詹嘉禮市議員 : COVID-19每日更新 – 2020年6月10日
我在今天向Copernicus Lodge運送達了個人防護裝備,其中包括1,700個面罩和120瓶洗手液。
詹家禮議員說:「我們的長者和在長期護理院內的居民最有機會感染COVID-19。因此,確保在這些院捨內工作的員工有足夠的個人防護裝備是十分重要的。」更多詳情請閱: 點擊這裡
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COVID-19 安大略省累計個案
• 31,341宗累計確診病例
• 251宗新病例(較日前多21宗新個案)
• 580名患者需要入院,其中118人在重症監護病房留醫,86人需要使用呼吸機
• 累計2,475人死亡
• 累計9,907人康復
• 市長宣佈啓動SwimTO計劃,以加快市內海灘,室外游泳池,淺水池和嬉水池重新開放。
O 市政府工作人員正為在第二階段開放室外水上設施作出準備。更多詳情請閱:點擊這裡
O 因應CampTO計劃,多倫多市將從7月13日起重新開放夏令營。
O ActiveTO計劃現已為市內32個區域提供65公里的寧靜街道。
更多詳情請閱: 點擊這裡
CampTO計劃將為6至12歲的兒童在全市150個地點提供32,000個為期8周的註冊營地單位。更多詳情請閱: 點擊這裡
• 省政府已經制定了在這個夏季學期逐步恢復大專院校在校授課的計劃。
O 從2020年7月開始,有限度的在校陪訓課程將會重新開放予因COVID-19而無法畢業的學生。第一階段將允許教育機構重新開放,以提供有關如護理、個人支援、工程等前線和重要行業的培訓。
O 所有學生在9月起可以通過線上課程、在校課程,或混合形式上課。
O 各院校將通過在夏季進行的有限度重新開放為秋季學期保障健康和安全的措施作出準備。省政府將在未來數天內公佈有關夏季重新開放以及健康和安全的指引。
O 公立大學、原住民學院、私立職業學院和其他專上教育機構可自願參與這個重啓計劃。
O 為保障本省的高等教育和研究領域能夠維持在全球的領導地位,政府將在今夏開始著手制定電子和學術現代化框架。
• 國內58%的COVID-19病例已經康復。
• 小企業,出口促進和國際貿易部長宣佈,加拿大政府已與People Outside Safely Together (POST) Promise計劃合作,以協助本國的商業社會能夠安全地重新開放。
• POST Promise計劃是一項企業和管理層可自願參與的承諾,參與者必須遵從以下五項關鍵的公共衛生行動。這些行動將有助於防止COVID-19的傳播:洗手並消毒; 定期清潔和消毒; 在身體不適時留在家中並自我監測;實踐呼吸禮儀(包括保拎持身體距離和佩戴口罩)。
• 通過張示「POST Promise」標誌,參與計劃的企業可以向客戶保證他們正在盡力幫助保護加拿大人的健康和安全。
• 政府鼓勵企業使用加拿大緊急工資補貼、加拿大緊急商業租金援助、40,000元的免息貸款,和為企業設立的免費熱線電話。
COVID-19 Updates – June 10, 2020
Yesterday I had the pleasure of delivering donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Copernicus Lodge 1700 face masks and 120 bottles of hand sanitizers. |
“Our seniors and residents in long term care facilities are at a greater risk of contracting COVID-19.” said Jim Karygiannis. “Therefore, it is very important that the staff in these facilities have the PPE that they require.” Read more..
Toronto Transit Commission Update
If you are interested to know what TTC is doing in our Ward please click here.. I hope you find this informative useful and thank you for your continued support.
Please take a moment to pass along this message to your family, neighbours and friends. If you would like to sign someone up for our e-mailing list, please send me their e-mail addresses at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
COVID-19 cases reported in Ontario
·31,341 cases
·251 new cases since yesterday (21 more than the day before)
·580 hospitalized with 118 in ICU, 86 in ICU on a ventilator
·2,475 deaths
·25,380 resolved
Data published by the Province of Ontario
City of Toronto
·Mayor Tory has launched SwimTO, a quick-start program that will expedite the opening of the City’s beaches, outdoor pools, wading pools and splash pads.
oCity staff are preparing now so that outdoor aquatic amenities can be opened when Toronto enters Stage 2 of Ontario’s re-opening. For more information, please click here.
·The City of Toronto will begin to offer summer camps starting on July 13 as part of the CampTO initiative.
·ActiveTO, now delivers 65 kilometres of Quiet Streets along 32 neighbourhood routes across Toronto.
o Quiet Streets are shared space to allow residents to maintain physical distancing, while getting around on neighbourhood streets. Signage and temporary barricades are placed at intersections to encourage slow, local vehicle access only so the roadway can be a shared space that welcomes people who walk, run or bike as an alternative to riding transit.
o For more information Read more..
o CampTO will offer more than 32,000 registered camp spaces for children between the ages of 6 and 12, over eight weeks of camps at approximately 150 locations across the city. For more information, please click here.
Government of Ontario
·The Ontario government has developed a plan for the gradual and safe resumption of in-person instruction at postsecondary institutions for the summer term
o Starting in July 2020, limited in-person education and training may restart for students who were not able to graduate due to COVID-19 closures. The first phase will allow institutions to re-open to provide in-person instruction in essential, frontline and high labour market demand areas, such as nursing, personal support workers, engineering, and other critical professions.
o In September, all students will have the opportunity to attend postsecondary education through virtual learning, in-class instruction or hybrid formats
o The limited summer re-opening will help individual institutions prepare for the fall term by ensuring proper health and safety protocols are in place. The Province is developing a framework to be released in the coming days, which will provide guidance on the summer re-opening and on health and safety measures
o Publicly assisted colleges and universities, Indigenous Institutes, private career colleges and other postsecondary education institutions may participate in this voluntary re-opening
o In order to maintain Ontario's position as a global leader in higher education and research, the government will also begin working on a digital and academic modernization framework this summer
Government of Canada
·58% of COVID-19 cases in Canada have been recovered
·Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade, announced that the Government of Canada has partnered with the People Outside Safely Together (POST) Promise program, an initiative launched by Canadian private sector organizations to help businesses across the country reopen safely.
·The “POST Promise” is a voluntary commitment that business owners and managers can make by following five key public health actions that will help prevent the spread of COVID-19: maintaining physical distance; washing and sanitizing hands; cleaning and disinfecting regularly; staying home if unwell and self-monitoring for symptoms; practising respiratory etiquette (including wearing a mask when physical distancing is difficult).
·By displaying the “POST Promise” logo, participating businesses can reassure customers that they are doing their part to help protect Canadians’ health and safety.
·Business owners are encouraged to use the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance, and the interest-free $40,000 loan and the free hotline for businesses.
Jim Karygiannis,
Councillor, Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt
3850 Finch Ave E G7
Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6
(416) 392 1374 Phone
(647) 723 0287 Fax
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