詹嘉禮市議員:COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年4月14日
• 現有2,543 確診病例
• 新增181例
• 住院患者177例,79 例在重症監護室接受治療
• 總計有137位患者死於 COVID-19
• 已康復1115例
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• 市政府已創建了一個名為Distantly.ca的眾籌網站來幫助小型企業。多倫多人可以透過這個網站直接向小型企業捐款,以資助他們的租金和其他開支。
• 為了遵守省和聯邦政府的建議,多倫多市政府已要求所有醫護人員只能在一個地點工作。為協助醫護人員適應新措施,市政府將為他們提供加班和其他相關福利。
• 本省學校將不會於5月4日復課。
• 省政府將發佈新的緊急法令,以限制長期護理院(LTC)僱員只能在一個LTC中工作。
• 省政府將於明天啓動一項計劃,以應付長期護理院捨內的COVID-19情況。該計劃將為長期護理院捨提供更多支持和資源。
• 省政府官員目前正在醫院安排護理服務,以幫助長期護理院捨的員工控制COVID-19疫情,並將會在出現嚴重院捨爆發時將專業醫療團隊部署到護理院內。
• 省政府將會提供資金,確保最有需要的院捨將會有充足的人手。
• 加拿大已收到新一批的個人防護設備,包括N95口罩和新的防護衣。
• 政府已投進近1.3億加的資金元用以幫助北部社區抗疫。Northern Territories, Nunavut 和 Yukon等省份以及地區將會獲得7260萬加元的資金分配
• 加拿大北部營養補助金將獲得更多資金,以確保北部居民能夠負擔得起食品,藥品和其他用品的開支。
• 由2020年4月15日午夜12點起,從國外來到本國的無症狀人士,如無可靠的隔離計劃,將會被要求留在酒店。
• 加拿大食品檢驗局將撥款2000萬加元,以確保食品供應的安全性。這筆資金將用於資助局方支付加班,額外班次和雇用新檢查員的費用。
• 請參閱以下,由士嘉堡愛靜閣區聯邦國會議員葉嘉麗,為您準備的中文翻譯更新,內容包括聯邦政府的最新措施。另外,您可以查閱以下加拿大聯邦政府緊急經濟支援計劃的細節,當中有措施幫助老年人、家庭、企業等
· English: https://mailchi.mp/298e27d7cd37/covid-19-update-april-2-4124421?e=304f102906
· • Canada‘s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/economic-response-plan.html
• Chinese Simplified ((簡體字): http://jyip.liberal.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/1664/2020/04/Simplified-Chinese-Translation-New-Measures-and-PPEs-COVID-19-April-12-Google-Docs.pdf
• Chinese Traditional (正體字): http://jyip.liberal.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/1664/2020/04/Traditional-Chinese-Translation-New-Measures-and-PPEs-COVID-19-April-12-Google-Docs.pdf」
Jim Karygiannis COVID-19 Updates – April 14, 2020
• We will be hosting a Salute to our
Frontline workers at the Scarborough
Grace Hospital this Friday at 3:00 pm.
You are invited to participate.
Make thank you signs and
Drive by the hospital
(further details) will follow.
Fire, Ambulance and Police
Cruisers will be on hand also.
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
• 2,543 total cases
• 181 new cases since yesterday
• 177 hospitalized with 79 in ICU
• 137 recovered
• 115 deaths
Full details from Toronto Public Health
I will be hosting a teleconference with front line doctors from Scarborough Grace Hospital and residents on April 17, 2020 at 7:00 pm. If you are interested, please sign up at: http://karygiannis.net/wp/teleconference/
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Senior and Long-Term Care Homes
I have reached out to all the senior and long-term care facilities in Ward 22, Scarborough-Agincourt. They have advised me that as of April 14th, none of their residents have been diagnosed with COVID-19. However, I was advised that they are in need of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Although we do not have a COVID-19 outbreak in these facilities to date, we must ensure that we remain proactive and not become reactive. I am reaching out to the community to appeal for PPE donations. Any PPE donations to our senior homes would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
City of Toronto
• A web page, Distantly.ca, has been created to help small businesses. It is a crowd-funding tool which allows Torontonians to provide donations directly to small businesses to help with rent and other expenses.
• To comply with Provincial and Federal suggestions, the City has asked all health care workers to work at one facility only. To make this an easier choice, the City will provide opportunities for overtime and other benefits.
Government of Ontario
• The Government of Ontario has announced that school will not resume on May 4th.
• A new Emergency Order will be issued limiting Long-Term Care (LTC) home employees to working in one LTC home.
• An enhanced plan will be launched tomorrow to fight COVID-19 in LTC homes. The plan will include more support and resources to LTC homes.
• Provincial Government officials are currently organizing hospital-based care to help LTC staff manage COVID-19 outbreaks and specialized teams to be redeployed to LTC homes when there is a serious outbreak.
• Funding is being directed to ensure additional staffing for LTC homes in the most need.
Government of Canada
• Canada has received new shipments of Personal Protective Equipment, including N95 masks and new protective gowns.
• Almost $130 million is invested in helping northern communities fight COVID-19. $72.6-million will be divided between the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon for healthcare and community preparedness.
• More money is being allocated to Nutrition North Canada to ensure Northerners can afford food, medicine and other supplies.
• Starting April 15th, 2020 at 12:00 AM midnight, asymptomatic carriers arriving from abroad who do not have a credible quarantine plan will be required to stay in a hotel.
• $20-million will be allocated to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to keep the food supply safe. This funding will build capacity for more overtime, extra shifts and the hiring of new inspectors.
• Below you will find updates prepared by Jean Yip, Member of Parliament for Scarborough—Agincourt, with the federal government‘s newest measures. You can Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan in full with measures to support seniors, families, businesses, and more, by visiting:
O https://mailchi.mp/298e27d7cd37/covid-19-update-april-2-4124421?e=304f102906 ; and,
O Canada‘s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/economic-response-plan.html
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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