在新冠肺炎疫情嚴峻的時刻, 收到很多令人不安和恐懼的消息, 同時也不斷聼到很多有心人齊心協力地發放正能量, 雪中送炭。也見證了不眠不休的前綫人員, 確保我們的日常生活得到安全和受到保護, 起居飲食的供應鏈能維持。對於所有的前綫人員, 我們深表謝意。
當疫情過後, 我們有信心會戰勝的。在這未來的數月, 也是每一個人的挑戰;為工作, 為家計, 為學業.., 成受因疫情而帶來的經濟逆景。特別是學生們, 他們會很難找到暑期工作, 從而使青少年要在升學與就業中作出痛苦的決擇。
面對這挑戰,林黃彩珍基金會把本屆即2020年度的奬項得獎名額加倍,使更多的同學能繼續實現他們升學的夢想。 今年,本會將補助十五位得奬同學為去年的一倍。 同時,直此鼓勵其它團體,齊心抗疫,為2020年度的同學提供更多獎學金的機會。
林黃彩珍基金會主席陳林瑞玲(Arlene Chan) 表示:"對於我們而言,在這非常時期給予青少年一線曙光,帶給他們希望和鼓勵, 至為重要"。同學們正面對不能預計的財政需求,如決乏暑期工作機會,家庭收入減少及因疫情所引發的其它挑戰。
今年為林黃彩珍奬成立的第廿三年,其目的旨在推動教育,通過頒發獎學金,鼓勵在七個範疇中,成績優異的華裔高中學生繼續學習,項目包括:學術,社會服務,運動,藝術,環保,人權和科學創新七項。 自1998年成立至今,已頒發超過十萬元獎金給予百多名同學。 有關申報詳情可瀏覽 www.jeanlumbfoundation.ca.
詳情查詢,請致電(416)817-5237 與黃元蔭(Stephen Wong) 聯絡或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The COVID-19 global pandemic is filled with news that is disturbing and frightening. Not all of the news is bad news. We hear about so many inspiring and good news stories of people stepping forward to help that bring smiles to our faces. Witness the outpouring of gratitude for the incredible and tireless work of frontline workers who keep us safe, fed, and protected. And to all the frontline workers, we offer our heartfelt thanks.
And when we win the battle against COVID-19, and we will win, there will still be challenges for everyone, particularly our students. In the months ahead, summer jobs will be harder to find for students and some families will continue to face difficult economic times. The result is that our youth will face economic challenges to continue in their chosen education and career choices.
To meet this challenge, the Jean Lumb Foundation will double the number of scholarships it will grant in 2020, so that more students will have a chance to follow their dreams. For this year, our Foundation will grant 15 students $1,000 each as part of the annual Jean Lumb Awards, double our previous years.
Furthermore, we challenge other giving foundations to join the COVID-19 challenge for our youth and increase their annual awards in 2020 to students.
“It is paramount for us to step up and provide a beacon of light, hope and encouragement for our youth during these challenging and unusual times,” said Arlene Chan, president of the Jean Lumb Foundation. “Students are facing unanticipated or unmanageable financial demands due to the lack of summer jobs, reduced family income, and other challenges directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The Jean Lumb Awards, now in their 23rd year, recognize high school students of Chinese heritage in seven areas of achievement: academics, community services, athletics, the arts, defense of the environment, innovation, and dignity of life. Since their inception in 1998, over $100,000 of scholarships have been awarded to over 100 young people. Application details are available at www.JeanLumbFoundation.ca.
The awards program takes inspiration from its namesake, the late Jean Lumb, the first Chinese Canadian woman to receive the Order of Canada, who consistently showed her positive and strong leadership in the best and worst of times. Her often daring activism dealt with such difficult issues as saving Toronto’s first Chinatown from the bulldozer and advocating for changes to Canada’s anti-Chinese immigration laws.
For further information, please contact Stephen Wong at (416) 817-5237 or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..