詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年4月30日
如何在家中應對COVID-19 –與教育工作者的電話會議
我很高興能於昨天向長期護理院捨、教堂和食品銀行提供了數千個捐贈口罩(PPE)。詳情請瀏覽: 点击这里
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• 安大略省政府將確保雇主在準備重啓安省經濟的同時,也具備充份保護工人,顧客和公眾的安全指南。
• 安全准則將為製造業、食品製造業、餐飲服務業和農業工人提供指引。
• 這些措施是建基於「安大略省健康和安全協會」針對零售,醫療保健界,建築業,運輸業,警隊察,消防隊伍員和過境僱員等行業於COVID-19疫情下的60多項准則。
• 省政府將與「安大略省的健康和安全協會」合作,在未來幾天和幾周內為更多行業提出更多的工作場所安全指南。
• 從本週起,將有58名新的工地監察員與現行的其他監察員一起工作,向重要行業的工作場所灌輸COVID-19安全准則,或執行包括社交隔離和關閉非必要業務等的緊急措施。
• 一架載有6名武裝部隊成員的加拿大皇家海軍直升機在希臘海岸墜毀。有1人證實死亡,另外5名成員失蹤。飛行數據記錄器已尋回,而調查即將會進行。
• 迄今為止,原住民服務部門已撥出超過6.9億加元的資金用於對付COVID-19疫情。款項用於實行如收購物資、提供護理服務和災難應變等措施。
• 需要精神衛生援助和危機協助的原住民可致電1-885-242-3310或登入hopeforwellness.ca。所提供服務語言包括英語,法語,Cree,Ojibwe 和Inuktitut。
COVID-19 Updates - April 30 2020
Families Coping with COVID-19 – Teleconference with Educators
I will be hosting a teleconference to help Ward 22’s schoolchildren and parents cope with staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. I will be joined by our trustees, educators and psychologists who will offer advice on home learning and maintaining mental and physical well-being. The teleconference will be held on May 1st, 2020 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. If you would like to join this teleconference, please click here.
Toronto City Council
Today, Toronto City Council convened for the first time via teleconference.
During the meeting, I moved the following Motion: That City Council request the City Manager to report to City Council six months after the COVID-19 pandemic with lessons learned and what the City can do to get ready for a future pandemic.
This motion passed unanimously.
Scarborough-Agincourt was the Canadian epicenter of SARS in 2003. As a result, lessons were learned and plans were devised to deal with another public health crisis. Unfortunately, over the last 17 years, we have forgotten the lessons that have been learnt. I want to assure all my constituents that I am working with other Members of Council to ensure that the best practices are implemented as we deal with COVID-19.
At Council today, I also expressed my thanks to the men and women who are working on the frontlines to keep us all safe.
I had the pleasure yesterday to deliver thousands of donated masks (PPE) to long term care and senior home facilities, Churches and Food Banks. Read more…
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If they would like to sign up on our email list please have them to go to my website www.karygiannis.net
Government of Ontario
·The Government of Ontario is ensuring employers have the safety guidelines they need to protect workers, customers and the general public as they prepare for gradual reopening of the Ontario economy.
·Safety guidelines will provide direction to those working in manufacturing; food manufacturing and processing; restaurant and food service; and, the agricultural sector.
·These measures build on more than 60 guidelines developed by Ontario's health and safety associations in response to COVID-19 for various sectors such as retail, health care, construction, transportation, police services, firefighters and transit employees.
·The Provincial Government will work with Ontario's health and safety associations to bring forward additional workplace safety guidelines for more sectors in the coming days and weeks.
·Starting this week, 58 new labour inspectors will join other inspectors already deployed in Ontario in communicating COVID-19 safety guidelines to essential workplaces or enforcing emergency measures, including physical distancing and the closure of non-essential businesses.
Government of Canada
·A Royal Canadian Navy helicopter carrying 6 members of the Armed Forces has gone down off the coast of Greece. There is 1 confirmed casualty and the other 5 other members are also missing. Flight data recorder has been recovered and an investigation will take place.
·Over $690 million in funding has been allocated by Indigenous services towards the fight against COVID-19 to date. This includes activities undertaken directly by the Department such as gathering supplies, nursing services and preparedness measures being taken by communities.
·Indigenous persons in need of mental health assistance and crisis intervention may call 1-885-242-3310 or online through hopeforwellness.ca. Service is provided in English, French, Cree, Ojibwe and Inuktitut.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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