would have lots of help from your friends. Your people relationships are great and financially good.
1941 Pay more attention to your heart and lungs. Exercise more, rest well. Let go of any worries.
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HORSE 2002 1990 1978 1966 1954 1942 1930
The Horse may gain more authority at work. Your intuition is strong, so as your people skills. You would favor to be in management. Your higher authority should help you make more money.
WORK If you are in management, you should do well. Work related to blood, such as surgeon or butcher, would also be in your favor. Business to do with funeral of burial is also good for you. Mobile work such as international trading, logistics, travel would be all favorable.
WEALTH Your financial situation should improve. The more authority you attain, the more income you should get.
RELATIONS You have good romances. However, there would also be arguments. Keep your cool and stay calm.
HEALTH Your overall health is good. Just beware of accidents. Drive carefully.
Highlights of Horse of Individual Years
2002 Be prepared to begin anything with hard work before things become easier. Don’t gamble or speculate. Try to help other people more.
1990 Be careful of conflicts with people. Your work may tend to be volatile. Keep a low key in handling things.
1978 Watch out how you deal with your boss or senior. However, you would get along well with your friends. You would get help from them. Your finances are stable.
1966 You get along well with the young ones. You should get their respect and help.
1954 You would have friends around you, even helpful. Your energy level remains amazing.
1942 You may suffer from various health issues. Relax and enjoy your family life.
1930 This may be a dangerous year for your wellbeing. Stay fit by exercise and good rest.
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SHEEP 2003 1991 1979 1967 1955 1943 1931
The Sheep has many lucky signs this year. Your inter-people relationships are good. You may tend to be more outgoing. You may develop an interest in cars or airplanes.
WORK You don’t favor gambling or speculation this year. You would do well in the car business. Working with public relations and trading would yield good returns for you.
WEALTH Your regular income is stable. Stay away from gambling and speculation.
RELATIONS Your frequent travel may weaken your family relation and romance. You may spend your time and energy on your work.
HEALTH Your health is good this year. Just balance your work and rest.
Highlights of Sheep of Individual Years
2003 You would have plenty of luck this year. Working with people as a team may help you make more money. Your romances are stable.
1991 Most work you handle may require much hard work. Success seems to come after your determination. You may not have much time for romance.
1979 You would have a lot of help from friends. Partnership business should be favorable, so as public relations.
1967 You had to do things on your own. Be prepared to exert hard efforts. Both money and relationships are flat.
1955 You may get much help from the opposite gender. Enjoy more community activities and interactions with other people.
1943 The older you are, the stronger you would be. Enjoy life.
1931 Your health may take a beating. Let go of those things that make you unhappy. Exercise and rest well.
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MONKEY 2004 1992 1980 1968 1956 1944 1932
The Monkey connects with Dragon as Golden Connection. Hence you would enjoy good relationships with people. You have a strong travel sign. Either moving or traveling is likely. You would pick up a lot of new knowledge. There is also a lucky sign to help you.
WORK You favor businesses such as logistics, travel, moving. Education. Also good for you are sales/marketing and trading sectors.
WEALTH Your wealth would be connected to mobility. The more you travel, the more money you can make. You should do well financially.
RELATIONS Your relationships are flat but lasting. You seem to enjoy more time by yourself.
HEALTH You are healthy this year. The more active, you better you would be.
Highlights of Monkey of Individual Years
2004 There is a learning star with you. You should do very well in your studies. You would have many friends too.
1992 The busier you are, the more money you can make. However, beware of people jealous of you. You should keep a low key.
1980 You would be busy this year. If you are an employee, there is a chance for promotion and new learning. If you are self-employed, consider expansion. You have a lucky star.
1968 This is a hard-working year for you. You should handle things on your own. Don’t rely on others.
1956 You work well with your subordinates. There is plenty of help. Your family relationships are also stable.
1944 Pay more attention to your liver and lungs. Exercise more and rest well.
1932 You may feel lonely. Try to join more community activities. Take care of your health more.
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ROOSTER 2005 1993 1981 1969 1957 1945 1933
The Rooster connects with the Dragon. Hence your relationship with others is very positive. There are many job and business opportunities. Your spousal relationship is fantastic.
WORK You would do well in businesses dealing with people. The entertainment sector is especially good for you.
WEALTH You would do well financially. You would do particularly well if you were in the entertainment business.
RELATIONS Your inter-people relations and romances are good. If single, you can get married. If married, you would enjoy your spousal relations even more.
HEALTH Your overall health is good. However, don’t abuse it. Stay away from too much parting.
Highlights of Rooster of Individual Years
2005 You would have many friends of the opposite gender. You favor working in a team. Your studies would do well.
1993 Your relationship with the opposite gender is strong, with plenty of romances. If single, you can get married. If married, have more honeymoons.
1981 Beware of too many romances which may destroy your proper one. Be careful of being cheated by other people.
1969 You would get plenty of help at work. Teamwork is in your favor. If married, you should get along well with your spouse.
1957 Beware of negative people relations due to jealousy. Talk and focus on your work more.
1945 You have good relations with the opposite gender. You would be a welcome figure in a group.
1933 Pay more attention to your intestines and stomach. Eat properly and let go of stress.
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DOG 2006 1994 1982 1970 1958 1946 1934
Dog is opposite to the Dragon. Hence no gambling or speculations. However, your arts sign is strong, so is your intuition.
WORK Your favorable job sectors are religions, philosophy, public speaking, etc. Arts and entertainment are also good for you.
WEALTH Stay away from gambling and speculations. Your regular income should be stable.
RELATIONS There could be arguments. Watch your relations with other people. Keep a low key. Listen more and talk less, especially with your beloved one.
HEALTH You would be prone to various health issues. Exercise more and rest well.
Highlights of Dog of Individual Years
2006 You may need extra efforts to achieve anything. There would not be much romance for you. However, help from your boss or senior should help you achieve your work.
1994 Watch your relations with friends. Don’t be a debtor or creditor. When dealing with friends, try not to involve money in your friendship.
1982 There would be hard work. You may need to go against the tide at times. Your relationships may also be unstable. Be patient.
1970 You may need to lose before you win back. Look forward. Trust your intuition.
1958 You may attain fame more so than money. Try to pursue areas of arts, religion or philosophy.
1946 Pay more attention to your heart and bowels/stomach. Exercise more and rest well. You may feel lonely at times. Spiritual endeavors would be good for you.
1934 As you get older, your energy level may decrease. Pay attention to your heart and liver.
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BOAR 2007 1995 1983 1971 1959 1947 1935
The Pig has a dominate fame and power sign. Your reputation and wealth would be good. Your people skills may help you a lot. However, you may get drained by too much hard work. Try to balance your life.
WORK You would do well in analytical work. The education sector is favorable, so as work to organize happy events such as weddings.
WEALTH Your wealth is stable. Just stay away from gambling and speculations.
RELATIONS Your relations at work may be stronger than home. However, this is a favorable year to get married if you are single. If you are married, your relationship should be good.
HEALTH This is a healthy year for you. There is a lucky sign to steer you clear of trouble.
Highlights of Boar of Individual Years
2007 You have plenty of help from your superior. You would study well. You may want to consider furthering your studies to a higher level.
1995 You have a lot of help from the opposite gender. If single, consider marriage. Your finances should improve.
1983 Your work would be smooth. There would be plenty of opportunities. You should expand your work.
1971 Your authority would improve. You favor to be in management. Work to do with healing is also good for you.
1959 Your relationships are good. There would be much help in your work, especially from your peers. If you are in management, you should prosper.
1947 You would have a lot of friends. Your fame and wealth would improve. Your health is good too.
1935 Your health may take a beating. You should let go of stress. Enjoy your old age.
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RAT 2008 1996 1984 1972 1960 1948 1936
Rat and Dragon form a golden connection. You would have plenty of luck and help. You would especially favor politics and legal work. Financial management is also good for you.
WORK You favor work with accounting, financial and management consulting sectors. Politics is also good for you to get into.
WEALTH You regular income is fine. There would be friends around you to help make money.
RELATIONS You would have excellent people relations. If single, you would have plenty of romances. This is a good year to get married if you are still single. If married, your love life is great.
HEALTH You are generally healthy. Just be careful of small accidents at times.
Highlights of Rats of Individual Years
2008 You have good relations with people. Your studies would be stable. Be careful not to get distracted by your romances.
1996 This is a very connecting year for you. If single, consider getting married. If married, have another honeymoon. Both work and wealth would be positive.
1984 You would make many friends. If employed, you may get promoted. If you are self-employed, consider expanding your business. You may travel a lot. Your romances are stable.
1972 Your efforts would grant you a higher position at work. There would be many chances to travel for work. Your finances are stable.
1960 You may go through a lot of hard work. Be careful of legal issues. Be fair and careful about your work.
1948 Pay more attention to your urinary system. Exercise more and rest well.
1936 Your health may take a downturn, especially to do with your heart or kidneys. Watch your diet and rest more.
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OX 2009 1997 1985 1973 1961 1949 1937
The ox has a breaking sign with the Dragon. Hence there would be frequent setbacks for things you want to do. Most would start with difficulty before they become easier. Beware of arguments and controversy. Try to do things on your own. Nonetheless, there would be help around you.
WORK You would favor work to do with talking, such as sales agent, teacher, speaker, singer, etc. Partnership may not fit you.
WEALTH You may gain more reputation instead of wealth. Stay away from gambling and speculation.
RELATIONS There may not be much romance. You have a loneliness star. Your relationship with friends may be stronger than with your family.
HEALTH You may be subject to many small ailments. Be careful of falling and hitting things.
Highlights of Ox of Individual Years
2009 There would be instabilities in your work, including arguments. You should control yourself. Taking a step back may advance you further.
1997 You would have much help from your boss or seniors. You would still need to work on your own. Your hard work would pay off. However, there may not be too much romance.
1985 Your income comes with hard work. You would work well with your subordinates. Your endurance would help you gain good results.
1973 You have plenty of luck and help. Your authority may even advance further.
1961 You may get much help from female superior. However, you still need to work hard on your own to succeed.
1949 Even though you are getting old, your family relation remains good.
1937 Pay attention to your heart and digestive organs. Be relaxed and keep happy. Rest well. Exercise more.
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TIGER 2010 1998 1986 1974 1962 1950 1938
The tiger has a dominant spiritual sign this year. Your analytical skills are equally strong. Your mind is clear. You would enjoy moving around. However, you may be prone to accidents, especially twisting. Your healing sign this year should help you get out of trouble.
WORK Your favorable job sectors are in health, educational or spiritual endeavor. You would do particularly well if you are a doctor, pharmacist, teacher or priest. Also good for you are those to do with analysis, such as computers and accounting. Logistics and travel sector is also favorable for you.
WEALTH Your wealth is stable, but not much gambling money.
RELATIONS Because of the “Yin-Yang mistake” sign, you may frequently run into misunderstanding in relationships. Be patient and understanding. Listen more and argue less.
HEALTH You may be prone to frequent accidents. Drive carefully and take your time at work.
Highlights of Tiger of Individual Years
2010 Your travel sign would be strong. You may relocate or travel. Your studies would be stable.
1998 You have a dominant learning sign. You should do well in your studies. You can also further your learning scope.
1986 Be careful of accidents. Your relationships tend to be volatile. You should focus more on spiritual endeavors.
1974 You would travel a lot this year. You would also make a lot of friends. Be agile. Watch volatility in your relationships.
1962 You may go through a period of instabilities at work. Be patient and be conservative. Stay put.
1950 Your energy level may be lowered. Exercise more and rest well. Pay more attention to your liver and lungs.
1938 Your health is going downhill. Take everything with ease. Forget all unhappy things.
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RABBIT 2011 1999 1987 1975 1963 1951 1939
The Rabbit has a hidden conflict with the Dragon. However, your romances remain strong. Your authority level would also improve. Beware of some health issues.
WORK You favor work dealing with people. Sales and marketing are good for you. Also good are consulting and health sectors.
WEALTH Your wealth would be proportional to your reputation. Your improved authority would also help.
RELATIONS Your romance is strong. There may be arguments from time to time. Be careful of love triangles.
HEALTH You may be subject to illnesses. Don’t overwork. Do frequent exercises and rest well.
Highlights of Rabbit of Individual Years
2011 Both your people relations and studies would be outstanding. You may get a lot of help from other people.
1999 You would have plenty of romances. You would favor sales and marketing work. The entertainment sector is also good for you. You may consider partnering with your friends.
1987 You hard work would bring your good returns. If you are employed, you may get a promotion. If you own a business, consider expansion.
1975 You have a lot of help from the opposite gender. Your inter-people skills would improve. You may gain more authority in your position.
1963 Your work would be smooth. There would be plenty of help and opportunities for you.
1951 You should pay more attention to your health, especially your heart and lungs.
1939 You would enjoy your company with the younger folks. Be happy and enjoy your old age.
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