加拿大就業與社會發展部新聞公告 - 魁北克省加蒂諾 加拿大就業與社會發展部 : 在COVID-19大流行病期間,長者群體可能會感到孤獨、害怕、並且與心愛的人們,和他們的社區分離。在這些艱難的時刻,他們需要新的幫助方式。
今天,長者事務部長,德布·舒爾特閣下,宣布為新視野長者計劃下(New Horizons for Seniors Program,NHSP)的組織提供更多的靈活性。原本以社區為基礎的項目,將可以變更計劃,轉變為受到COVID-19影響的長者群體,提供必要的服務。不論他們此前獲得批準的項目是什麽,由於COVID-19的影響,這些在2019-2020年獲批的組織,現在將可以使用資金,為老年人的需求提供幫助。
● 提供電子設備,線上活動,以及遠程教學,以支持幫助老年人與社區和家庭取得聯系;
● 通過配送食物和藥品,支持隔離居家長者的行動;
● 為長者群體提供必要活動,例如面見醫生的計劃;
● 由於COVID-19疫情而喪失長者誌願者,而雇傭員工;
● 在大流行病期間,為長者提供更多關於保護自己的信息的項目。
“正在家中隔離的老年人群體可能需要獲得生活物資,並與外界保持聯系。這就是為什麽我們正在為長者新視野項目提供新的靈活性。我們將允許此前被批準的項目可以進行修改,在這個前所未有的公共衛生危機當中,達到長者群體的需求。加拿大人正團結在一起,保護我們最弱勢的群體,幫助他們的鄰居獲得生活物資,與他們的父母和祖父母通話,並做到他們應該做的事情,通過與人保持距離,幫助壓平疫情曲線。我們能夠,並且將會一同度過,這個困難的時刻。”– 長者事務部長,德布·舒爾特閣下
New Horizons for Seniors Program projects can now be used for COVID-19 support
From: Employment and Social Development Canada News release
April 6, 2020 Gatineau, Quebec Employment and Social Development Canada
During the COVID-19 pandemic, seniors may feel lonely, scared and disconnected from their
loved ones and their communities. They need new kinds of support in these difficult times.
Today, the Honourable Deb Schulte, Minister of Seniors, announced flexibility for organizations
under the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) to use funding previously received
through the community-based stream to provide immediate and essential services to seniors
impacted by COVID-19. Regardless of the nature of the previously approved project,
organizations with approved projects in 2019-2020 can now use their funding to provide support
for seniors’ needs due to COVID-19.
Activities can start immediately and can include:
●supporting seniors in staying connected with their community and family by providing
electronic devices, virtual activities and remote tutorials;
●supporting the delivery of food and medication to self-isolated seniors at home;
●assisting seniors to undertake essential activities, such as visits to the doctor;
●hiring staff to replace a loss of a senior volunteer due to the outbreak;
●providing information to seniors regarding how to care for themselves during the
In addition, NHSP recipients who will not or cannot provide programs or services in response to
the COVID-19 pandemic will be given more time to conclude their approved projects. Instead of
the usual 12-month period, organizations will now have up to two years to finish their projects.
The NHSP provides grants and contributions for projects that help improve the well-being of
seniors and foster their social inclusion. As of March 31, 2020, 2,166 projects were funded
based on a call for proposals that was launched on May 15, 2019.
“Seniors who are staying safe by isolating at home may need help to get supplies and stay
connected. That’s why we’re providing new flexibility to the New Horizons for Seniors Program
to allow previously approved projects to be modified to meet seniors’ needs during this
unprecedented public health crisis. Canadians are coming together to protect our most
vulnerable by helping their neighbours with groceries, calling their parents and grandparents
and doing their part to flatten the curve by physical distancing. We can and will get through this
difficult period together. –The Honourable Deb Schulte, Minister of Seniors