詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年6月13日
因應政府放寬對宗教機構的限制,我向Bridlegrove Bible Chapel提供了個人防護裝備。
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• 多倫多公共衛生部推出了新的COVID-19網頁予公眾監察最新的情況和數據。公共衛生部在抗疫過程中其中一項關鍵的工作是利用當前的資料和數據提出用以確保居民安全和健康的公共措施、指引和決策。隨著重啓措施進一步落實,這個新的監察網頁將為公眾提供最新的疫情評估。更多詳情請閱: 點擊這裡
• 在本週重開的公園和設施
O 野餐亭
O 足球埸和包括公園跑步徑、棒球場和籃球場等的多用途戶外場地
O 部份公共網球場和匹克球場
O 草地滾球場球和室外滾球場
O 無狗帶區域
O BMX埸地和滑板公園
O 市政府營運的高爾夫球場和飛盤高爾夫球場
O 峽谷綠化帶、海灘、步行道和可供用於散步,跑步或騎自行車的木板路
O 持照釣魚,划船,皮划艇和獨木舟
• 如果居民在到達時公園已十分擁擠,請移步至其他公園或在人數較少時返回。更多詳情請閱: 點擊這裡
• 省政府將增加出席以下活動的最高合法人數
O 室內婚禮或葬禮合法人數是典禮場地可容納最高人數的30%
O 在戶外舉行的婚禮和喪禮將限於50名參加者。
O 戶內和戶外儀式的參加者均須守適當的健康和安全建議,這包括與來自不同家庭或已組成的10人社交群內的人士保持身體疏遠。更多詳情請閱: 點擊這裡
• 聯邦政府在今天沒有任何更新。
COVID-19 Updates – June 13, 2020
Mandatory face masks in public – Yes or No
City of Toronto staff will be presenting a report to the June meeting of City Council with respect to whether or not wearing a face mask should be mandatory when a person is out in public. I am asking you to express your views on this very important issue. I look forward to hearing your views. To express your views, please click here
I had the opportunity to provide PPE to Bridlegrove Bible Chapel for the religious opening
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
City of Toronto
·Toronto Public Health launches COVID-19 monitoring dashboard. A key role of public health in the battle against COVID-19 is to use current evidence and local data to inform decisions about interventions and measures to keep residents safe and healthy. Today, as progress towards reopening continues to be monitored, the City of Toronto is pleased to launch a new COVID-19 monitoring dashboard. This new dashboard will provide a progress assessment for the local COVID-19 response. Read more…
·City park and amenities open this weekend
o picnic shelters
o soccer and multi-use outdoor fields, including running tracks in parks
o baseball diamonds and basketball courts
o some public tennis courts and pickleball courts
o lawn bowling and outdoor bocce
o off-leash dog parks
o BMX locations and skateboard parks
o City-run golf courses and disc golf locations
o ravine green spaces, beaches, trails and boardwalks for walking, running or biking
o fishing with a licence, boating, kayaking and canoeing
If a resident arrives at a park that is crowded, they are advised to visit a different park or return at a later time when there are fewer people. Read more..
Government of Ontario
·The Ontario government the government is extending the number of people allowed to attend
o an indoor wedding or funeral ceremony to a maximum of 30 per cent capacity of the ceremony venue.
o wedding and funeral ceremonies taking place outdoors will be limited to 50 attendees.
o For both indoor and outdoor ceremonies, those attending must follow proper health and safety advice, including practicing physical distancing from people who are not from the same household or their established 10-person social circle. Read more..
Government of Canada
·There were no Government of Canada updates today.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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