- 累計確診病例:17,712
- 當日新增病例:184
- 住院患者:33
- 累計死亡:1,178
- 累計康復:15,382
· 省府現已在全省範圍對一切不受監督的私人社交聚會實行更嚴厲的人數限制。本周早些時候,省府只在多倫多、皮爾區及渥太華地區縮小了聚會人數限制。
· 省府在全省範圍內對一切不受監督的私人社交聚會實行以下新的人數限制:
o 室內活動或聚會上限10人;或
o 室外活動或聚會上限25人。
o 組織者不可將室內活動與室外活動合併為一個活動舉辦。即不允許舉辦35人的聚會(室外25人加室內10人)。
September 21, 2020 – COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
- 17,712 total cases
- 184 new confirmed cases
- 33 people hospitalized
- 1,178 deaths
- 15,382 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
Government of Ontario
- The Provincial Government has now reduced limits on the number of people permitted to attend unmonitored and private social gatherings across the entire Province of Ontario. Earlier this week, the Provincial Government imposed these restrictions exclusively in Toronto, Peel Region and Ottawa.
- The new limit on the number of people allowed to attend an unmonitored private social gathering across Ontario is:
o 10 people at an indoor event or gathering; or,
o 25 people at an outdoor event or gathering.
o Indoor and outdoor events and gatherings cannot be merged together. Gatherings of 35 (25 outdoors and 10 indoors) are not permitted.
Office of Hon. Jim Karygiannis
Councillor Ward 22
Phone: 416-392-1374
Fax.: (647) 723 0278
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