詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月21日
Steeles Avenue 將於5月29日週五下午8:00至6月1日週一上午6:00封閉
Metrolinx 正在對 Agincourt 和 Milliken GO 火車站進行重要的基建升級工程。工程將包括在 Steeles Avenue East 由 Kennedy Road 至 Midland Avenue 之間現有的行人過路處新建人車分層路軌和行人天橋。工程亦包括在 Steeles Avenue East 鐵路走廊一帶加建地下行車通道。
• Steeles Avenue East 在 Redlea Avenue 和 Old Kennedy Road / Silver Star Boulevard 之間將完全封閉以作實施臨時封路措施的準備。
• 封路時間為5月29日(星期五)下午至6月1日(星期一)上午6:00。
• 在駕駛時務必請注意有關改道的交通指示和路標。
• 從6月1日起,行經車輛須改道至 Steeles Avenue East 在 Redlea Avenue 和 Silver Star Boulevard 之間以北的臨時道路。
• 改道措施將確保Steeles Avenue East 地下行車通道和行人天橋工地一帶在施工期間的交通負荷能力不受影響。
更多詳情請瀏覽: 点击这里
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 9,129宗累計確診病例
• 自5月18日起263宗新病例
• 413名患者需要入院,其中92人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計716人死亡
• 累計6,735人康復
• 市政府在今天沒有更新消息。
• 省政府向安大略省COVID-19快速研究基金投資了2000萬加元,以協助重點研究疫苗開發、診斷、藥物研發和測試,以及社會科學等領域。
• 本省正在臨床研究22項有關COVID-19的疫苗和療法,該數字領先全國其他省份。
• 為了協助超過100萬名居住在市區或已離開保留地的原住民解決日常生活需求,聯邦政府會提供7500萬加元的資金給原住民組織。
• 這些額外資金將用於支援包括保障糧食穩定、提供個人防護裝備,和提供精神衛生服務等的社會項目。資金將在未來數周內發放
COVID-19 Updates – May 21 2020
Opening up does not mean we do foolish things. The picture below is just one such occasion from one of our residents outside their home. Please use common sense and let’s make sure we all stay safe.
Steeles Ave Closure Friday, May 29th (8:00 PM) until Monday, June 1st (6:00 AM)
Metrolinx is making major infrastructure improvements to the Agincourt and Milliken GO stations. This work includes the construction of new grade-separated rail and pedestrian bridges at the existing Steeles Avenue East at-grade rail crossing between Kennedy Road and Midland Avenue. It also includes a new road underpass on Steeles Avenue East below the railway corridor.
·There will be a full closure of Steeles Avenue East between Redlea Avenue and Old Kennedy Road/Silver Star Boulevard to prepare for the temporary detour road.
·The closure will begin on Friday, May 29th (8:00 PM) until Monday, June 1st (6:00 AM)
·Please watch for road signs directing you to alternate routes.
·On June 1st, traffic will shift to the temporary detour road north of Steeles Avenue East between Redlea Avenue and Silver Star Boulevard. The temporary detour road will be in place until late 2021.
·This work will allow crews to build the new underpass and pedestrian bridge at Steeles Avenue East while maintaining traffic flow.
For more information, please click here.
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·9,129 total cases
·263 new cases since May 18
·413 hospitalized with 92 in ICU
·716 deaths
·6,735 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
·There were no new updates from the City of Toronto today.
Government of Ontario
·The Government of Ontario is investing $20 million into the Ontario COVID-19 Rapid Research Fund, focus on areas of research such as vaccine development, diagnostics, drug trials and development, and social sciences.
·Ontario is leading the country with 22 clinical trials investigating COVID-19 vaccines and treatments
Government of Canada
·$75 million in new funding for organizations that address the needs of over a million Indigenous people living in urban centres and off-reserve.
·The additional funding will support community-based projects including food security, personal protective equipment and mental health services. The funding will roll out in the coming weeks.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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