詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年5月20日
昨天,我有幸在今天向加拿大公共僱員工會Local 79的主席 Dave Mitchell 再次提供5000個口罩。
• 能夠暢通呼吸
• 有頭索和耳圈可以把口罩固定在頭部上
• 洗滌和乾燥後不會變形
• 包括至少兩層緊密編織的棉或亞麻布
• 沒有裂口以及完全遮住口鼻
一般市民不應佩戴醫用口罩,包括N-95口罩。 這些口罩是供醫護和前線工作人員使用的。
更多詳情請瀏覽: 点击这里
請將此訊息傳遞給你的家人、鄰居和朋友。如果各位希望收到我們的每日更新,請用電子郵件通知:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 多倫多市累計個案
• 市政府將重新開放850多個公園設施。
• 5個BMX埸地、14個滑板公園和4個飛盤高爾夫場已在今天重開。
• 許多本市公園的停車場也將於本週重新開放。
• 計劃在本週末前開放的公園設施包括:
O 野餐亭
O 300多個足球場和多用途戶外場地
O 300多個棒球埸
O 150個籃球場
• 遊樂場
• 戶外運動器材
• 游泳池和淺水池
• 溫室
• 苗圃和暖房
• High Park 動物園
• Riverdale 農場
• 多倫多動物園將於週六開放,並向參觀人士提供從車上觀看的體驗。從5月23日開始,遊客可以乘坐汽車舒適地遊覽動物園,體驗45分鐘的野生動物觀賞。門票將於5月22日開始發售,遊客必須提前購買門票。更多詳情請瀏覽:torontozoo.com/scenicsafari
• 繼續關閉的公園設施包括
• 在185個地點的600個網球場將在本週末起重新開放。
• 6月29日前的足球,多用途場地和棒球埸的使用許可證將維持取消狀態。
• 市民可於戶外運動設施和多用途場地進行非團隊運動和低接觸的球拍類運動。
• 除非是同一個家庭的成員,否則市民不得參加如足球或棒球等的團隊運動。
• 海濱停車場將暫時關閉。
• High Park 繼續禁止車輛在週末進入。
• 市政府工作人員正在與多倫多公共衛生部合作,計劃重新開放草地保齡球和室外滾球設施。
• 多倫多市在本週末將擴大 ActiveTO 封路範圍,為居民提供更多空間,以確保在進行戶外運動時能夠保持社交距離。車輛將在本週六和周日禁止進入部份主要街道,把場地改作步行,跑步和騎自行車用途。更多詳情請瀏覽: 点击这里
• 為協助省級公共交通機構保護員工和乘客,衛生部作出了以下建議:
O 每輛交通公具容許更少的乘客乘搭和在座椅之間加上標記,從而達到至少兩米隔離空間。
O 在不能保持社交距離的情況下佩戴口罩。
O 確保在車輛出入口有足夠洗手液。
O 在駕駛員和乘客之間加設玻璃窗或者其他防護。
O 增加清潔密度,特別是接觸頻率高的表面空間的清潔。
• 新的加拿大緊急商業租金援助計劃是專為業主而設的可寬免貸款計劃。該計劃旨在為受到疫情影響的小型企業減少75%的租金。 聯邦和省政府將支付50%的租金,業主需要寬免25%的租金,而租客則支付其餘的25%。
• 更多有關詳情請瀏覽CHMC.ca, 5月25日開始接受申請。
• 加拿大大型企業的過渡貸款申請已在今天開始。 該計劃旨在幫助遭承受「極大壓力」的大企業渡過因COVID-19疫情造成的經濟停頓。
• 過渡性貸款的要求是,每家借款公司必須向政府提供相當於本金15%的現金或擁有權。這筆貸款的任何部分均是不可寬免的。
COVID-19 Updates – May 20 2020
Yesterday, I had the privilege of delivering an additional 5,000 masks to . Mr. Dave Mitchell, President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 79.
The men and women of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 79 are those employees who work teaching children at City Child Care Centres; caring for the sick and elderly in long-term care homes; and, ensuring that building codes and safety standards are enforced. they are continuing to work for us during the COVID-10 crisis.
Wearing Masks
Today, the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments made the recommendation that face coverings or masks to be worn in settings where physical distancing cannot be maintained.
Toronto Public Health has stated that wearing a face mask or covering could help protect others from your germs in spaces such as elevators, grocery and retail stores, on public transit and in a taxi or ride share service where physical distancing may be a challenge.
Face masks and coverings should:
·allow for easy breathing
·fit securely to the head with ties or ear loops
·maintain shape after washing and drying
·include at least two layers of tightly woven cotton or linen and
·cover the nose and mouth without gaping.
Masks should not be shared with others. Cloth masks should be washed after each use in a hot cycle and non-reusable masks should be discarded after use.
Not everyone should wear a mask. This includes children under the age of two, anyone who has a medical condition that makes wearing a mask difficult, or those who cannot remove a mask without assistance.
Medical masks, including N-95 masks, should not be worn by the general public. These masks are for the use of healthcare and frontline workers.
For more information, please click here…
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COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
·9,129 total cases
·263 new cases since May 18
·413 hospitalized with 92 in ICU
·716 deaths
·6,735 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
·The City will open more than 850 park amenities this week.
o 5 BMX locations, 14 skateboard parks and 4 disc golf locations are opening today.
o Many parks' parking lots will also reopen this week at parks across the city.
o Park amenities scheduled to open in time for this upcoming weekend include:
§ picnic shelters;
§ more than 300 soccer and multi-use outdoor fields;
§ more than 300 baseball diamonds; and,
§ 150 basketball courts
·Park amenities that continue to be closed include:
o Playgrounds;
o outdoor exercise equipment;
o swimming pools and splash pads;
o Greenhouses;
o nurseries and conservatories;
o High Park Zoo, and;
o Riverdale Farm.
·600 tennis courts at 185 locations will begin to open this coming weekend.
·Permits for soccer, multi-use fields and baseball diamonds continue to be cancelled until June 29.
·Individuals may use outdoor sports facilities and multi-use fields for non-team sports and low contact racquet sports.
·Individuals are not permitted to play team sports, such as soccer or baseball unless they are members of the same household.
·Waterfront parking lots will remain closed for the time being.
·High Park will continue to be closed to traffic on the weekends.
·City Staff is working with Toronto Public Health to open lawn bowling facilities and outdoor bocce.
o The City of Toronto will expand its ActiveTO road closures footprint this weekend to provide residents with more space to physically distance while outdoors and getting exercise. Vehicle access on parts of more major roads will be closed for walking, running and biking this Saturday and Sunday. For more information, please click here.
·The Toronto Zoo will open for a drive-through experience starting Saturday. Visitors can tour around the Zoo from the comfort of their car for a 45-minute safari adventure starting May 23. Tickets will be on sale starting May 22 and must be purchased in advance. For more information, please visit torontozoo.com/scenicsafari
Government of Ontario
·To assist provincial transit agencies in protecting transit staff and riders, the Ministry of Health is recommending the following measures be put in place:
o Physical distancing of at least two metres by admitting fewer passengers and using physical markers between seats;
o The use of face coverings, particularly when physical distancing is not feasible;
o Ensuring the availability of alcohol-based hand rub upon entering and exiting the vehicle;
o Implementing engineering controls like plexiglass windows between drivers and passengers; and
o Enhanced cleaning, particularly of high-touch surfaces.
Government of Canada
·The new Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program is a forgivable loan program for landlords. This program is meant to reduce rent by 75% for small businesses affected by the pandemic. Federal and Provincial governments will cover 50% of rent, while landlords absorb 25% and tenants will pay the remaining 25%.
·All of the details regarding this loan are available on CHMC.ca and applications open May 25th.
·Applications for bridge loans for big Canadian businesses have opened today. The program is meant to help large corporations experiencing “extreme stress” survive the economic shutdown due to COVID-19.
·A requirement of this bridge loan is that each company that borrows money must provide the government with an ownership stake or cash equivalent of 15% of the principal amount. No portion of this loan is forgivable.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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