詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月11日
我在今天與愛靜閣扶輪會一起向Shepherd Lodge, 恆福護理院, 耆暉會以及孟嘗閣等護老院和長期護理院的醫護人員捐贈了面罩。我們特此感謝愛靜閣扶輪會的慷慨捐助。更多詳情請閱:点击这里
我也在昨天向超過350名的本區居民派發了免費的口罩和洗手液。而大部份前來的居民均有攜帶捐贈給Agincourt Community Services Association (ACSA) 食品銀行。更多詳情請閱: 点击这里
我也要感謝錫安建材捐贈的口罩和Quadcam Development Group捐贈的消毒液。
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• 多倫多市政府宣佈啓動ShopHERE 計劃,這個志願人士網絡的目的是計劃利便開發人員,商科學生和私營公司的協助幫助多倫多的獨立企業和藝術家建立在線商店。這項免費計劃將為獨立企業提供了一對一支持,以幫助他們建立了在線商店以及銷售其商品和服務。這項服務將惠及所有合資企業或藝術界人士。詳情請瀏覽:点击这里
• 多倫多市已投資200萬加元在Toronto Rent Bank上面,以支持約800個低收入家庭的房屋需要。同時,市政府亦實施了新措施,以更有效地滿足家庭的需求。
• 有關如何向Toronto Rent Bank申請補助的詳情,居民可在週一至週五上午8:30至下午4:30致電416-397-RENT(7368)。更多详情请参阅他们的网站
• 省政府將提供3000萬加元用於建設交通運輸系統,以維持全省社區的貨物運輸和連接。
O 2020-21年度的連接計劃將協助全省24個城市建造,維修或更換社區內或跨境道路和橋梁。
• 省級公園和自然保護區將於今天有限度開放。政府暫時允許的消遣活動僅限於步行,遠足,騎自行車和觀鳥。這些活動和設施在本月底前均免費開放。
• 勞工,培訓和技能發展部和與政府合作的健康與安全協會現已發佈了80多個針對特定行業的健康與安全指南(包括路邊接送服務指南)。
O 企業應使用這些指導方針制定重啓業務的計劃,為重新開發時做好保護工人,客戶和公眾的準備。
• 總理宣佈政府將擴大拿大中小型企可業備用信貸計劃。加拿大出口發展局和加拿大商業發展銀行將與商界領袖合作,以釋放更多資本在加拿大公司上面。
• 聯邦政府正在建立大型雇主緊急融資信貸。這將為加拿大最大的雇主提供過渡性融資。過渡性融資的基本原則:下述
O 用於避免破產和保護數百萬加拿大人的工作
O 為公平起見,融資信貸將會提供給國內所有行業
O 對公司負責要對得到的信貸負責。獲得這些資金的公司必須維持員工的職位和繼續投資,並尊重集體協議和退休金義務以及兌現保護環境的承諾。
O 關於股息,股票回購和管理層薪酬各方面將有嚴格的限制。
COVID-19 Updates – May11, 2020
Special note if you unsuscribe from our email list we will not be able to keep you advised of our next free face masks distribution(s).
Today, I joined the Agincourt Rotary Club in making donations of face shields to support healthcare workers in our seniors’ and long-term care homes. I distributed face shields to Shepherd Lodge, Tendercare Living Centre, Carefirst and Mon Sheong Court. Special thanks go to Agincourt Rotary Club for their generous donation. Read More…
Yesterday, I was also able to distribute free, pre-ordered face masks and hand sanitizer to over 350 constituents, most of whom brought donations to the Agincourt Community Services Association (ACSA) Food Bank. For more details click here..,.
I want to thank the people of Ward 22 for their generosity. The Food Bank received donations of over $3,200.00 and 4 tonnes of non-perishable food stuffs. Your generosity will help feed those in our community who have been hardest hit by the COVID-19 crisis.
I also want to thank Zion Building Supplies, who donated face masks, and Quadcam Development Group for donating hand sanitizers to my constituents.
For more pictures, and to watch for the going-ons in the Ward 22 community duirng COVID-19, please look at the COVID-19 Community Corner at: http://karygiannis.net/wp/category/covid-19-community-corner/.
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
National Nurses’ Week
Today marks the beginning of National Nurses’ Week. It is a time for us to appreciate the work that they do in keeping us healthy and well cared-for.
Although there are signs of normal life returning to the City of Toronto, I want to remind everyone that the battle against COVID-19 is not over. The best way we can honour our nurses this week is to stay safe and healthy. Stay home, limit any excursions to essential needs only and practice physical distancing.
Our nurses and frontline workers are still in need of PPE and sanitizers during this time, and I am still encouraging everyone to make donations whenever possible. Please take a look at https://www.shn.ca/news/helpourheroes/ for a list of items needed in our hospitals and consider making a donation to help our frontline workers in the fight against COVID-19.
City of Toronto
·The City announced the launch of ShopHERE, a new initiative to help Toronto’s independent businesses and artists set-up their online stores with the help of volunteer web developers, business students and corporate partners. The free program provides businesses one-on-one support with building an online store to start selling their goods and services right away. The ShopHERE program is open to any business or artist that meets the eligibility requirements.
·The City of Toronto has made an investment of $2M to the Toronto Rent Bank to support approximately 800 additional low-income households to remain housed. Program changes have also been implemented to be more responsive to the needs of low-income households during the COVID-19 pandemic.
o For more information on how to apply to the Rent Bank, residents may call 416-397-RENT (7368), Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. More information about the Toronto Rent Bank is available on their website.
Government of Ontario
·The Government of Ontario is providing $30 million to build a transportation system that will help keep goods moving and to better connect communities across the province.
o The 2020-21 Connecting Links program will support 24 municipalities across the province to help them build, repair or replace municipal roads and bridges that connect two ends of a provincial highway through a community or to a border crossing.
o Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves will begin opening today with limited access. Recreational activities will be restricted to walking, hiking, biking and bird-watching. Access is free until the end of the month.
o The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development and its health and safety association partners have now released over 80 sector-specific health and safety guidelines, including guidelines for curbside pickup and delivery services
§ Business owners should use these guidelines to develop reopening plans that work for their business and protect workers, customers and the general public as the province prepares for the gradual reopening of the economy.
Government of Canada
·The Prime Minister announced an expansion to the business credit availability program for small and midsized companies in Canada. Export Development Canada and the Business Development Bank of Canada will work with the private sector lenders to free-up access to capital for Canadian companies.
·The Federal Government is creating a large employer emergency financing facility. This will provide bridge financing for Canada’s largest employers. The basic principles of the bridge loans are:
o To avoid bankruptcies to protect millions of Canadian jobs
o To be fair. Financing will be available to across all sectors and consistent across the country
o To hold companies accountable. The companies accessing these funds must maintain jobs and investments, respecting collective agreements and pension obligations, and environmental and climate commitments
o There will be strict regulations on dividends, share buybacks and executive compensation
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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