詹嘉禮市議員―2020年8月31日― 電子通訊
- 16,044宗累計確診病例
- 40宗當日新增病例
- 住院患者30人
- 累計死亡1,175人
- 累計康復14,498人
- 今天,市府出臺了應對第二波COVID-19疫情計劃,概括了本市在萬一爆發第二波COVID-19疫情的情形下將會優先考慮的事項及其相關行動。市府應對措施包括以下五個優先領域:
o 落實公共衛生措施;
o 支援弱勢群體;
o 支持市府雇員工作;
o 減輕對多倫多經濟的影響;以及
o 保障市政服務的彈性及協調反應 更多資訊。
- 長期護理院住戶可以離開所在護理院,在外短暫停留或過夜。
o 自即刻起,長期護理院住戶可以外出,當日往返或在外過夜。
o 對於那些在外“短暫停留”― 不包括在外過夜的住戶― 長期護理院必須為住戶提供醫用口罩,以便讓住戶在外停留期間全天候佩戴,並提醒住戶遵守公共衛生措施的重要性,例如與他人保持安全社交距離。住戶歸院時,必須積極接受篩查,但沒必要進行檢測或自我隔離。
August 31, 2020 – E-Newsletter
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
- 16,044 total cases
- 40 new confirmed cases
- 30 people hospitalized
- 1,175 deaths
- 14,498 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
Please Discard Used PPE Into Bins
My office has been made aware that masks and gloves are being discarded on the ground in parking lots and in parks. Used PPE poses high germ transmission risks and it must be discarded appropriately. Please throw used masks and gloves into the trash.
City of Toronto
· Today, the City of Toronto presented the COVID-19 Resurgence Plan, which outlines priorities and associated actions that the City will implement in the event of a resurgence of COVID-19. The five priority areas of the City’s response are:
- implement public health measures;
- support vulnerable populations;
- support City employees;
- mitigate the impact to Toronto’s economy; and,
- ensure the resiliency of City services and a coordinated response. Read more…
Government of Ontario
· Long-term care residents can leave their residences for short-stay and temporary absences.
o Effective immediately, residents can spend time away from their long-term care homes for day trips or overnight absences.
o For 'short-stay' absences — those that do not include an overnight stay — homes must provide residents with a medical mask to be worn at all times when outside of the home and remind them of the importance of public health measures, including physical distancing. When they return, residents must be actively screened but are not required to be tested or to self-isolate.
Councillor Jim Karygiannis
Ward 22, Scarborough-Agincourt
Phone: 416-392-1374
Fax.: (647) 723 0278