詹嘉禮市議員:COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年4月22日
要看到更多的像片和視頻請瀏覽以下網頁: 点击这里
從以下鏈接可以看到有關安大略省衛生部的COVID-19衛生系統應對小組的第二次更新,網頁介紹了省,地區和地方大流行性疾病規劃合作團隊在重要範疇里的工作。詳情請閱: 点击这里
2020年6月的CANS(北士嘉堡各社區協會)燒烤活動已取消,並於2021年6月重新安排。詳情請閱: 点击这里
我僅此感謝Garden Up Huntsmill 團隊為我們區內的公園(Huntsmill Park and Bamburgh Park) 提供春季鮮花,在這艱難的時刻為本區添上色彩和暖意。請勿採摘或將花朵帶回家中,它們是供所有人欣賞的。
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
許多人的生活已受到COVID-19疫情的影響。即使他們已被解雇,但他們仍需要為家庭提供日常食品。請考慮捐贈於本區的食物銀行。我們可在22區範圍內接收你的捐贈並代為送到食品銀行。有意請致電416 392 1374或電郵至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 。
• 多倫多公共圖書館在COVID-19疫情期間免費提供了數千本有聲讀物和電子書。有關如何獲得在線資源的更多詳細信息,請瀏覽以下網頁: http://karygiannis.net/wp/2020/04/22/free-library-resources-accessible-from-home/
• 今年本來在High Park舉行的櫻花節將移至線上進行。多倫多市政府正在為園內盛開的樹木締造虛擬攝像。
• 多倫多市已啓動「BusinessTO」支援中心,為多倫多企業提供線上的一對一服務。詳情請閱:: https://www.toronto.ca/covid19BusinessTO
· 請於上述網頁註冊並安排與業務顧問以視頻或語音通話。業務顧問將在24小時內與您聯繫
· 安大略省政府
• 自宣佈COVID-19行動計劃以來,政府已通過迅速和果斷的措施為長期護理院提供集中的支援。
• 為了進一步支持在省內長期護理院中的抗疫行動,省政府向聯邦政府包括拿大衛生部,加拿大公共衛生局和加拿大武裝部隊等部門請求額外資源。
• 總理於今天宣佈設立加拿大緊急學生津貼。該項補貼將於2020年5月至2020年8月之間為學生提供每月$ 1,250加元的補貼。需照顧他人或有身有殘障的學生每月將獲發$1,750加元。
O 加拿大緊急學生津貼對象將包括:
O 所有現時的大專生
O 已於2019年12月畢業的學生
O 本年秋季入學的大專生
O 休假後繼續學業的專生
O 有工作但每月收入不超過$ 1,000元的學生
O 補貼將於5月1日開始實施。款項將通過加拿大稅務局發放
• 聯邦政府除了加拿大夏季工作計劃之外,還創造了76,000個在重要行業內的新職位。
• 政策將增加「青年就業和技能計劃」的靈活性,該項計劃將為年輕人在社區服務等重要行業內創造就業機會。聯邦政府正準備把「支持學生學習計劃」的主要服務透過線上提供,這些服務包括為弱勢年輕人提供輔導和指導。
• 政府將投放2.91億加元為學生研究人員和研究生提供獎學金和助學金。
• 在今年夏天義務協助抗疫的學生將具備從加拿大學生服務補助金中獲得$ 1,000- $ 5,000補助的資格。
• 2020-2021學年的學生助學金將增加一倍。聯邦政府將與Western Territory地區、Nunavut 和Quebec 省合作,為財政援助計劃提供資金。
• 聯邦政府同時已為原住民學生提供了500萬加元的支援。
COVID-19 Updates – April 22 2020
Today, I had the pleasure of delivering a donation of 13,000 protective masks to the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC).I want to thank the local stakeholders that have assisted in this endeavour. For details regarding today’s delivery, please click here
For the second of the ongoing update from Ontario Health’s COVID-19 Health System Response Team highlighting the work in critical areas of the provincial, regional and local pandemic planning partners. Click here
The CANS (Community Associations for North Scarborough) BBQ for June 2020 has been cancelled and rescheduled for June 2021/. For more information please Click here
I would like to thank the Garden Up Huntsmill team for lifting our spirits during this time by providing lovely spring flowers in our local parks (Huntsmill Park and Bamburgh Park). Please do not pick the flowers and take them home- they are for everyone to enjoy!
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
COVID-19 has caused disruption and hardship in many people’s lives – they have been laid off and are trying to keep a roof over the heads of their families and food on the table. Please consider donating to the food banks in Ward 22.
We can arrange, within the boundaries of Ward 22, to pick up your donations for the food banks. Please call us at 416 392 1374 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
City of Toronto
·The Toronto Public Library is providing thousands of audiobooks and e-books free of charge during COVID-19. For more details on how to access and download online resources, please click here.
·This year’s Cherry Blossom Festival at High Park will be moved online. The City is working on a virtual walk-through of the blossoming trees at High Park.
·The City of Toronto has launched the BusinessTO Support Centre to provide virtual one-on-one support to Toronto businesses. For more information, please visit https://www.toronto.ca/covid19BusinessTO.
o Sign up to schedule a conversation with a business advisor by video or phone and a business advisor will be in contact within 24 hours.
Government of Ontario
·Since the COVID-19 Action Plan was announced, the government has worked swiftly and decisively to provide targeted, on-the-ground support to long-term care homes through the following measures:
·To further support ongoing efforts to fight COVID-19 in Ontario's long-term care homes, the Province of Ontario will make a request to Federal Government for extra resources, which will include personnel and other supports from Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Armed Forces
Government of Canada
·Today, the Prime Minister announced the establishment of the Canada Emergency Student Benefit. The Benefit will give students $1,250 per month between May to August 2020. Students who take care of someone or have a disability will receive $1,750 a month.
·The Canada Emergency Student Benefit is intended for:
o All current post secondary students;
o Students who graduated in December 2019;
o Those entering Post-Secondary institutions in the fall term;
o Those continuing their education after taking time off; and,
o Students who currently have a job but earn $1,000 a month or less.
o The Benefit is set to begin May 1st. Payments will be delivered through the Canada Revenue Agency.
o The Federal Government is creating 76,000 new jobs in addition to the Canada Summer Jobs Program. These jobs will be in sectors that are essential in the fight against COVID-19.
o Flexibilities will be implemented to the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy which creates placements for young Canadians in critical sectors like community services. The federal government is working to bring important services online through the Support for Student Learning Program; such services include tutoring and mentorship for vulnerable young people.
o $291 million will be invested in extending scholarships, fellowships and grants for student researchers and graduate students.
o Students, who volunteer this summer in the fight against COVID-19, will be eligible for a grant of $1,000-$5,000 through the Canada Student Service Grant
o Student grants given out for the 2020-2021 school year will be doubled. The Federal Government will work with the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Quebec to provide funding for financial aid programs.
o $75 million was also pledged to increase support for Indigenous students
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax