詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月6日
我有幸在今天向加拿大公共僱員工會Local 79的主席Dave Mitchell 提供了5000個口罩。
Local 79 工會的一直為我們的社區服務。它的成員肩負著營運市內托兒所、照顧病人和護理院內長者以及執行建築和安全規例等工作。他們在COVID-19疫情期間每天都不辭勞苦地服務著我們。
Finch Avenue 電力草坪由Birchmount Road 至Pharmacy Avenue 的多用途通道工程將暫緩王另外通知為止。有關詳情請瀏覽: 點擊這裡
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 6,665宗累計確診病例
• 自5月4日起217宗新病例
• 391名患者需要入院,其中99人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計504人死亡
更多詳情請參閱多倫多公共衛生部網:Toronto Public Health
• 繳交物業稅和電費的60天寬限期於5月15日結束。客戶在付款時間表上的付款金額和到期日將會出現變化。
• 所有市民均會收到修訂後的中期帳單來郵。終期帳單將於五月中來郵。
• 如下為2020年所餘物業稅繳交期限:
O 兩期分期繳付計劃:8月4日
O 六期分期繳付計劃:6月1日,7月2日,8月4日,9月1日和10月1日
O 十一期分期繳付計劃:6月15日,7月15日,8月17日,9月15日,10月15日,11月16日和12月15日。
O 在此期間支付物業稅和電費賬單將會顯示在用戶的帳戶中。業主可瀏覽https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/property-taxes-utilities/property- 查明更多有關物業稅帳戶的詳情。
• 多倫多正為省政府宣佈的商業重啓作準備。
• 多倫多市推出了新的ActiveTO 計劃:這項新計劃將為行人和騎自行車的人在街道上提供更多的空間,以確保人與人之間的距離。更多詳情請參閱
• 省政府將省級緊急狀態延長至2020年5月19日。
• 省政府允許:
O 所有設有街道入口的零售商店供路邊的取貨和送貨服務;
O 在花園中心,苗圃,五金店和安全用品店的店內付款和購買;
O 企業主應自行檢閱省政府所制定的健康與安全指南;
• 自2020年5月8日(星期五)上午12:01起,花園中心和苗圃將能夠在依照與超市和藥房相同的指引下允許在店內付款和購買。
• 五金店和安全用品店於2020年5月9日(星期六)上午12:01開業並允許店內付款和購買。
• 具有街道入口的零售商店可以在2020年5月11日星期一凌晨12:01開始提供路邊取貨和送貨服務;
• 省政府正在擴大所允許的基本建設項目,以允許公寓等工地能夠重開地面以下公程。而高於地面的工序則如期繼續進行;
• 省政府將向家庭,農場和小型企業提供的緊急電費減免期限延長至2020年5月31日。
• 下議院於今天舉行了COVID-19委員會會議。
• 總理在CFB Trenton出席了接回在希臘海岸直升機事故中遇難6名加拿大軍人的儀式。
• 加拿大政府通過緊急商業戶口向545,000家企業發放了緊急貸款。另外,11萬家企業提交了工資補貼申請,大多數申請已獲處理。
• 750萬加拿大人已通過加拿大緊急應變金獲得至少一筆補助金。
COVID-19 Updates – May 6 2020
Today, I had the privilege of delivering 5,000 masks to Mr. Dave Mitchell, President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 79.
The men and women of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 79 are those employees who work teaching children at City Child Care Centres; caring for the sick and elderly in long-term care homes; and, ensuring that building codes and safety standards are enforced. They are continuing to work for us during the COVID-10 crisis.
The Finch Hydro Corridor New Multi-Use Trail from Birchmount Road to Pharmacy Avenue project has been deferred until further notice. For more, please click here:
We will be having another Free Face Masks and hand sanatizer give away this weekend (while supplies last). Details will be provided tomorrow.
COVID-19 has caused disruption and hardship in many people’s lives – they have been laid off and are trying to keep a roof over the heads of their families and food on the table. Please consider donating to the food banks in Ward 22. Click here for details
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·6,665 total cases
·217 new cases since May 4
·391 hospitalized with 99 in ICU
·504 deaths
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
·The 60-day grace period for property tax, utility bill payments and late penalties ends on May 15. There are changes to instalment amounts and due dates for customers on all payment schedules.
·Everyone will receive a mailed notification of their revised interim bill due dates. Final tax bills will be mailed in mid-May as usual.
·Property taxes for the remainder of 2020 will be due on the following dates:
o Two-instalment plan: August 4
o Six-instalment plan: June 1, July 2, August 4, September 1 and October 1
o Eleven-instalment plan: June 15, July 15, August 17, September 15, October 15, November 16 and December 15.
o People who paid their property tax and utility bills during this time will see any payments made reflected on their account. Property owners can access their property tax account details by using the online Property Tax Lookup tool available at https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/property-taxes-utilities/property-tax/.
§ Toronto is preparing for changes announced by the province today to reopen some stores and businesses.
·The City unveiled its new ActiveTO program: a new plan to give pedestrians and cyclists more room on streets, to ensure physical distancing. For more information, please click here.
Government of Ontario
·The Government of Ontario is extending the Provincial State of Emergency until May 19th, 2020.
·The Government of Ontario is allowing:
o All retail stores with a street entrance to provide curbside pickup and delivery;
o In-store payment and purchases at garden centres, nurseries, hardware stores and safety supply stores; and,
o Business owners should review the health and safety guidelines developed by the province
o As of Friday May 8, 2020 at 12:01 AM, garden centres and nurseries will be able to open for in-store payment and purchases while operating under the same guidelines as grocery stores and pharmacies
o Hardware stores and safety supply stores will be permitted to open for in-store payment and purchases on Saturday May 9, 2020 at 12:01 AM.
o Retail stores with a street entrance can begin offering curbside pickup and delivery on Monday May 11, 2020 at 12:01 AM.
o The Provincial Government is expanding essential construction to allow below-grade multi-unit residential construction projects like apartments and condos to begin and existing above-grade projects to continue
o The Government of Ontario is extending emergency electricity rate relief to families, farms and small businesses until May 31, 2020.
Government of Canada
·The House of Commons is sitting today in person for the COVID-19 Committee.
·The Prime Minister attended the repatriation ceremony at CFB Trenton for the 6 Canadian military members who were killed off the coast of Greece in a helicopter accident.
·545,000 businesses have received an emergency loan through the Canada Emergency Business account. 110,000 businesses have submitted requests for the wage subsidy and most applications have been processed.
·7.5 million Canadians have received at least one payment through the Canada Emergency Response Benefit.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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