- 16,127宗累計確診病例
- 48宗當日新增病例
- 住院患者30人
- 累計死亡1,175人
- 累計康復14,565人
- 市府將於9月和10月的周日,在本市的7個廢品回收站舉辦社區環保日。本活動從2020年9月13日開始,直至11月1日。容許市民駕車前往指定回收站,安全處理家居危險廢物及電子廢品,以及捐贈家庭用品及二手衣物。本區居民應留意以下最靠近第22區收集地點的社區環保日活動:
o 9月20日,上午9點至下午1點,士嘉堡(Scarborough)回收站,
地址:1 Transfer Pl.
o 10月25日,上午9點至下午1點,維多利亞公園(Victoria Park)回收站,
地址:3350 Victoria Park Ave.
o 11月1日,上午9點至下午1點,伯蒙德西(Bermondsey)回收站,
地址:188 Bermondsey Rd.
· 今日,本市推出島嶼故事。這是一個用數字媒體講故事的新项目,誠邀多倫多各界人士分享多倫多湖心島公園對他們意味著什麼。
o 本市正在積極尋求反饋,歡迎您將願意分享的島嶼故事提交至:https://www.toronto.ca/islandstories。
September 2, 2020 – E-Newsletter
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
- 16,127 total cases
- 48 new cases since yesterday
- 30 hospitalized
- 1,175 deaths
- 14,565 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
· The City of Toronto will be holding Community Environment Days at the City’s seven Drop-Off Depots on Sundays throughout September and October. The events begin September 13 and will run until November 1, 2020. The drive-thru events will allow for the safe disposal of household hazardous waste and electronic items and donation of materials such as household goods and clothing for reuse. Residents should take note of the following events located closest to Ward 22:
o September 20, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Scarborough Drop-Off Depot, 1 Transfer Pl.,
o October 25, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Victoria Park Drop-Off Depot, 3350 Victoria Park Ave.
o November 1, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Bermondsey Drop-Off Depot, 188 Bermondsey Rd.
· Today, the City of Toronto launched Island Stories, a new digital storytelling project that invites Torontonians from all walks of life to share what Toronto Island Park means to them.
o The City is actively seeking submissions for stories. Anyone with a story to share about the Islands is encouraged to submit it at https://www.toronto.ca/islandstories.
Government of Canada
· As Labour Day approaches, the Federal Government reminds Canadians that non-essential travel restrictions across the U.S. – Canada Border are still in effect. Read more…
· The application deadline for the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) has been extended from August 31 to October 31, 2020. Read more…
Councillor Jim Karygiannis
Ward 22, Scarborough-Agincourt
Phone: 416-392-1374
Fax.: (647) 723 0278