詹嘉禮市議員:COVID-19 每日更新 – 2020年6月18日
今天,在多倫多,因COVID-19而逝世的總人數已超過一千人。 我向死者的親人表示最深切的哀悼,並與您一起祝願目前患上COVID-19的人們早日康復。
除了強制要求在各車站和公共車輛上使用口罩外,多倫多公車局(TTC) 致力承諾為乘客提供100萬個口罩。 我再次鼓勵乘客保持良好的衛生習慣,並在口罩派發開始後好好使用這些口罩。
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 13,661宗累計確診病例
• 73宗新病例(較日前多4宗)
• 276名患者需要入院,其中72人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計1,002人死亡
• 累計11,501人康復
• 多倫多市今天錄得因死於COVID-19的第一千個患病者. 更多詳情請參閱:點擊這裡
• 多倫多市政府的應付針對黑人種族歧視部門獲得200張 Collision Course 免費門票,並將會捐贈予對科技有興趣的黑人青年(17至35 歲)。今年,Collision Course 將從2020年6月23日至2020年6月25日在網上舉行。 有意註冊提取免費門票的人士,必須擁有互聯網,電話(以用於聯網)以及屏幕。 請點擊這裡填寫表格。
• 通過以下方式,省政府正在加強病例和聯繫人的跟蹤調查,快速測試,追蹤和隔離COVID-19患者。為阻止病毒傳播並為未來的任何潛在浪潮做準備,省政府會:
O 確保所有新病例及其密切聯繫者被及早查出,並迅速聯繫他們,進行徹底調查,和進行14天的隨訪;
O 為各公共衛生部門提供總共多達1,700名加拿大統計局的額外員工;
O 通過實施新的COVID-19案例和聯繫人管理系統,使綜合公共衛生信息系統(iPHIS)現代化,從而改進技術工具;和,
O 啓動以尊重個人私隱為優先的電話應用程式,以便通知用戶是否有跟COVID-19的患者曾經有接觸。
O 教育部長 Stephen Lecce 宣佈斥資1500萬加元購買數千台教室專用的電腦,並斥資1000萬加元聘請額外的心理輔導員。這項1000萬加元的投資將為學生提供前所未有的機會,讓他們可以有直接接觸有專業資格的心理輔導專業人員的機會,並削減等候時間。
• 在 Canadian Digital Service 的領導下,和Shopify,黑莓和安大略省政府的幫助下,聯邦政府將會啓動一個全國性的電話應用程式,以通知用戶是否有與COVID-19的患者曾經有接觸。 此應用程式將首先在安大略省進行測試,幾周後在全國各地啓動。 下載程式和個人資料的提供是志願情況下進行和採取的。
O 如果某人的COVID-19測試結果呈陽性,醫療人員將幫助患者用匿名方式將其狀態傳上一個全國性網絡。 下載了該應用程式並且與測試結果為陽性的患者接近的用戶會收到通知,政府鼓勵他們與醫療人員聯繫。 患者個人信息將不會被收集或共享,也不會轉介到任何其他服務。
O 加拿大現在已有超過100,000例COVID-19病例
COVID-19 Updates – June 18, 2020
Today, we surpassed 1000 deaths from COVID-19 in Toronto. My deepest condolences go to the loved ones of the deceased. I join you in wishing the people that are going through COVID-19 at the present a quick recovery.
I want to remind everyone that we must remain vigilant and maintain good health practices. COVID-19 is still with us.
Aside from making masks mandatory on their properties and vehicles, the TTC is also committed towards providing 1 million face masks to commuters. I encourage everyone taking transit to practice good hygiene and make use of these masks once distribution begins.
Stay safe, and stay healthy.
Mandatory face masks in public – Yes or No
City of Toronto staff will be presenting a report to the June meeting of City Council with respect to whether or not wearing a face mask should be mandatory when a person is out in public. I am asking you to express your views on this very important issue. I look forward to hearing your views. To express your views, please click here
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·13,661 total cases
·73 new confirmed cases (4 more new cases from previous day)
·276 hospitalized with 72 in ICU
·1,002 deaths
·11,501 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
·Toronto has recorded 1,000 deaths from COVID-19. Read more..
·The City of Toronto’s Confronting Anti-Black Racism Unit has received 200free tickets to gift to Black youth (17 - 35 years) with a high interest in technology to attend the Collision Conference, taking place virtually from June 23rd – June 25th2020.To register for a free ticket, you should have internet access, a phone for networking, as well as a screen. Please click here and fill out the survey.
Government of Ontario
·The Government of Ontario is enhancing case and contact management to quickly test, trace and isolate cases of COVID-19 to stop the spread of the virus and prepare for any potential future waves through:
o Ensuring that all new cases and their close contacts are identified early, contacted quickly, investigated thoroughly and are followed up daily for 14 days;
o Supporting public health units with up to 1,700 additional staff from Statistics Canada;
o Improving technology tools by modernizing the integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS) through the implementation of a new custom-built COVID-19 case and contact management system; and,
o Launching a privacy-first exposure notification app to alert Ontarians when they may have been exposed to COVID-19.
o Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce, announced $15 million to purchase thousands of classroom computers and $10 million to hire additional mental health workers. The $10 million investment will provide students with unprecedented direct access to regulated mental health professionals and significantly reduce wait times.
Government of Canada
·Led by the Canadian Digital Service, with the help of Shopify, Blackberry and the Government of Ontario, a nationwide mobile app has been developed to notify users if they have been exposed to COVID-19. Testing for this app will start in Ontario. It will be available to Canadians in the coming weeks. This app is voluntary.
o If a person tests positive with COVID-19, a healthcare professional will help them upload their status anonymously to a national network. Users who have the app and are in proximity with those who test positive will receive a notification that encourages them to reach out to a healthcare professional. Personal information will not be collected or shared and no location services will be used.
o Canada has now exceeded over 100,000 COVID-19 cases
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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