96% of Residents Satisfied with Life in Richmond Hill, Residents feel their community is vibrant and welcoming
Richmond Hill residents have once again indicated a high level of satisfaction with Richmond Hill as a place to live. Ninety-six per cent of residents are satisfied or very satisfied, an increase from 94% in 2012 when the last survey was done. In addition, 83% of residents believe Richmond Hill is a vibrant community and 85% believe it is welcoming.
“It’s not surprising to see that people continue to believe Richmond Hill is a great place to live,” said Mayor Dave Barrow. “It’s also gratifying to see that residents continue to feel we are truly a welcoming community.”
The survey results show that 79% of respondents feel a strong sense of belonging to Richmond Hill while 78% feel diversity is one of the Town’s strengths. Residents also feel connected to their neighbours (69%).
Residents gave the services Richmond Hill provides a 94% satisfaction rating. They are particularly satisfied with fire protection services (99%), libraries (95%), garbage & recycling collection (93%), recreation facilities (91%), recreation and culture programs (91%) and parks, open spaces & pathways (89%). Eighty-three percent also believe Town infrastructure is well maintained and 71% feel Richmond Hill is environmentally responsible in its actions.
“It’s very important for us to measure how residents feel about what is happening in their community,” said Mayor Barrow. “We conduct this survey every few years and it’s just as important that we regularly engage residents on all of our big projects.”
The results of the survey also demonstrate the progress Richmond Hill is making in implementing its 2009 Strategic Plan and each of the Plan’s four goals – stronger connections, better choice, a more vibrant Richmond Hill and wise management of resources. The survey findings will be used to guide future actions and decisions of the Town.
The survey was conducted by Forum Research Inc. Forum presented the results to Committee of the Whole on May 16, 2016. The report will be considered by Council on May 24, 2016. Results of the Community Survey may be found at RichmondHill.ca/StrategicPlan.