詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月1日
為表示對士嘉堡醫護人員的支持,今天我協助了兩個機構向士嘉堡慈恩醫院提供了700個飯盒。感謝Cerise Fine Catering 和 Windsor Arms Hotel 的慷慨捐贈。
亂扔垃圾可被罰款$ 500.00加元。
• 鑒於多倫多市內車輛的數量已驟減,市政府將借此機會盡可能地加快重要項目的建設。
• 多倫多市內的加拿大國慶日的活動將被取消。 多倫多市將與其他加拿大城市一起在線慶祝國慶日。
• 市政府將撥款啓動一項防止青年暴力的計劃,以減低社區中的青年暴力。多倫多市議會於2020年2月19日批准了該項撥款,並將向有關社區機構發放用於九個社區的青少年暴力預防項目,一筆達200萬加元的款項。
• 士嘉堡愛靜閣,Steeles L’Amoureaux (Glendower, Bay Mills and Chester Le 為優先區域) 被划為重點撥款區域。
• 有意申請的機構請瀏覽https://s.cotsurvey.chkmkt.com/?e=195072&d=e&h=C15E22B8248DF59&l=en
• 截止日期為5月25日中午。
• 省政府將容許部份商業活動和工作地點在遵守嚴格的公共衛生措施並安全運營的前提下重大新開放。
• 衛生部首席醫學官就如何在企業和工作場所重新開放後安全運營問題上提供了一些建議,其中包括嚴格遵守健康和安全要求。
• 在遵守嚴格的公共衛生措施並安全運營的前提下,以下商業活動將允許在5月4日星期一凌晨12:01開始重新運營:
• 只在路邊發貨的花園中心和苗圃
• 草坪護理
• 基本建設項目
O 運輸和物流
O 寬頻,電信和電子基建
O 支持改善貨物和服務交付的項目
O 市政項目
O 高等教育
O 幼兒中心
O 學校
O 工地籌劃,商業,工業和住宅用地的的發展工作自動和自助洗車埸
O 汽車經銷商 (只開放預約)
• 高爾夫球場可以為即將來臨的賽季作出準備,但不可向公眾開放。
• 遊艇碼頭亦可以開始為游船季節作準備,並為船隻提供服務和將船隻下水,但不允許向公眾開放碼頭。直到公眾進入的許可為止,船隻必須固定在碼頭上。
• 儘管省政府容許某些行業重新營業,但市民仍然應該留在家中和保持社交距離,並僅於如購買食品、提取處方藥品,和就診等必要情況下外出。
• 總理提到本月是亞洲和猶太文化月。他鼓勵所有加拿大人團結對抗反亞情緒和反猶太主義。
• 總理宣佈禁止出售攻擊式武器。 在加拿大購買,出售,運輸,進口或使用1500款軍事級槍支、模型和改裝槍械在法規生效後即時被禁止。 為協助合法擁有槍械的人適應此法令,法令將提出為期兩年的寬限期,同時政府亦將立法提供公平的賠償。
O 在寬限期內市民能合法擁有但不能使用這些槍械。
O 任何人均不能購買和售賣這些槍械。
O 這些槍械只能在持有有效的出口證的情況下出口本國。
O 商戶可以將槍支退還給製造商。
O 武器必須依法安全地存放。 它們僅可能運往使槍枝停用的場所、移交給警察或退還給武器擁有者的埸所。
O 行使第35條狩獵權的原住民和依賴規範武器獲取食物的人將被括免此法令。直至獲得合適的替代品前,他們可以繼續使用在此法令生效前未受管制的槍械。
O 武器不能在社交隔離法令實施的有效期內交還。
COVID-19 Updates – May 1 2020
Today is National Physicians’ Day, as well as First Responders’ Day. I would like to thank the physicians and first responders for their work and commitment towards fighting COVID-19.
In support of healthcare workers in Scarborough, today I assisted in delivering 700 meals to the Scarborough Health Network – Birchmount Campus. I would like to thank Cerise Fine Catering and the Windsor Arms Hotel for their generosity.
For more information regarding the meal delivery and general community goings-on, please visit click here
Today is also International Workers' Day, also known as Workers' Day or Labour Day in some countries and often referred to as May Day, is a celebration of labourers and the working classes that is promoted by the international labour movement and occurs every year on May Day
I have received numerous calls and emails from constituents advising me of discarded Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - gloves, masks and sanitizer bottles - in grocery store parking lots, outside essential businesses and in our City parks. This practice is shocking. Discarding empty sanitizer bottles and used gloves and face masks on the ground is not only irresponsible and inappropriate, it is risky behavior.
Littering can result in a $500.00 fine.
Please stop littering and use the provided receptacles outside grocery stores and in the parks or wait until you can dispose of your garbage properly and with care. You can also carry a small bag where you can put your PPE until you can dispose of them safely.
It's nice to see people are taking precautions, but we really need to do better. It’s for the safety of everyone.
City of Toronto
·The City of Toronto will be accelerating as many important construction projects as possible in light of reduced traffic volumes on Toronto roads.
·The City of Toronto is cancelling Canada Day events. The City will be joining other municipalities across Canada in celebrating a national virtual Canada Day.
·The City of Toronto will launch a youth violence prevention grant to support the de-escalation of youth violence in Toronto communities. The grant, which was approved by Toronto City Council on February 19, 2020, will see $2 million in funding allocated to community agencies for youth violence prevention projects in nine communities.
o In Scarborough-Agincourt, the Steeles L'Amoureaux (Priority: Glendower, Bay Mills and Chester Le) area has been identified as a focus area for funding.
o To apply, agencies should visit https://s.cotsurvey.chkmkt.com/?e=195072&d=e&h=C15E22B8248DF59&l=en.
o The deadline to apply is noon on May 25.
Government of Ontario
·The Provincial Government is allowing certain businesses and workplaces to reopen as long as they comply with strict public health measures and operate safely.
·The Chief Medical Officer of Health has provided general recommendations on how the openings of businesses and workplaces could implement to support safe operations, including strict adherence to health and safety requirements.
·By following the proper health and safety guidelines, these businesses will be permitted to begin operations on Monday, May 4 at 12:01 AM:
o Garden centers and nurseries with curbside pick-up and delivery only;
o Lawn care and landscaping;
o Additional essential construction projects that include:
§ shipping and logistics;
§ broadband, telecommunications, and digital infrastructure;
§ any other project that supports the improved delivery of goods and services;
§ municipal projects;
§ colleges and universities;
§ child care centres;
§ schools; and
§ site preparation, excavation, and servicing for institutional, commercial, industrial and residential development;
·Automatic and self-serve car washes; and,
·Auto dealerships, open by appointment only;
·Golf courses may prepare their courses for the upcoming season, but not open to the public.
·Marinas may also begin preparations for the recreational boating season by servicing boats and other watercraft and placing boats in the water, but not open to the public. Boats and watercraft must be secured to a dock in the marina until public access is allowed.
·Although certain businesses are being permitted to reopen, it is critical that people continue to stay home, practice physical distancing and only go out for essential reasons – to pick up groceries, prescriptions or to keep a medical appointment.
Government of Canada
·The Prime Minister recognizes May as Asian and Jewish Heritage Month. He encouraged all Canadians to come together against anti-Asian sentiment and anti-Semitism.
·The Prime Minister announced the ban on sale of assault-style weapons. 1,500 models and variants of military grade assault weapons will be banned by way of regulations. Effective immediately, it is no longer permitted to buy, sell, transport, import or use military grade firearms in Canada. To help all law-abiding gun owners, there will be a 2-year amnesty period and the government will legislate fair compensation.
o Anyone in possession of these firearms cannot use them even during the amnesty period.
o They may not be sold or bought by any individual in Canada,
o The weapons can be exported with a valid export permit
o A business owner may return the firearms to the manufacturer
o The weapons must be safely stored in accordance with the law. They may only be transported for the purposes of deactivation or surrendered to police or to be returned to the owner of the weapon
o There will be an exception for Indigenous people exercising their section 35 hunting right as well as those who use the weapon for hunting or to feed themselves and their families. They may continue to use firearms that were previously not restricted until a suitable replacement is acquired.
o No one should try to surrender their weapon during this social distancing period.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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