詹嘉禮市議員: COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年4月15日
我們將於本週五下午3時在慈恩醫院(Scarborough Grace Hospital) 外向一眾前線醫護人員表示敬意。
• 累計2,670宗確診病例
• 本日新增127宗確診病例
• 現時需住院病例為243宗,其中94人需在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計121宗死亡病例
• 累計148人已康復
有關本區在COVID-19 大流行期間的情況,請瀏覽以下網頁內的報導以和公告: http://karygiannis.net/wp/category/covid-19-community-corner/ 。如果您的社區組織或團體有意在我的公告欄內發佈服務和更新資訊,請電郵至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• 市政工作人員已收到價值150萬加元的個人防護裝備,食品和家庭用品的捐贈。
• 如果您有意向市府捐贈貨品和服務,請瀏覽以下網頁: https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-donateto/
• 當有人致電911時,接線員將會詢問有關COVID-19的問題,以確定求助個案是否與COVID-19有關。請注意一下的應對/配合方針以協助多倫多救護人員作出針對性反應:
O 求助人必需誠實,清楚地將其症狀傳達給接線員。
O 救護人員到達後將在距患者2米的地方進行評估,以確定他們需要什麼保護裝備PPE。
O 在他們完成評估前,請勿接觸救護人員。
O 救護人員可能會要求患者和現場內其他人戴上口罩。他們會在有需要情況下提供口罩
• 安大略省政府將《緊急狀態宣法令》的有效期延長至2020年5月12日。
• 安大略省議會還通過了《冠狀病毒(COVID-19)支持和保護法》,以修訂《教育法》,《規劃法》,《發展收費法》,《警察服務法》和《教育部及高等教育法》。
· 《教育部及高等教育法》的修訂將暫緩OSAP的學生貸款的攤還,並啓動為期六個月的OSAP免息貸款措施。
· • 省政府正實施一項協助長期護理院抗疫的計劃。計劃包括加強對病毒的測試,篩查和監控,以及確保院捨內的員工有足救的資源應付疫情。
O 以保障在出現爆發情況時時能夠快速地從醫院調配人手到院捨提供服務。
O 提前在院捨作出防疫準備。
• 加拿大緊急補助金正在降低受助人的資格要求,以下為符合受助金的資格:
O 每月收入$1,000加元或以下;
O 由於COVID-19而導致今年的失去工作的季節性工人;
O 每月收入少於$2,500加元的基本行業工人;以及,
O 就業保險已經在本年一月一號已經終結的人士
• 總理將於明天晚上與各省長舉行會議,討論現時長期護理院的情況和基本行業工人的加薪措施。
• New Brunswick省的LuminUltra公司正在增加測試劑的產量,以滿足每周來自各省的需求。
• 加拿大已收到新一批用以測試新冠病毒的測試棒。
• 總理將與其他七國集團領袖繼續商討如何協調抗疫措施。
• 譚醫生指出,新冠病毒在國內的傳播速度正在放緩,但國民仍必須遵守公共衛生指引。
Jim Karygiannis :COVID-19 Updates – April 15 2020
• We will be hosting a Salute to our Frontline workers at the Scarborough
• Grace Hospital this Friday at 3:00 pm.
You are invited to participate.
Make thank you signs and
Drive by the hospital
(further details) will follow.
Fire, Ambulance and Police
Cruisers will be on hand also.
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
• 2,670 total cases
• 127 new cases since yesterday
• 243 hospitalized with 94 in ICU
• 148 recovered
• 121 deaths
Full details from Toronto Public Health
To find out what’s happening in the Ward 22 community during the COVID-19 outbreak, please take a look at the COVID-19 Community Corner at this link: http://karygiannis.net/wp/category/covid-19-community-corner/. If you would like your community association or group’s services and updates to be posted on the Community Corner, please e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Please find health and safety measures for condominiums and apartment buildings Click here. If you have concerns or questions, please contact me directly.
Drivers have started to speed up with the roads being less busy please slow down City of Toronto urges drivers to obey rules of the road
Beginning this week, street sweepers are busy cleaning up dirt and debris from Toronto’s streets to help keep roadways clean and safe. City of Toronto begins sweeping streets this week as part of spring cleanup
I will be hosting a teleconference with front line doctors from Scarborough Grace Hospital and residents on April 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM. If you are interested, please sign up at: http://karygiannis.net/wp/teleconference/. The deadline to sign up for this teleconference is tomorrow, April 16th at 12:00 PM noon.
Please find the latest updates regarding actions being implemented by Toronto Community Housing in response to the COVID-19 outbreak at: https://www.torontohousing.ca/residents/community-services/Pages/Novel-Coronavirus-COVID-19-information.aspx
City of Toronto
• City staff has received $1.5-million in donations of PPE, food and household goods.
• If you would like to make a goods and services donation, please visit: https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-donateto/
• When one calls 911, the dispatcher will ask screening questions to assist in determining the presence of COVID-19. Please take the following precautions to help Toronto Paramedic Services:
O Callers must honestly and clearly communicate their symptoms to the dispatcher.
O Arriving paramedics will conduct an assessment 2 metres away from the patient to determine what PPE is required.
O Do not approach paramedics until they’ve had time to complete a screening.
O The paramedic may ask the patient and others on scene to put on a mask which they will provide if required.
Government of Ontario
• The Government of Ontario is extending the Declaration of Emergency Act until May 12, 2020
• The Ontario Legislature also passed the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support and Protection Act to amend the Education Act, Planning Act, Development Charges Act, Police Services Act and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act.
O The changes to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act will temporarily suspend student loan payments for OSAP and initiate a six-month interest-free moratorium on OSAP loans
O The Government of Ontario is launching a plan to fight COVID-19 in Long-Term Care (LTC) homes by: enhancing testing, screening and surveillance, as well as ensuring the staff in these homes has the resources they need.
Preparing rapid response teams from the hospitals to be sent to LTC homes when there is an outbreak
Preparing all LTC homes in advance when there might be an outbreak
Government of Canada
• The Canada Emergency Response Benefit is expanding. Those who meet the following criteria are eligible for the benefit:
O Earn $1,000 or less per month;
O Seasonal workers whose jobs are not running this year because of COVID-19;
O Any essential worker making less than $2,500 per month; and,
O Anyone who’s Employment Insurance has run out since January 1st.
• The Prime Minister will have a meeting with all Premiers tomorrow evening to discuss long-term care homes and implementing a wage boost for essential workers.
• LuminUltra of New Brunswick is increasing production to supply enough test chemicals to meet the weekly demand in all provinces.
• Canada has received a new batch of swabs for testing.
• The Prime Minister will be speaking with other G7 leaders to continue conversations on a coordinated and effective global response to the virus.
• Dr. Theresa Tam indicates that the virus appears to be slowing down across the country but that Canadians must still follow the guidelines set by Public Health
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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