自1月1日起,所有類別的人員配置均高於基線 (高於長期護理院員工與院友基本人手比例要求),包括私人護理、護士(註冊護士和註冊精神病學護士)、保潔員、膳食管理及其他人員,以滿足當今所有單位的護理需求。院內一直有非常足夠的醫生駐診。
正如北約克全科醫院感染預防和控制醫學總監Kevin Katz醫生所述,新冠肺炎的潛伏期可能長達14天。這意味著,即使在最好的情況下,在第一天就完美地採取了更多有效措施,預計在進一步的有效防控措施實施後近兩周內還會出現更多病例。我們知道12月的第三和第四周,在北約克全科醫院接管之前,新冠肺炎仍在恆福護理院蔓延。
院友關顧 — 心理健康支持
疫情爆發期間不安排集體活動,所有活動採取「一對一」的形式 — 所有醫護人員每次進入院友房間時,均有責任照料院友,與他們作伴,包括提供社交互動與情感支持。為支持院友在新冠疫情期間的身心健康與福祉而開展的活動包括:協助院友聆聽音樂,為部分院友送來IPods多媒體音樂播放器,並進行著色或院友感興趣的其他娛樂活動。
Janine Hopkins
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416 528-2348
Progress report on the outbreak management at Tendercare
The outbreak management at Tendercare Living Centre continues to move in the right direction with the number of new cases slowing and more resolved cases for residents and staff returning to work at Tendercare.
What is New
Staffing and Medical support
Staffing has been above baseline (more than the standard ratio of staff to residents in the home) since January 1 for all categories including PSWs, nursing (RNs and RPNs) housecleaning, dietary and other staff to meet current patient care needs on all units. There continues to be very good physician coverage in the home.
Every family member is receiving an update from a physician daily if their condition is changing. All families, whether their loved one has COVID-19 or is well, are receiving at least one update call from a physician.
There are currently five physicians supporting the home who are Cantonese-speaking and are available virtually to help the on-site physicians communicate with families.
Vaccination update
Starting this Sunday, January 10 and throughout the following week, Tendercare residents, staff who have not been vaccinated to date and essential caregivers who wish to be vaccinated will receive the COVID-19 vaccine through Scarborough Health Network.
COVID-19 Cases - as of January 7, 2021 at Tendercare LTC Home
Today there are 23 active resident cases in the home. There were no new resident cases and 86 resolved cases today, indicating that it has been 10 days since their lab test confirming COVID-19 and the individual is no longer showing COVID-19 symptoms.
Also today, 74 staff also have resolved cases and 40 have returned to work at the home with more returning in the coming days. At this time, 32 staff members have COVID-19 and are isolating.
Since yesterday, we are sad to report that two residents have passed away from COVID-19. The total number of individuals who have died from COVID-19 during the outbreak is 73.
Our deepest sympathies are with the families and friends of those who have lost their lives to this devastating virus. Their passing is very hard for the team at Tendercare who knew and cared for them.
One of the most difficult aspects of the COVID-19 outbreak at Tendercare and in homes across the province and elsewhere is understanding why residents die despite very significant improvements in infection prevention and control practices and high levels of clinical care.
As explained by Dr. Kevin Katz, Medical Director for Infection Prevention and Control at North York General Hospital and Medical Director for the Shared Hospital Laboratory, the incubation period for COVID-19 is up to 14 days. That means that even in the best-case scenario where additional effective measures were perfectly put in place on day one, additional cases are expected for nearly two weeks from when these enhanced infection and control measures were put in place. We know that there was widespread transmission still happening at Tendercare during the third and fourth weeks of December just prior to NYGH becoming significantly involved.
The natural course of infection is for people to have mild symptoms for the first seven to 10 days. Beyond that point, some residents resolve their infection while others have complications and pass away despite the heroic efforts of health professionals.
Communications and Connecting with Residents
The Family newsletter is now being translated in Mandarin for families who would benefit from this. All family calls to the COVID-19 Family Support Line are being returned within 24 hours.
Resident Care - Mental Health Support
During the outbreak, there are no congregate activities and all activities are being provided on a one-on-one basis - all health professionals are responsible for spending time with residents each time they go into their rooms to provide care, including social interaction, and emotional support. Activities provided to support residents’ mental health and wellbeing include assisting residents to listen to music and bringing ipods for some residents, colouring activities and other recreational activities that residents are interested in.
For more information contact:
Janine Hopkins
Chief Communications Officer
North York General Hospital
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416 528-2348