Jim Karygiannis : personal perspective on COVID-19
I am writing with a personal perspective on COVID-19.
I want to thank all of you who have sent me your best wishes and assure you that I, my family and staff are all in good health.
My staff and I are working from home trying to cope in these difficult times to keep you updated on what is being announced by the three levels of Government and our community medical institutions. These are long days and we are finding new ways to cope - following the news and daily briefings from staff and officials.
I strongly urge you to stay home and, together, we will get through this.
After a long day of working on the computer and answering phone calls, with pleasant interruptions from my granddaughter, I reach out to you, my constituents, for updates on how you are feeling and dealing with this difficult situation.
Unfortunately, some of the responses have caused me a great deal of concern. I have been advised that some restaurants, which have been ordered to close, are still serving dinner behind closed doors. Equally disturbing are the groups of people hanging around outside coffee shops having a smoke and drinking their coffee.
I am disturbed with businesses that do not encourage their customers to self-distance and are not providing their employees with the equipment to keep them safe. I was sent a picture of a restaurant, in the Ward, that had advertised items for pickup at very cheap prices and then allowed over 60 people inside the restaurant. This is not what they are supposed to do.
I am further exasperated when I get reports that people, who have returned from travelling and are not practicing mandatory self-isolating for 14 days. Please stay at home and help curb the possible spread of COVID-19 virus.
This will not assist us in beating COVID-19. You have been asked to stay home. You have been advised to practice social distancing. The above are examples of people not following the advice and mandates of government and health officials. They are putting all of us at risk.
My staff and I have contacted the supermarkets and pharmacies in the Ward and updates are posted on my website click here with pertinent information and whether or not they deliver products to your home.
As we go through this difficult time, we are asked to care for each other – calling a senior neighbour or picking up groceries/prescriptions for a friend. Non-profit organizations are in need of volunteers to help them during this difficult time. If you are healthy and are willing to volunteer, please fill in a Volunteer Form by clicking here. We will forward your information to the non-profit organizations.
By working together and following the advice given by health and government officials, we will get through this difficult time. Practice self distancing and stay well.
COVID-19 ESSENTIALS VIDEO https://youtu.be/kJ30hROEd-4
(Have a Laugh)
我和我的工作人員已經聯繫了本區的超市和藥店,並在我的網站上發佈更新,點擊這裡click here可以獲取相關信息以及他們是否送貨到門。
當我們經歷這個困難時期,我們被要求守望相助——給一位耆老鄰居打電話,或者為朋友買菜或配藥。在此艱難時刻,非牟利組織需要志願者來幫助他們。如果您身體健康,並願意做志願者,請點擊此處clicking here填寫志願者表格。我們將把您的信息轉發給非牟利組織。
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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