2020年3月17日,詹嘉禮市議員有關新型冠狀肺炎病毒疫情COVID-19 更新-
• 市府收到市內有許多關於COVID-19測試騙局的報告。無論是多倫多市府還是多倫多公共衛生部門都沒有挨家挨戶對COVID-19進行檢測。也沒有出售COVID-19的測試盒。
• 有些市政服務受影響有更改,有些沒有。
• 不受COVID-19或生效級別影響的市政服務或被調整的市政服務包括:
O 所有緊急服務(多倫多救護服務、多倫多消防局和多倫多警察局)
O 多倫多供水局
O 庇護所和休養所
O 市府屬下的長期護理設施
O 垃圾收集(不包括庭院廢物收集)
O 道路運營,包括必要時的鏟雪
O 多倫多供電局
O 多倫多公車局
O 311
O 緊急行動中心和COVID-19 工作隊
• 今日暫停的市政服務:
O 行政職能
O 婚姻登記服務
• 2020年3月18日起,多倫多市府屬下的所有建築將對公眾關閉,包括:
O 市政廳
O 市政府大樓
O 所有市政中心
• 市政府為無家可歸者提供的24小時服務仍然開放。
• 對於需要庇護的人將繼續進行轉介和接收。
• 目前,在庇護所系統中無COVID-19 的病例。
• 根據《緊急情況管理和公民保護法》第7.0.1 (1)條,省長宣佈進入緊急狀態。
• 根據《緊急情況管理和公民保護法》,即日起,雜貨店、便利店、藥房、工廠、公共交通、重要的公共服務、施工工地和辦公樓將繼續運營。
• 下列設施依法必須關閉:
O 所有提供室內娛樂項目的設施
O 所有公共圖書館
O 《教育法》規定的所有私立學校
O 所有持牌托兒中心
O 所有酒吧和餐館:提供外賣和送餐的商戶除外
O 所有劇院和音樂會場所(包括提供現場音樂、舞蹈、電影和其他藝術形式的場所)
• 不允許組織超過50人的公眾活動,包括:
O 巡遊;
O 公眾活動;和,
O 宗教場所內的公共服務。
• 命令將至少持續到2020年3月31日。
• 安大略省府還拔出3億零4百萬元,以加強該省應對COVID-19的醫療服務,包括:
O 增加醫院病床的數量;
O 通過公共衛生中心進行檢測和篩查;
O 保護前線工作人員;
O 急救人員和患者;
O 支持前線工作人員、長期護理院、生活配套;和
O 保護老人屋和原著民社區。
• 從2020年3月18日起,加拿大國家公園及所有國家文物保護設施一律關閉。
• 任何國籍的人,包括加拿大人,如果出現COVID-19症狀,均不得登機飛往加拿大。
• 所有入境口岸將增加邊境官員,他們將檢測通過加拿大邊境的人是否有任何疾病跡象。
• 如果加拿大公民或永久居民在邊境口岸出現COVID-19症狀,他們會允許入境。但立即由加拿大公共衛生官員進行照看。
• 我們建議在海外的加拿大人尋求離他們最近的領事服務。有關加拿大駐外大使館和領事館的詳細列表,請瀏覽:https://travel.gc.ca/assistance/embassies-consulates
• 鼓勵所有在海外的加拿大人在https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/registration註冊加拿大人海外服務,以獲取有關其當前目的地的最新情況。
• 海外加拿大人還可以通過撥打電話+1 613-996-8885與渥太華的加拿大全球事務24/7緊急觀察和響應中心聯繫(如有需要,會接受對方付費電話)或電郵至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 Updates - March 17, 2020
City of Toronto
·There have been a number of reports that scams regarding COVID-19 testing are happening across the City. Neither the City of Toronto nor Toronto Public Health is going door to door checking for cases of COVID-19. Tests for COVID-19 are also NOT being offered for sale.
·There have been changes to City services that are affected and not affected.
·City services NOT affected or adjusted by changes in Operation Level, or the situation with COVID-19:
o All emergency services (Toronto Paramedics Services, Toronto Fire and Toronto Police Services)
o Toronto Water
o Shelters and respite facilities
o City owned long-term care facilities
o Garbage Collection (not including yard waste)
o Road Operations, including snow removal
o Toronto Hydro
o 311
o Emergency Operations Centre and COVID-19 Task Force Teams
·City services suspended today:
o Administrative functions
o Marriage services
·All City of Toronto buildings will be closed to the public effective March 18th, 2020, including:
o City Hall
o Metro Hall
o All Civic Centres
·City-operated 24-hour services for the homeless remain open.
·Referral and intake will continue for those who need shelter.
·Currently, there are no cases of COVID-19 circulating within the shelter system.
Government of Ontario
·A State of Emergency under section 7.0.1 (1) the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act was declared.
·Under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, effective immediately, grocery stores, convenience stores, pharmacies, manufacturing facilities, public transit, important public services, construction sites and office buildings will all continue to operate.
·The following facilities are legally required to be closed:
oAll facilities providing indoor recreational programs
oAll public libraries
oAll private school as defined in the Education Act
oAll licensed child care centres
oAll bars and restaurants: except to the extent that such facilities provide take-out food and delivery
oAll theatre and concert venues (includes those that offer live music, dance, cinema and other art forms)
·All organized public events of over 50 people are not allowed including:
o Parades;
o Events; and,
o Communal services within places of worship.
·Orders will remain in place until at least March 31, 2020.
·Ontario is also investing up to $304 million to enhance the province's response to COVID-19 which includes funding for:
o Increased capacity in hospitals;
o Testing and screening through public health;
o Protecting front-line workers;
o First responders and patients;
o Supporting frontline workers, long-term care homes, residential facilities; and,
o Protecting senior homes and Indigenous communities.
Government of Canada
·Parks Canada and all heritage facilities operated by the Federal Government are closed as of Wednesday, March 18th 2020.
·Any person regardless of nationality, including Canadians, will not be allowed to board a plane to Canada if they present themselves with symptoms of COVID-19.
·There will be an enhanced presence of border officers at all points of entry, who will be looking for any signs of illness in people coming through the Canadian borders.
·Should a Canadian or Permanent Resident show symptoms of COVID-19 at border crossings, they will be allowed in but will be immediately taken under the care of Canadian Public Health officials.
·Canadians abroad are advised to find the closest consular services available to them. A full list of Canadian embassies and consulates can be found at: https://travel.gc.ca/
·All Canadians abroad are encouraged to sign up for the Registration of Canadians Abroad service at https://travel.gc.ca/
·Canadians abroad may also reach Global Affairs Canada’s 24/7 Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa at +1 613-996-8885 (collect calls are accepted where available) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.