詹嘉禮市議員:COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年4月21日
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我們可在22區範圍內接收您的捐贈並代為送到食品銀行。有意請致電416 392 1374或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
食品銀行和地址 所需物品 捐款詳情
Agincourt Community Church (救世軍)
地址: 3080 Birchmount Road, Scarborough, ON M1W 3K3
• 米
• 盒裝玉米片
• 罐頭肉
• 罐頭湯
• 意大利面 以信用卡捐款,請瀏覽以下網頁:www.agincourtcommunitychurch.com
The Salvation Army
North American Muslim Foundation (NAMF)
地址: 4140 Finch Avenue East, Scarborough, ON M1S 3T9
• 麵粉
• 油
• 鹽
• 糖
• 小扁豆
• 意大利面
• 鷹嘴豆
• 罐頭蔬菜
• 罐頭魚
North American Muslim Foundation
Agincourt Community Services
地址: 1911 Kennedy Road, Unit 105, Scarborough, ON M1S 1T4
• 不易腐爛的食物
• 嬰兒尿布(所有尺寸)
• 女性衛生用品
• 個人衛生用品
• 獨立裝洗手液
Agincourt Community Services Association or ACSA
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• TTC正與多倫多救護服務合作,將五輛退役的公交車改裝為臨時運送病人的車輛。
• 總共有300萬個ASTM 2級的外科口罩已運抵多倫多。 這些口罩將會供給於於長期護理院和露宿者庇護所。
• 安大略省政府將投放1,100萬元於為有需要的人士提供膳食、藥品和其他必需品,並將增加「年收入保證制度」(GAINS)所得款項一倍。
O 這些新增款項將會持續6個月。除此之外,計劃將為另外194,000名需要更多幫助的弱勢長者提供共7,500萬加元的援助。
• 省政府正在與安大略省社區支持協會(OCSA)合作開拓一項新的社區支持計劃,以擴展現有的「Meals on Wheels」服務,及覆蓋更多有需要的人。
• 省政府將向住屋救濟基金投入4000萬加元。資金將協助提供社會服務,兒童福利,受害者庇護和為弱勢原住民提供社會服務的組織提供與COVID-19有關的援助,
• 省政府將向各市級社會服務部門提供1.48億加元的資金以支持弱勢社群,這項計劃是本省2億加元社會服務救濟資金的其中一部分
• 加拿大政府將設立一個3.5億加元的緊急社區支援基金,以支持慈善機構和非牟利組織。
• 一部分資金將撥於獨立的小型前線組織。
• 其餘資金將撥於給United Way, 拿大社區基金會和紅十字會等國家組織,用於培訓志願者、增加對老年人的送貨上門服務,和協助殘障人士覆診。
• 小型企業緊急工資補貼申請將於4月27日開放。 加拿大稅務局網站上有一個新的計算器,讓雇主能夠預計將得到款項的金額。
COVID-19 Updates - April 21 2020
This morning I had the pleasure of delivering PPE to all the senior and long term care residences in Ward 22. We delivered over 6000 masks, 10000 gloves, 100 gowns and 80 liters of hand sanitizer. Thankfully all our residents at the homes are COVID-19 free.
Please click here for more pictures.
COVID-19 has caused disruption and hardship in many people’s lives – they have been laid off and are trying to keep a roof over the heads of their families and food on the table. Please consider donating to the food banks in Ward 22.
We can arrange, within the boundaries of Ward 22, to pick up your donations for the food banks. Please call us at 416 392 1374 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Name and Address |
Items needed |
Financial Donations |
Agincourt Community Church (Salvation Army)
3080 Birchmount Road Scarborough, ON M1W 3K3 |
·Rice ·Boxed Cereals ·Canned Meat ·Canned Soups ·Pasta
Credit Card donations, visit: www.agincourtcommunitychurch.com
Cheques made payable to: The Salvation Army
Donations greater than $20.00 will receive a tax receipt.
North American Muslim Foundation (NAMF)
4140 Finch Avenue E., Scarborough, ON M1S 3T9
·Flour ·Oil ·Salt ·Sugar ·Lentils ·Pasta ·Chick Peas ·Canned Vegetable ·Canned Fish
Credit Card donations, visit: https://www.namf.ca/donate-now.html
Cheques made payable to: North American Muslim Foundation
Donations greater than $10.00 will receive a tax receipt
Agincourt Community Services
1911 Kennedy Road, Unit 105 Scarborough, ON M1S 1T4
·non-perishable items o baby diapers (all sizes) o feminine hygiene products o personal hygiene products o individual size hand sanitizer
Credit Card donations, visit: https://www.agincourtcommunityservices.com/donate
Cheques made payable to: Agincourt Community Services Association or ACSA
Donations greater than $10.00 will receive tax receipt
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
City of Toronto
·The TTC in collaboration with Toronto Paramedics Services has converted five decommissioned buses into transport vehicles for patients in Toronto.
·3 million ATSM Level 2 surgical masks in total have arrived in Toronto. These masks will be used primarily in Long-Term Care Homes and shelters.
Government of Ontario
·The Government of Ontario is investing $11 million to help deliver meals, medicines and other essentials to those in need and doubling the Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS) payments.
o These doubled payments will continue for 6 months and provide an additional $75 million to 194,000 vulnerable seniors who may need more help to cover essential expenses
o The Province is working with Ontario Community Support Association (OCSA) to launch a new Community Support Program to expand existing Meals on Wheels services to reach individuals in need.
o The Province is investing $40 million in the Residential Relief Fund. Funding will assist developmental services, child welfare, victims shelters and organizations delivering social services to vulnerable First Nations individuals and families with COVID-related costs
o The Province is providing $148 million to municipal partners that administer social services with funding to support vulnerable individuals as part of the province's $200 million in social services relief funding in response to COVID-19
Government of Canada
·The Government of Canada is setting up a $350 million Emergency Community Support Fund to support charities and non-profits.
o A portion of this fund will go to small, independent frontline organizations.
o The rest of the funding will go to national organizations like the United Way, Community Foundations Canada and the Red Cross. This money will be used to train volunteers, increase home deliveries to seniors and drive those with disabilities to appointments.
o Applications for the Emergency Wage Subsidy for small businesses will open on April 27th. There is a new calculator on the Canada Revenue Agency website for employers to determine how much they can expect to claim through this subsidy.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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