詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月19日
今天是省政府放寬零售限制的第一天。 雖然許多人都渴望能夠返回工作崗位,光顧商店和恢復娛樂活動,但我建議各位繼續保持謹慎和採取保護自己和他人的措施。因此請繼續保持社交距離和戴上口罩,以協助我們都市的重啓計劃。
我昨天向恆福護理員的個人護理員(PSW) 免費分發了4,500多個口罩。每位PSW均得到50個口罩的捐贈。個人護理員在疫情期間一直在前線照顧著院捨的長者和在COVID-19疫情期間最無法照顧自己的人。
我借此感謝Bridlewood Mall為我們捐贈口罩。他們的慷慨捐贈保障了我們區一眾居民的安全和健康。更多詳情請閱: 点击这里
Agincourt Village 社區協會更新
與居民建立良好關係及協助他人是Agincourt Village社區最擅長的領域。您的AVCA主管希望借此問候您和家人,希望他們身體健康。更多詳情請閱:
如要得到更多有關今天的圖片和我們社區在COVID-19緊急狀態下的最新消息,請於以下網頁瀏覽我的COVID-19公告欄: http://karygiannis.net/wp/category/covid-19-community-corner/
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 8,866宗累計確診病例
• 自5月17日起263宗新病例
• 416名患者需要入院,其中90人在重症監護病房留醫
• 累計690人死亡
• 累計6,616人康復
• 卸貨站(轉運站)現正局部重新開放。
• 從5月19日(星期二)下午6:00開始:
O Bermondsey和Ingram卸貨站將在工作日向公眾開放以收集回收物,垃圾和庭院廢物。
O Bermondsey,Ingram 和Scarborough(請勿與Victoria Park / McNicoll Depot混淆)卸貨站將於週六早上7:00至中午12:30開放以收集回收物,垃圾、庭院廢物和危險品。
O 堆肥領取服務將在所有卸貨站維持關閉。另外,其他市內卸貨站仍然關閉。
• 無狗帶放狗區域在今天重新開放。市民在逛公園時請繼續保持社交距離。更多詳情請閱: 点击这里
• 多倫多動物園將於週六開放,並向參觀人士提供從車上觀看動物的體驗。從5月23日開始,遊客可以乘坐汽車舒適地遊覽動物園,體驗45分鐘的野生動物觀賞。門票將於5月22日開始發售,遊客必須提前購買門票。更多詳情請瀏覽: http://www.torontozoo.com/scenicsafari
• 所有緊急法令已延長至2020年5月29日。
• 所有公立學校在剩餘的2019-2020學年里將維持關閉。預期能滿足畢業要求的中學生能維持在應屆畢業。所有學生均能夠獲得本學年的成績單。
• 私立學校,有許可證的幼兒中心和EarlyON計劃也將維持關閉,以保障兒童,家庭和工作人員的安全。
• 夜間營地將在2020年夏季維持關閉。
• 如果關鍵的公共衛生指標趨勢持續改善,夏季夏令營將可以在遵循嚴格的指引下在今年7月和8月允許在室內和室外進行。
• 今天是本省實施重新開放第一階段的第一天。政府目前允許一些戶外休閒設施,包括戶外運動設施和多用途場地,無狗區以及戶外野餐場所,公園和休閒區的長凳和休憩區域的重新開放。
• 更新#4:安大略省衛生部COVID-19應對措施:安大略省的與衛生部代表省政府和一個跨學科的專家委員會共同制定了一個框架,概述了一項計劃,並列出以逐步恢復因疫情而需要延遲在醫院為患者治療的慎重而合適的方案。更多詳情請閱: http://karygiannis.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Update-4_Ontario-Health-COVID-19-Response_16May20.pdf
• 加拿大和美國已同意將邊境關閉措施至少延長至6月21日。
• 加拿大緊急企業帳戶的合格企業的標準已擴展至:
O 獨資經營企業
O 依賴承包商的企業
O 運用股息向員工付款的家族企業
COVID-19 Updates – May 19, 2020
Today is the first day of easing retail restrictions by the Province. While I know that many are eager to go back to work, visit stores and resume recreation activities, I encourage you to be cautious and take measures to protect yourself and others. When around and about please exercise social distancing and wear a face mask. Being careful now will help us reduce the spread and support the reopening of the City.
Beware of Home Invasions!
During this difficult time, I have been receiving reports of attempted home invasions. Please stay vigilant and ensure that your property is secure both when you are on and off-premises. Camera surveillance for your property is strongly recommended.
Tendercare PPE Donation
Yesterday, I was able to distribute over 4,500 free face masks to Tendercare Personal Support Workers (PSWs). Every PSW received 50 free donated masks Personal Support Workers are on the front line caring for our loved ones and those who are least able to care for themselves during the COVID-19 crisis.
I want to thank Bridlewood Mall for their kind donation of masks. Their generosity is helping keep the people of Scarborough-Agincourt safe and healthy. Read more..
Agincourt Village Community Association Updates
Making connections and helping others is what our Agincourt Village Community does best. Your AVCA Executive hopes this check-in finds you and your family in good health. Click here to read more
To keep updated on the going-ons in Ward 22 during the COVID-19 emergency, please continue to check the COVID-19 Community Corner at: http://karygiannis.net/wp/category/covid-19-community-corner/
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·8,866 total cases
·263 new cases since May 17
·416 hospitalized with 90 in ICU
·690 deaths
·6,616 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
·Drop-off Depots (Transfer Stations) are now partially reopening. Read more…
·Starting on Tuesday, May 19, at 6:00 PM:
o Bermondsey and Ingram Drop-off Depots will open to the public on weeknights for drop-off of recycling, garbage, and yard waste.
o The Bermondsey, Ingram and Scarborough (not to be confused with the Victoria Park/McNicoll Depot) Drop-off Depots will be open on Saturdays from 7:00 AM to 12:30 PM for drop-off of recycling, garbage, and yard waste and household hazardous waste.
o Compost pickup will not be available at any Drop-off Depot and all other Drop-off Depots remain closed to the public.
·Off-Leash Dog Areas have re-opened today. While visiting a park, people must continue to practice physical distancing. Read more…
·The Toronto Zoo will open for a drive-through experience starting Saturday. Visitors can tour around the Zoo from the comfort of their car for a 45-minute safari adventure starting May 23. Tickets will be on sale starting May 22 and must be purchased in advance. For more information, please visit torontozoo.com/scenicsafari
Government of Ontario
·All emergency orders have been extended until May 29, 2020.
·All public schools will be closed for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year. All students who were on track to graduate from secondary school before the initial school closure order will be able to graduate and all students will receive report cards.
·Private schools, licensed child care centres and EarlyON programs will also remain closed for the safety and protection of children, families and staff.
·Overnight camps will not be permitted to operate in the summer of 2020.
·If trends in key public health indicators continue to improve, summer day camps, both indoor and outdoor, may be permitted in July and August of this year with strict guidelines in place.
·Today, Ontario officially enters the first phase of re-opening. The government is currently permitting the reopening of some outdoor recreational amenities, including outdoor sports facilities and multi-use fields, off-leash dog areas, and outdoor picnic sites, benches and shelters in parks and recreational areas.
·Update #4: Ontario Health COVID-19 Response The Ontario Government, with Ontario Health and a multi-disciplinary committee of experts, has developed a framework outlining a measured approach to plan for gradually resuming scheduled hospital-based care for patients whose treatments have been postponed during the outbreak. Read more…
Government of Canada
·Canada and the United States have agreed to extend the border closure to at least June 21st
·The Canada Emergency Business Account eligibility criteria has been expanded to:
o Sole owner-operator businesses
o Businesses that rely on contractors
o Family owned businesses that pay employees through dividends
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.