A Historic Day for Scarborough-Agincourt The Ground-breaking of the Bridletowne Neighbourhood Centre
Scarborough-Agincourt, June 19, 2023 - After 13 years of delay and failed promises, the Bridletowne Neighbourhood Centre (BNC) Hub is becoming a reality. The Premier of Ontario, the Hon. Doug Ford presided over the ground-breaking ceremony. The BNC is a partnership among the Federal, Provincial, Municipal governments, in addition to the SHN, YMCA, and United Way.
Once completed, it will provide vital health, social, and job opportunities to our residents. The 82,440-sq.-ft. state-of-the-art building will provide space for community organizations such as CareFirst Seniors Association, Hong Fook Mental Health Association, and Senior Peoples Living Connected (SPLC). These institutions and the major partners will provide mental health services, health and fitness support to seniors, licensed childcare services, much-needed seniors healthy active living programs, and health promotion in culturally and linguistically sensitive initiatives. The facility will also accommodate an indoor pool and gymnasium.
The SHN’s Dialysis and Chronic Disease Clinics will have 45 dialysis treatment stations and nine home-training stations.
All these services will provide our residents and families with a healthy living to enhance their well-being and improve their quality of life. People of all ages will benefit from the facility.
After A thoughtful introduction by MPP Babikian, the Premier stated, “The ground-breaking of the Bridletowne Neighbourhood Centre marks an exciting milestone for families in Scarborough. This new centre will be an important hub for community services, gatherings, and recreation and will help to ensure that residents of this growing community have greater access to convenient care, close to home.”
Scarborough-Agincourt MPP Aris Babikian, was delighted to take part in the ground-breaking. He stated: “What a historic day for Scarborough-Agincourt and Scarborough residents. I am proud and humbled to take part in this momentous ground-breaking ceremony. Today, we are here due to the commitment, solidarity, and love to Scarborough by the Premier of Ontario, the Hon. Doug Ford. Without his backing, we would not have been witnessing this millstone.”
MPP Babikian said: “Delivering on the promise I made to build the BNC is the most significant achievement of my political career. The interest and the well-being of the residents of Scarborough Agincourt is my top priority. Their concerns are paramount to any other consideration. After all, I have been resident of Scarborough-Agincourt for 33 years and whatever happens to them happens to my family and me. I pledge my unwavering support to our resident and their families. Promise Made, Promise Kept,” the Scarborough-Agincourt MPP concluded.
Many of the speakers and community organizations leaders highly valued the hard work and contribution of MPP Babikian to the successful outcome of this vital project. Other individuals talk and promise without any concrete result. MPP Babikian delivers on his promises.
The Minister of Health, the Minister of Seniors and Accessibility, the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services, MPPs Vijay ThanIgasalam, MPP Logan Kanaphati, MPP Amarjot Sandhu, MP Jean Yip, Councillor Nick Mantas, Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie, many major donors to Love Scarboroughcampaign, community organizations, business leaders, and healthcare providers where on hand to witness this extraordinary day.
MPP Babikian would like to extend his heartfelt gratitude to the Federal Government, City of Toronto, Scarborough Health Network (SHN), United Way, YMCA, Edward and Lisa Rogers, Rogers Communication, and Orlando Corporation, for their hard work, persistence, and investment in pursuing the BNC project. It is an honour to collaborate with such an outstanding organizations to make this dream a reality for the residents of Scarborough-Agincourt and Scarborough as a whole.
MPP Babikian would like to extend his heartfelt gratitude to the Federal Government, City of Toronto, Scarborough Health Network (SHN), United Way, YMCA, Edward and Lisa Rogers, Rogers Communication, and Orlando Corporation, for their hard work, persistence, and investment in pursuing the BNC project. It is his honour to collaborate with such outstanding organizations to make this dream a reality for the residents of Scarborough-Agincourt and Scarborough as a whole.