詹嘉禮市議員:COVID-19 每日更新 – 2020年6月19日
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COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 13,715宗累計確診病例
• 54宗新病例(較日前少19宗)
• 271名患者需要入院,其中66人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計1,009人死亡
• 累計11,611人康復
• 市政府將於6月20日上午11:00起開放15個緊急避暑中心(ECC)。請點擊這裡查看ECC的位置。更多有關保持涼爽的資訊請瀏覽 Toronto.ca/keepcool。
• 從6月22日星期一開始,North York Civic Centre 將重新開始向已預約人士頒授 結婚證書。有需要預約的人士請瀏覽 Toronto.ca/getting-married。
• 因ActiveTO計劃,多倫多市將在6月20日星期六上午6:00至6月21日星期日下午11:00期間局步關閉以下主要街道。
O Lake Shore Boulevard West東行線從Windermere Avenue 到 Stadium Road。因此,Gardiner Expressway 東行線 Lakeshore Boulevard West 的出口 (Exit 146) 亦會同時關閉。
O Lake Shore Boulevard East 東行線從Leslie Street 到 Woodbine Avenue 以南的 Kew Beach Avenue。
O Bayview Avenue 從 Mill Street 到 Rosedale Valley Road; 以及River Street從 Gerrard Street East 到 Bayview Avenue。
• 有關已重開的公園、海灘、農貿市場和其他設施的最新信息,請點擊這裡。
• 多倫多公共衛生部(TPH)已制定了指引文件以供本市的企業和社區組織為安全地重新運作而使用。所有的企業和組織均須調整營運方式,以減低 COVID-19病毒的傳播。商戶、員工和客戶均需瞭解我們在未來幾個月的新常態。更多詳情請點擊這裡。
• 市政府已籌備了一個網上典禮以紀念全國原住民日。因應現時的抗疫措施以及市民的健康和安全,今年的儀式將不會在Nathan Phillips Square 舉行並改以線上方式進行。市政府歡迎和鼓勵所有市民觀看6月21日星期日凌晨5:30的視像儀式,並與一眾加拿大國民慶祝這個重要的日子以及表彰和慶祝原住民、因紐特人和梅蒂斯人的獨特文化、成就和知識。該視頻將在 Toronto.ca/indigenous-event 發佈。
• 省政府公佈了恢復2020-21學年的計劃。該計劃包括三種方案,具體取決於各市的公共衛生狀況:
• 在優化公共衛生規程下恢復常規教學模式 – 學生將每天回校上課,課堂人數回復正常。
• 經修改的教學模式 – 每個教室最多容納15名學生;修訂時間表以僅與同學和一位老師保持聯繫。學生在這模式下將需要隔天或隔周輪替上課。
• 留在家中上課 – 如果學校關閉的時間被延長,或者父母選擇不讓孩子重返學校,教學部門將為學生提供遠程教育。
• 各區的教學委員會應制定計劃,其中包括輪流上班或下班、上下課時間分流,以及其他的交通安排。
• 省政府將在2020-21學年在公共教育方面投放7.36億加元,而總體資金將超過255億加元。這筆資金是安省政府歷年來在公共教育範疇最大的投資。
• 聯邦政府正在為能源,林業,採礦,地球科學和清潔技術領域的年輕人創建500個新的綠色實習機會。 實習期為6個月至一年。
COVID-19 Updates – June 19, 2020
De-funding the Police
There has been much talk about police de-funding recently please let me know your thoughts click here (valid only for Ward 22 residents)
Mandatory face masks in public – Yes or No
City of Toronto staff will be presenting a report to the June meeting of City Council with respect to whether or not wearing a face mask should be mandatory when a person is out in public. I am asking you to express your views on this very important issue. I look forward to hearing your views. To express your views, please click here
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·13,715 total cases
·54 new confirmed cases (19 fewer new cases from previous day)
·271 hospitalized with 66 in ICU
·1,009 deaths
·11,611 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
·The City of Toronto will open 15 Emergency Cooling Centres (ECCs) starting at 11:00am on June 20. For the location of ECCs, please visit this interactive map here. For tips on staying cool, please visit toronto.ca/keepcool.
·Effective Monday, June 22nd, marriage licences are being issued at the North York Civic Centre on an appointment basis only - to make an appointment, visit toronto.ca/getting-married.
·The following ActiveTO Major Roadclosures that will be in place from Saturday, June 20 at 6:00am to Sunday, June 21 at 11:00pm include:
§ Lake Shore Boulevard West (eastbound lanes only) from Windermere Avenue to Stadium Road. As a result, the eastbound Gardiner Expressway off ramp to Lake Shore Boulevard West (exit #146) will also be closed
§ Lake Shore Boulevard East (eastbound lanes only) from Leslie Street to just south of Woodbine Avenue (Kew Beach Avenue)
§ Bayview Avenue from Front Street East to Rosedale Valley Road, and River Street from Gerrard Street East to Bayview Avenue
·For the latest information on what parks, beaches, farmers markets and other amenities are open, Read more…
·Toronto Public Health (TPH) has developed guidance documents to support the safe reopening of local businesses and community organizations. All businesses and organizations will need to adjust how they operate to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Whether a business owner or operator, an employee, or a customer, it is important residents stay informed to understand what our new normal will look like in the months ahead. Read more…
·The City of Toronto has created a virtual ceremony to commemorate National Indigenous Peoples Day. Due to ongoing COVID-19 measures, this year the ceremony will not be held live at Nathan Phillips Square, but instead will be hosted online, to ensure the health and safety of all. All are welcome and encouraged to view the video ceremony at 5:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 21, joining others across Canada in celebrating this important day to recognize and celebrate the unique culture, accomplishments and knowledge of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people. The video will be posted at toronto.ca/indigenous-event.
Government of Ontario
·The Government of Ontario released its plan for the resumption of the 2020-21 school year. The plan consists of three scenarios, depending on the local public health situation:
1. Normal school day with enhanced public health protocols - Students going to school every day, in classes that reflect standard class size regulations.
2. Modified school day – A limit of 15 students per classroom; adopting a timetable to ensure students remain in contact only with their classmates and a single teacher. This model would require alternate day or alternate week delivery to a segment of the class at one time.
3. At home learning - Should the school closure be extended, or parents choose not to send their child back to school, remote education will be offered.
·School boards should prepare a plan that includes alternate day or week attendance, staggered bell times and recess and different transportation arrangements among other considerations.
·The Government of Ontario is investing $736 million more in public education for the 2020-21 school year, increasing the total to more than $25.5 billion. This funding represents the largest investment in public education in Ontario's history.
Government of Canada
·The Federal Government is creating 500 new green internships for young people in the energy, forestry, mining, earth sciences and clean technology sectors. The internships will be from 6 months up to a year.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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