詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月22日
我很高興出席了2743 Victoria Park Avenue 食品銀行的重開日並向居民派發了免費個人防護裝備(口罩)。
Steeles Avenue 將於5月29日週五下午8:00至6月1日週一上午6:00封閉
Metrolinx 正在對 Agincourt 和 Milliken GO 火車站進行重要的基建升級工程。工程將包括在 Steeles Avenue East 由 Kennedy Road 至 Midland Avenue 之間的現有行人過路處新建人車分層路軌和行人天橋。工程亦包括在 Steeles Avenue East 鐵路走廊一帶加建地下行車通道。
• Steeles Avenue East 在 Redlea Avenue 和 Old Kennedy Road / Silver Star Boulevard 之間將完全封閉以作實施臨時封路措施的準備。
• 封路時間為5月29日(星期五)下午至6月1日(星期一)上午6:00。
• 在駕駛時務必請注意有關改道的交通指示和路標。
• 從6月1日起,行經車輛須改道至 Steeles Avenue East 在 Redlea Avenue 和 Silver Star Boulevard 之間以北的臨時道路。
• 改道措施將確保Steeles Avenue East 地下行車通道和行人天橋工地一帶在施工期間的交通負荷能力不受影響。
更多詳情請瀏覽: 点击这里
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 9,357宗累計確診病例
• 258宗新病例
• 411名患者需要入院,其中96人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計732人死亡
• 累計6,98人康復
• 由5月25日星期一起,部份多倫多圖書館的還書箱將重新接受還書。
• 由6月1日星期一起,所有多倫多圖書館的還書箱將重新接受還書。多倫多公共圖書館(TPL)估計,目前已外借了超過一百萬件館藏。
• 圖書館用戶可以繼續通過多倫多公共圖書館網站tpl.ca在線預留館藏,並在6月初開始在圖書館門外領取館藏。
• 多倫多公共圖書館已暫停了在疫情開始至服務恢復正常為止期間的罰款。
• 多倫多公共衛生部(TPH)正與安大略省註冊護士協會(RNAO)合作,以雇用更多的本地註冊護士(RN)來支援追蹤病例和在社會復原期間的醫療工作。
• 省政府允許本省的公司舉行線上會議,以及在特定情況下延遲年度會議。同時,消費者服務部將接受文件副本、電子簽名和電子文檔。
• 省政府正在投放資金於本省的第一個在線咨詢和培訓平台,以支援因疫情而被解雇或失業的接待業人員。
• 省政府將在2020-21年度投放250萬加元的資金於Ontario Tools Grant並在2021-22年度及以後每年撥款750萬加元。 這計劃將協助合資格學徒購買他們開展事業所需的設備。 資金分配如下:
O $1,000元於發放給能源業人員
O $600元於發放給建築業和工業人員
O $400元於發放給服務業人員
• 以下為獲取補助的資格
O 於2020年4月1日或之後完成1級培訓
O 持有有效的註冊培訓協議
O 已註冊成為學徒至少12個月
• 總理和各省長昨晚討論了如何安全地重啓經濟。重啓條件如下:
O 病毒檢測人數增加
O 能加快和加強病例追蹤能力。在病例被確認後,必須能夠聯繫上所有可能接觸過病人的人士
O 各省和地區必須共享所收集到的數據。
• Canada.ca/coronavirus的一個新系統將協助加拿大人確認他們是否合資格獲得政府的援助。
COVID-19 Updates – May 22, 2020
I had the pleasure of attending the re-opening of the Food Bank at 2743 Victoria Park Ave and giving free donated PPE (face masks) to the residents
There will be another Teleconference next Friday May 29, 2020 7:00 pm on Families coping with COVID-19 also we will be giving free donated facemasks and hand sanitizers again next weekend keep tuned for details.
The weather this weekend looks promising, I encourage people to get outdoors and get some exercise, but please practice physical distancing.
Over the last three days we have seen an increase in our local case numbers – however today’s data can reflect transmission for as long as two weeks ago or more. People may have acquired the virus during events where people typically spend time together like Mother’s Day.
We all need to be careful as we move forward so we don’t find ourselves in a position where we have to go back.
Reminder - Steeles Ave Closure Friday, May 29th (8:00 PM) until Monday, June 1st (6:00 AM)
Metrolinx is making major infrastructure improvements to the Agincourt and Milliken GO stations. This work includes the construction of new grade-separated rail and pedestrian bridges at the existing Steeles Avenue East at-grade rail crossing between Kennedy Road and Midland Avenue. It also includes a new road underpass on Steeles Avenue East below the railway corridor.
·There will be a full closure of Steeles Avenue East between Redlea Avenue and Old Kennedy Road/Silver Star Boulevard to prepare for the temporary detour road.
·The closure will begin on Friday, May 29th (8:00 PM) until Monday, June 1st (6:00 AM)
·Please watch for road signs directing you to alternate routes.
·On June 1st, traffic will shift to the temporary detour road north of Steeles Avenue East between Redlea Avenue and Silver Star Boulevard. The temporary detour road will be in place until late 2021.
·This work will allow crews to build the new underpass and pedestrian bridge at Steeles Avenue East while maintaining traffic flow.
For more information, please click here.
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·9,357 total cases
·258 new cases
·411 hospitalized with 96 in ICU
·732 deaths
·6,998 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health,
City of Toronto
·Starting Monday, May 25, select library drop boxes will be opened to accept the return of library materials.
·On Monday, June 1, drop boxes at all remaining accessible branches will open to accept returns. Toronto Public Library (TPL) estimates that there are more than one million items currently out on loan.
·Library customers can continue to place holds online, through the TPL website at tpl.ca and will be able to pick up their materials through a curbside pick-up service which will be available in early June.
·The suspension of TPL fines implemented when the pandemic began will continue until regular service resumes.
·Toronto Public Health (TPH) has formed a partnership with the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) to hire more local registered nurses (RNs) to support case and contact management efforts and support ongoing public health work during the COVID-19 recovery phase.
Government of Ontario
·The Provincial Government is permitting Ontario corporations to conduct virtual meetings, to defer certain annual meetings in specified circumstances and is allowing the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services to accept copies of documents, electronic signatures on documents and electronic filing of documents.
·The Government of Ontario is investing in Ontario's first Virtual Action Centre, an online counselling and training portal, to support laid off and unemployed hospitality workers.
·The Government of Ontario is providing an Ontario Tools Grant of $2.5 million in 2020-21 and $7.5 million in 2021-22 and ongoing. This will help new eligible apprentices purchase the equipment they need to start their careers. The funding amounts will be distributed as follows:
o $1,000 for those in motive power sector trades;
o $600 for those in construction and industrial sector trades;
o $400 for those in-service sector trades.
·To be eligible for the new grant, apprentices must have:
o completed level 1 training on or after April 1, 2020;
o an active registered training agreement; and
o been registered as an apprentice for at least 12 months
Government of Canada
·Last night, the Prime Minister and the Premiers of all provinces discussed how to safely reopen the economy. To reopen the economy, there must be:
o An increase in the number of tests being done
o Acceleration of the ability to do contact tracing. After a case has been isolated, every person who may have been exposed to the virus must be contacted.
o Data collection across jurisdictions must be shared across provinces and territories
·A new tool has been created on Canada.ca/coronavirus to help Canadians navigate their eligibility for any government assisted benefits
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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