- 16,419宗累計確診病例
- 58宗當日新增病例
- 住院患者24人
- 累計死亡1,176人
- 累計康復14,758人
· 在本市Passmore大道、McNicoll大道、Huntingwood路和Progress大道的公路―鐵路立體化項目;
· 以及在本市Havendal路上立體多用途交叉口封路項目。
安省喪親家庭聯會(多倫多) 每年舉辦一年一度的蝴蝶放生活動,為當地居民提供以放生蝴蝶的方式緬懷他們所愛之人的機會。今年,參與者可以選擇親身參加並親自放生蝴蝶,或者在線加入並請安省喪親家庭聯會(多倫多)代表他們放生蝴蝶。
所需蝴蝶可在安省喪親家庭聯會(多倫多)網站訂購,亦可致電416 440 0290 x 102與之聯絡。
September 8, 2020 – E-Newsletter
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
- 16,419 total cases
- 58 new cases since yesterday
- 24 hospitalized
- 1,176 deaths
- 14,758 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health.
Slow Down! Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) cameras issue more than 22,000 tickets during first month of operation
With the new school year commencing today, I would like to remind everyone to drive to and from school safely and within posted speed limits. The City’s 50 ASE cameras are now fully operational throughout Toronto and will catch offenders who do not obey posted speed limits.
The Automated Speed Enforcement program aims to increase road safety, reduce speeding and raise public awareness about the need to slow down and obey posted speed limits. 50 cameras are installed city-wide on local, collector and arterial roads in Community Safety Zones near schools. Each ward has two ASE cameras. Between July 6 and August 5, one month following the start of issuing tickets, the speed cameras issued a total of 22,301 tickets.
More information about the program and a map of all locations is available by clicking here.
GO Expansion Program - Transit Project Assessment Process (Stouffville Line)
Metrolinx is committed to improving the GO Rail Network to bring 15-minute, two-way electrified service to core parts of the rail network through the GO Expansion Program. One project going through the current Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) is the Stouffville Line’s various grade separation projects, including (in Ward 22):
· Road-rail grade separations at Passmore Avenue, McNicoll Avenue, Huntingwood Drive and Progress Avenue in the City of Toronto; and
· Road closure with a grade-separated multi-use crossing at Havendale Road in the City of Toronto.
For more information, please click here.
Bereaved Families of Ontario – Toronto - Annual Butterfly Release
Each year, the Bereaved Families of Ontario - Toronto hosts the Annual Butterfly Release to offer residents an opportunity to release a butterfly in memory of their loved ones. This year, participants will have the choice of attending in person and releasing the butterfly themselves, or joining virtually and having us release it on their behalf.
Butterflies can be ordered online at the BFO - Toronto website or by phoning BFO Toronto at 416 440 0290 ext. 102.