- 16,477宗累計確診病例
- 58宗當日新增病例
- 住院患者26人
- 累計死亡1,176人
- 累計康復14,794人
· 自9月14日起,多倫多法院服務部將分階段重新開放,並將於9月28日開始安排更多遠程無需開庭的聆訊。
o 自即日起,民眾可向位於1530 Markham 路,2700 Eglinton 西路,以及60 Queen 西路的法院服務台的提交預約申請。
o 民眾可通過發送電子郵件至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.預約。需在主題欄寫明 “預約”。亦可致電416-338-7320預約。 預約時間會在1至2周后。
· 本市秋季休閒娛樂活動和12月的假期夏令營由9月12日(星期六)開始登記,下周繼續進行。
o 9月9日、10日、11日、和14日可延長服務時間,早8時至晚7時,請致電客服416-396-7378。
o 士嘉堡地區將於9月13日(星期日)早7時開始登記。
o 在登記前,居民需要首先確認哪個地區將會恢復所希望報名參加的休閒娛樂活動。點擊此連結可查詢登記地區。
· 省府正在提供高達13億元的關鍵支援,併為全省各地校園安全重開,分發3700萬份個人防護裝備。
· 省府將實施的公共衛生章程如下:
o 每日離家前,家長必須對學生進行篩查,所有教職員工亦必須每日自我檢查。師生若感覺不適,必須留在家裡。
o 若校內出現任何疑似或確診病例,校方必須立即向當地公共衛生部門彙報。教育局必須每日向省教育廳彙報當地有無因確診病例而導致師生缺勤。
o 在校內,包括在樓道,學校入口或在上課期間,所有4至12年級學生必須佩戴面部遮蓋物(非醫用或布料口罩)。 儘管沒有要求4年級以下學生佩戴面部遮蓋物,但依然鼓勵佩戴。
o 校方要教導並提醒學生正確洗手,並提供課間休息方便學生洗手。教職工亦將接受更多健康與安全培訓。
o 學生在校期間,校方將儘可能確保學生僅和同組同學和教師接觸。
o 校方將極力限制訪客入校,哪怕是家長亦不例外。
o 校方將嚴格保存每日出勤學生名單,座位表,乘車學生名單,每日獲准訪校者名單(如代課/臨時教師或保潔人員),以便追蹤病毒與接觸者。
· 省政府已逐步重新開放省內所有24個學徒與職業資格認證中心。學徒及行業熟手現在可在當地學徒培訓中心預約資格認證考試。
September 9, 2020 – COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 cases reported in Toronto
- 16,477 total cases
- 58 new confirmed cases
- 26 people hospitalized
- 1,176 deaths
- 14,794 recovered
Full details from Toronto Public Health
City of Toronto
· The City of Toronto Court Services is beginning a phased reopening starting September 14 and will schedule additional remote non-trial hearings starting September 28.
o Effective today, residents can submit appointment requests for Court Services counters at 1530 Markham Rd., 2700 Eglinton Ave. W. and 60 Queen St. W.
o Appointments can be booked by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and including the word "Appointment" in the subject line. Appointments may also be booked by phone at 416-338-7320. Appointments will be booked for 1-2 weeks later.
· Registration for City of Toronto fall recreation programs and December holiday camps starts Saturday, September 12 and continues next week.
o Extended service hours are available by calling customer service at 416-396-7378 from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm on September 9, 10, 11 and 14.
o Registration begins 7:00 am on Sunday, September 13 for the Scarborough area.
o Residents are asked to confirm the district that their desired programs are running in before registration starts. Registration districts can be found by clicking here.
Government of Ontario
· The Provincial Government is providing up to $1.3 billion in critical supports and has delivered more than 37 million pieces of PPE to safely reopen schools in Ontario.
· The following public health protocols will be implemented in schools:
o Parents must screen their children and all staff must self-screen every day before attending school. Students and staff who are unwell must stay home.
o Schools must immediately report any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the school to their local public health unit. Every day, school boards must report any staff or student absences due to confirmed cases of COVID-19 to the ministry.
o Students in Grades 4-12 will be required to wear face coverings (non-medical or cloth masks) indoors in school, including in hallways, entrances and during classes. Face coverings are not required but encouraged for students up to Grade 3.
o Schools will teach and remind students about appropriate hand hygiene and provide breaks in schedules to allow students to wash their hands. Teachers and staff are also receiving additional health and safety training.
o Students will remain with the same group of children and teachers as much as possible throughout the school day.
o Schools will significantly limit visitors, including parents.
o Schools will keep rigorous daily class attendance records, seating charts, lists of bussed students, and approved daily visitors (e.g. supply and occasional teachers, custodians) for contact-tracing purposes.
· The Provincial Government has gradually reopened all 24 provincial centers for apprenticeship and trade-related certifications. Apprentices and skilled tradespeople can now book their final exams at their local apprenticeship.