- 16,205宗累計確診病例
- 43宗當日新增病例
- 住院患者30人
- 累計死亡1,175人
- 累計康復14,619人
- 在多倫多市民享受夏季的最後一個長周末並準備返校之際,繼續遵守多倫多公共衛生官的防疫建議仍然至關重要。如果生病,請留在家中;經常洗手;保持安全社交距離;出行時在所有室內公共場所佩戴面罩或口罩。市府敦促居民在社交時多加小心,因為我們在即將到來的這個勞動節周末以及未來幾周甚至幾個月所做出的選擇,可能影響到每個家庭和社區。 更多資訊
· 省府將撥款3700萬元,幫助15,000多人進行職業培訓並尋找新工作,使他們提升工作技能,助力本省實現經濟復甦。
- 省府正與培訓方敲定協定最終細節,預計2020年9月25日將公佈已確定培訓方的完整名單。 更多資訊
September 4, 2020 – E-Newsletter
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
- 16,205 total cases
- 43 new confirmed cases
- 30 people hospitalized
- 1,175 deaths
- 14,619 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
· As Toronto enjoys the last long weekend of the summer and prepare for back-to-school, it remains vitally important that residents follow Toronto Public Health advice to stay home when ill, and to wash their hands often, practise physical distancing, and wear a face covering or mask in all indoor public spaces when going out. Residents are urged to be careful while socializing as the choices made this Labour Day weekend and, in the weeks, and months ahead have the potential to affect everyone. Read more…
Government of Ontario
· The Government of Ontario is providing $37 million to help more than 15,000 people train for new jobs and upgrade their skills to enable them to contribute to the province's economic recovery.
o The province is working to finalize agreements with training providers. The full list of successful recipients will be available on September 25, 2020. Read more…