詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月24日
市民在Trinity Bellwoods公園的不負責任行為
多倫多的COVID-19疫情仍然嚴重,昨天有數千人在Trinity Bellwoods公園聚集的情況是不能接受的。這些多人聚會可能使我們的抗疫努力付諸東流。
你不履行社交隔離的選擇對我們是十分危險的。也許你覺得我們可以選擇不靠近你,但在許多請情況下這是很難避免的,在知情的情況下我是絕對不會走到你兩米範圍內的地方的。更多詳情請閱: 点击这里
更多有關如何能接受測試的資料,請通過This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 發送電郵給我。
COVID-19 Updates – May 24, 2020
Trinity Bellwoods Park Disgrace
COVID-19 remains a real and present threat to Torontonians. The images of thousands of people gathered in Trinity Bellwoods Park were unacceptable. Gatherings like this run the risk of setting Toronto back significantly in its efforts to stop the transmission of COVID-19.
I encourage you to go out and enjoy the warm weather, but please stay two metres apart from anyone who is not from your household.
I am asking you to continue to do the right thing to stop the spread of COVID-19: practice physical distancing by staying two metres apart from anyone you do not live with; wash your hands regularly; and use City parks and public spaces responsibly.
I received the following letter from one of our senior residents:
Dear COVidiot:
I want to know why you think you have the right to put my health at risk. I am in the vulnerable group – I am over 70 and suffer from COPD.
Your actions of not practicing social/physical distancing are putting me at risk. I know you are saying ¨Well then don’t near us.” You can believe me when I say that I will not knowingly come within twelve feet of you if I can possibly help it.Read more...
Province of Ontario
·Premier Ford is asking people to "please go get a test"— even if they are asymptomatic.
o The Premier said "I am here to ask for your help today. If you feel you need a test, you'll be able to get a test. So please don't wait."
o The announcement marks the first time people without symptoms have been told that they can get tested.
o The Premier said mass testing is the Province's best defence against COVID_19 and the only way for the Province to reach testing capacity is for people to go to the Provincial Assessment Centres.
if you require information where to get tested please send me an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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