詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年6月12日
我在今天早上和Greater Toronto Kurdish House 的主席 Mr. Chato Wany 向恆福護理院, 孟嘗閣、耆暉會, Shepherd Terrace, Senior Persons Living Connected 以內的院捨每所派發了25個面罩。 更多詳情請參閱:點擊這裡
因應政府放寬對宗教團體的限制,我們區內的宗教領袖表達了他們對個人防護裝備(PPE)的需求因重新歡迎信眾進入而大大提高。我很高興能在今天早上向我們區內的11個宗教機構分發了3,200個免費的口罩和50瓶洗手液的捐贈。更多詳情閱: 點擊這裡
Metrolinx Stouffville線服務變更
從6月20日星期六起直至另行通知為止,Go Bus將會取代所有Stouffville線週末和周日的日間火車班次。維修護和基建工程將在這段時間內施工。更多詳情閱: 點擊這裡
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 13,063宗累計確診病例
• 86宗新病例(較日前少28宗)
• 310名患者需要入院,其中73人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計973人死亡
• 累計10,717人康復
• 因應ActiveTO計劃,多倫多市將在6月13日星期六上午6:00至6月14日星期日下午11:00期間局步關閉以下主要街道。
O Lake Shore Boulevard West 東行線由 Windermere Avenue 至 Stadium Road。因此,Gardiner Expressway 東行線 Lakeshore Boulevard West 的出口 (Exit 146) 亦會同時關閉。
O Lake Shore Boulevard East東行線由Leslie Street至Woodbine Avenue以南的Kew Beach Avenue。
O Bayview Avenue 由Mill Street至Rosedale Valeey Road; 以及River Street由Gerrard Street East至Bayview Avenue。
• 多倫多市將從6月29日星期一起分階段重開由市政府營運的托兒所,並同時實施省政府制定的強化健康和安全指南。更多詳情閱: 點擊這裡
• 市政府正與農夫市場的協辨人合作以計劃安全地重新開放22個在本市內的農夫市場。更多詳情閱: 點擊這裡
• 從即日起,省政府的合法社交圈群的聚集人數將增加至10人,其中可包括非直系親屬的成員。更多有關社交群圈的信息請瀏覽: 點擊這裡
O 社交群限制與社交聚會的人數從5人擴大到10人的放寬措施有所不同。社交聚會可包括任何的10個人,但必須在保持2米身體距離下進行。
O 社交群的限制放寬讓市民可以與他們的圈子保持聯繫,包括擁抱、共乘汽車、使用露台以及在不用保持2米身體距離下就餐。
O 社交圈將為兒童,老人或有需要人士重拾來自家庭成員以外的幫助。
O 如市民無法與他人保持身體距離,請不要與圈子外的任何人進行近距離接觸。
• 省政府將取消在「安大略省藥品福利計劃」下,現時正實行的30天藥物供應分配限制措施。
O 從2020年6月15日星期一開始,計劃受助人可以在適當的時候從他們的藥房或配藥醫師領取每次最多100天所需份量的藥物。
• 聯邦政府將延長軍隊醫療人員在安大略省和魁北克的長期護理院的部署至6月26日。
• 聯邦政府承諾向「安全重啓協議」提供140億加元。這項與各省和地區的協議將會確保經濟以安全的方式重啓。
• 聯邦政府將分階段實施對飛機乘客進行溫度檢查。第一階段將針對從外地到加拿大的入境人士,此後的檢測將包括出境和乘坐國內航班的旅客。 任何有發燒症狀的乘客均不得登機。
COVID-19 Updates – June 12, 2020
This morning I was joined by Mr. Chato Way, President of the Greater Toronto Kurdish House, and we were able to distribute 25 free donated face shields to each of five long term care residences Tendercare, Mon Sheong Court, Carefirst Transitional Care Centre, Shepherd Terrace, Senior Persons Living Connected. Read more..
The restrictions on religious institutions are beginning to relax and religious leaders have expressed a need for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as they get ready to welcome their congregations. This morning, I was pleased to be able to distribute 3,200 free donated masks and 50 bottles of hand sanitizers to eleven religious institutions in Scarborough-Agincourt. Read more..
Metrolinx Stouffville Line Service Changes
Starting Saturday, June 20 and until further notice, GO buses will replace all weekend and all weekday midday trains on the Stouffville line.Maintenance and infrastructure work will also be done during this time. Read more…
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COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·13,063 total cases
·86 new confirmed cases (28 fewer new cases from yesterday)
·310 hospitalized with 73 in ICU
·973 deaths
·10,717 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
·The following roads will be closed from Saturday, June 13 at 6:00 am until Sunday, June 14 at 11:00 pm as part of the ActiveTO program:
o Lake Shore Boulevard West (eastbound lanes only) from Windermere Avenue to Stadium Road. As a result, the eastbound Gardiner Expressway off ramp to Lake Shore Boulevard West (exit #146) will also be closed.
o Lake Shore Boulevard East (eastbound lanes only) from Leslie Street to just south of Woodbine Avenue (Kew Beach Avenue)
o Bayview Avenue from Front Street East to Rosedale Valley Road, and River Street from Gerrard Street East to Bayview Avenue.
·The City of Toronto is beginning a phased approach to re-opening City-run licensed child care centres starting Monday, June 29, with enhanced health and safety guidelines as established by the Provincial Government. Read more..
·The City of Toronto is working with market organizers to safely re-open farmers' markets that are usually located on 22 City sites. Read more..
Government of Ontario
·Effective immediately, social circles of up to 10 members, including those outside the immediate household, are allowed in Ontario. For tips on forming social circles, please click here.
o Social circles are different from the proposed expansion of social gatherings from 5 to 10 people. Social gatherings can be any 10 people from outside your household, but where physical distancing of at least two metres should be maintained.
o Social circles will allow Ontarians to enjoy close contact with members of their circle. This could include hugging, carpooling, enjoying a patio and sharing a meal without staying two metres apart.
o Social circles will also bring back supports from people outside of their household who can now help with children, seniors or those in need.
o Ontarians should avoid close-contact activities with anyone outside of their circle if they are unable to maintain physical distancing.
o The Government of Ontario is lifting the recommended 30-day supply limit for dispensing Ontario Drug Benefit program medications.
§ Effective Monday, June 15, 2020, program recipients can return to filling up to 100-day supply at a time from their pharmacy or dispensing physician, when appropriate.
Government of Canada
·The Federal Government will extend the deployment of Canadian Armed Forces medical personnel to long-term care homes in Ontario and Quebec to June 26th.
·The Federal Government is committing $14 billion to the Safe Restart Agreement, a joint agreement with the provinces and territories to ensure the economy restarts in a safe manner.
·The Federal Government is mandating temperature screening for air passengers. This will be implemented through a phased approach: first for those travelling to Canada, then for those travelling from Canada and for those travelling within the country. Any passengers with fevers will not be permitted to board the flight.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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